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US plans full troop withdrawal from Afghanistan by 2016-end


Oct 21, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
WASHINGTON DC: The United States plans to reduce its troop presence in Afghanistan to below the 10,000 troop level this year and to completely end its military intervention in the country by the end of 2016, a senior official said Tuesday.

President Barack Obama was expected to announce the plan, which remains conditional to the Afghan government agreeing to sign a joint security agreement with its US ally, later in the day.

“We will only sustain a military presence after 2014 if the Afghan government signs the Bilateral Security Agreement,” the senior administration official told reporters. “Assuming a BSA is signed, at the beginning of 2015, we will have 9,800 US service members in different parts of the country, together with our NATO allies and other partners,” the official continued. “By the end of 2015, we would reduce that presence by roughly half, consolidating US troops in Kabul and on Bagram Airfield. “And one year later, by the end of 2016, we will draw down to a normal embassy presence with a security assistance office in Kabul, as we have done in Iraq.” Obama visited US forces in Afghanistan on Sunday, and spoke briefly by telephone with outgoing Afghan leader Hamid Karzai, who is due to step down this year after a June election run-off. Both candidates in that run-off vote, Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani, have indicated they would sign the security agreement proposed by Washington if elected president. Around 51,000 US-led NATO troops are currently deployed in Afghanistan supporting Kabul in its fight against Taliban rebels, who launched a fierce insurgency after being ousted from power in 2001.

US plans full troop withdrawal from Afghanistan by 2016-end – The Express Tribune


Last year they said they will keep upto 10k troops till 2024 But with the possible win of Abdullah Abdullah,Which is suppose to sign the BSA.They now want Complete troops withdrawal by 2016 end even if BSA is signed

May be they never wanted to stay in Afghanistan till 2024
The slated withdrawal is 2016 which is right smack dab during the Presidential election. Which means this might be used as a vote gaining point by the Democrats or they might leave it be for the next government to deal with the issue.
That time they would kill another high valued terrorist and have the excuse to extend it to beyond that year !

Naive pakistanis will believe whatever they want to believe :lol:
That time they would kill another high valued terrorist and have the excuse to extend it to beyond that year !

Naive pakistanis will believe whatever they want to believe :lol:

Kiddo , the Govt of Pakistan or Pakistanis didn't issue this statement . Possibly it would do you good to read the original statement instead of trying to score brownie points .

The wording is very clear yet you are reading things which do not exist . Scotoma , much?
That time they would kill another high valued terrorist and have the excuse to extend it to beyond that year !

Naive pakistanis will believe whatever they want to believe :lol:

after US leaves , whose under wear you are going hide in next , that's what you should be worrying about
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