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US Planning to Snatch Pakistan's Nukes

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well one question pakistan has to ask what they gain after 1947 and answer is nothing just lost and loss

why just because of pakistan leaders and pakistan army .

Pakistan has not 'loss and loss' since 1947 - try reading about Pakistan outside of distorted Indian textbooks and media.

Compare Pakistan's development, industrial, economic, scientific and various other indicators in 2011 and 1947, and then tell me how 'Pakistan has loss and loss since 1947'.
The nuclear weapons are not 'a single', one unit assembly that can be taken away just like that. Pakistan's nukes are not lying 'assembled' at one location - the warhead is in one facility, the guidance system in another, the launcher in another, the delivery vehicle in another. That is the 'beauty' of the system. It's a totally 'different' ballgame than penetrating an air-base. Nukes are not stored in one facility, & the US does not have the locations for many secret locations. Then there are uranium/plutonium enrichment sites as well, & production sites as well the US doesn't know about.
I have a counter argument
The reaction time in case of an attack from india will be in minutes. In that case the assumption that nuclear weapons will be different places is difficult to swallow. THe most likely case is that you will have a good number of them assembled and even connected to stand by fighters with pilot in cockpit. In some kind of rotation system. Since india has second strike policy we will definitely adopt that method. I dont think pakistani thinkers will always expect india to strike second. We can always simulate a less lethal first like pak launched tactical nuke attack in thar desert 10 people died .
Americans as we all know cowards they only go to fight countries that have been weakend by UN sanctions etc first. They cant even handle a bunch of blokes wearing slippers and pyjamas. COWARDS is what they are.
while it may be music and dreams for people like indian, i dont think it will ever be possible

nuclear status is a pride for the nation....the Army wont allow it, nor will the people
Hey you trolls and haters give it a rest alright really go somewhere else and troll jerks.
from: US, Pakistan heading towards confrontation over N-arms, FMCT issues | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

WASHINGTON: The United States and Pakistan are heading towards yet another confrontation, perhaps consequentially more devastating than all previous disputes, as the Obama administration prepares to persuade Islamabad to halt the production of nuclear bomb materials.

Recent reports in the US media suggest that the UN General Assembly in New York next month will be the venue for this new push and the US has the blessings of four declared nuclear powers for its move.

Also on Wednesday, the NBC News channel reported that the US was preparing for “the worst-case scenario of attempting to snatch Pakistan`s 100-plus nuclear weapons if it feared they were about to fall into the wrong hands”.

The channel quoted former president Pervez Musharraf as warning that this “would be a disastrous miscalculation, as such an incursion would lead to `total confrontation` between the United States and Pakistan”.

Current and former US officials, however, told NBC News that “ensuring the security of Pakistan`s nuclear weapons has long been a high national security priority, even before the Sept 11 terrorist attacks, and that plans have been drawn up for dealing with worst-case scenarios in Pakistan”.

But the expected confrontation in New York has nothing to do with any secret plan to snatch Pakistan`s nukes. The United States will launch an open move with support from other powers to force Pakistan to sign the Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty.

The US media reported that the Obama administration had won China`s support for finalising the FMCT. At a recent conference in Paris, Russia, France and Britain all declared nuclear powers like China also supported the US plan.

It is, however, not clear if China would back the move to cap Pakistan`s nuclear capability and thus allow India to become the sole nuclear power in South Asia.

The US and its allies are seeking an agreement by September and then go to the UN General Assembly with a joint plan for starting talks on the FMCT.

So far Pakistan has successfully resisted all international pressure to endorse the FMCT, warning that it would boycott any process to negotiate a US-backed treaty outside the deadlocked UN Conference on Disarmament (UNCD).

The Geneva-based UNCD is the sole negotiating forum for multilateral disarmament but the treaty has been stalled in the conference for 12 years, with Pakistan as the sole holdout against negotiations.

The US move aims at creating a new forum where it can persuade Pakistan to sign the FMCT.

“Our preference is to negotiate an FMCT within the Conference on Disarmament, but that body has been deadlocked by Pakistan,” US Under-secretary of State Ellen Tauscher told a seminar on July 28 in Lafayette, California.

“Thus the US is joining with other key countries to start preparations for a Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty elsewhere until the conference can get down to work,” she said. Pakistan`s acting representative to the UN, Raza Bashir Tarar, last week told a General Assembly meeting in New York that his country “will not join any such process nor would it consider accession to the outcome of any such process”.

To deal with increasing international pressure to stop the production of fissile material, Pakistan tried unsuccessfully to enter into a nuclear agreement with the US similar to the one Washington has signed with India. The deal with the US has paved the way for India to get recognition as a nuclear power without signing the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

The United States has rejected Pakistan`s request, pointing out that the discovery of a network of nuclear proliferators, headed allegedly by Dr A. Q. Khan, disqualifies Pakistan for any deal.

“Pakistan`s objections reflect its existential fear of nuclear archrival India,” noted the Bloomberg news agency in an article on the US move to persuade Pakistan to sign the FMCT.

The report quoted statistics released by the Washington-based Arms Control Association which says that India has enough plutonium for about 140 bombs. Pakistan has enough plutonium and uranium for 100 bombs.
^^^ Very simple solution to the problem: tell India to stop enriching uranium, Pakistan will do the same.
Pakistan`s acting representative to the UN, Raza Bashir Tarar, last week told a General Assembly meeting in New York that his country “will not join any such process nor would it consider accession to the outcome of any such process”.
So basically he told them to go f..k themselves.

We will sign it ... only if india does.
^^^ Very simple solution to the problem: tell India to stop enriching uranium, Pakistan will do the same.

That assumes a policy of parity, which may not be the case.
Agnostic Muslim is right...

No Army wants to put themselves at the risk of a nuclear war...but they are the very same weapons which prevent 2 enemies from starting a war.

If it wasn't for nukes,India would've attacked in 2002 and 2008-9...
I have a counter argument
The reaction time in case of an attack from india will be in minutes. In that case the assumption that nuclear weapons will be different places is difficult to swallow. THe most likely case is that you will have a good number of them assembled and even connected to stand by fighters with pilot in cockpit. In some kind of rotation system. Since india has second strike policy we will definitely adopt that method. I dont think pakistani thinkers will always expect india to strike second. We can always simulate a less lethal first like pak launched tactical nuke attack in thar desert 10 people died .

When the tensions escalate between India and Pakistan and cross a certain threshold...Pakistan mobilizes its nukes.
This option was partially used in 1999 and in 2008.

And staging a nuclear attack is not easy.
Agnostic Muslim is right...

No Army wants to put themselves at the risk of a nuclear war...but they are the very same weapons which prevent 2 enemies from starting a war.

If it wasn't for nukes,India would've attacked in 2002 and 2008-9...

hey seeba bro... Do you think it will be possible for US to do so..We know about the covert Ops to kill Osama where US was successful in doing so.. obviously its no the same when there over 100 nukes ..What if US does that.. wht if they are able to capture this N sites ..wht will Pak do.. A war with US is far fetched......
^^^ Very simple solution to the problem: tell India to stop enriching uranium, Pakistan will do the same.

India only enriches Uranium for nuclear power plants only small amounts for weapons.... Rather we enrich plutonium(most of fission bombs in India use plutonium) and have facilities manufacturing Tritium on a large scale(Industrial) for our Thermo nuclear bombs(Hydrogen Bombs)..... and it might surprise you but that plant is the only tritium manufacturing plant in the whole world last one was closed by US in 1988...... other countries manufacture tritium only on laboratory scale.

We would continue to enrich Uranium available to us as it is required for the 1st stage of our Nuclear power production plan..... the Second stage includes FBRs and the third Tritium hence they would continue production/enrichment on large scale as it serves the plan deviced by Dr. Bhabha about Energy self sufficiency of India.
hey seeba bro... Do you think it will be possible for US to do so..We know about the covert Ops to kill Osama where US was successful in doing so.. obviously its no the same when there over 100 nukes ..What if US does that.. wht if they are able to capture this N sites ..wht will Pak do.. A war with US is far fetched......

The most US can do is destroy the sites using Bunker-busters,which too cannot penetrate into mountains effectively.

If an assault is conducted,it would require ground support at a large scale,because Pakistan army can simply surround the area and shoot down the Helis.Also,they will have to take care of PAF,which will be rushing to these areas.

Given the above scenario,it is simply impossible to snatch Pakistani nukes without risking a full-scale war...unless some corrupt leaders decide to give them up themselves.
So that cat is coming out of the hat now... the drama started from 9/11 and systematically it has came to the one and only thing.. Pakistan's Nukes!

It has been widely understood in circles which think 'out of the box' that this whole mumbo jumbo of 9/11, 7/7, Iraq and Afghan war was solely for one purpose and one purpose only, destabilize Pakistan, the only Muslim country that can respond and retaliate any invader.. Other Muslim countries, ignorant of all this scenario and indulged in their 'sharab kabab' are going to become the next target for this 'global village' scheme of one international government, one international parliament and one international bank.

It is no coincidence that suddenly, after 9/11, Pakistan's internal problems escalated, terrorists poured in, TTP got formed, BLA originated and problems in Karachi trifolded.. It should be taken seriously that continuous international pressure on Pakistan is resulting in agitation escalating on both sides.. US, true to her own interests is going on with their agenda and Pakistan, as one would rightly do, is trying to protect itself.. The puppet government can only do so much for US.. Next comes the Army and civilians, and that would be a tough nut to crack for the US and its allies..

If there is an attempt to 'nick-or-destroy' Pakistan's nukes, it will result in full frontal war.. and it won't be like Iraq or Afghanistan.. It would be disastrous, this Army and this nation is trained in wars, it has fought 3 (4 if you count the soviet war) and has survived in them.. As someone so rightly said, any such attack would result in the world making the biggest mistake of this time.. Pakistanis can ignore their own people stabbing them, they can fight as much as they want with each other.. but against a foreign invasion, we will unite in a second.. time has proven it again and again.. so if the US wants, dare to try it..

Just my two cents..
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