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US-Pakistan ties and apology

muhammad ali ehsan


New Recruit

Oct 30, 2009
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WHY is it so difficult for President Obama to apologise, express regret for an action that went wrong? Is there any regret?

Our ambassador rightly says that it is the death of our soldiers at the hands of our friends and not enemies that has caused immense pain to the people of Pakistan.

For President Obama to apologise or us to manage an apology is only a symbolic gesture; only a temporary cure for an eternal sickness with which US-Pakistan relationship suffers.

The real cause of sickness is the inability of both the states to correctly define our existing and proposed long-term relationship. It is not friendship. It can be if US stops acting like an unstoppable power that can do as it likes in/outside and about Pakistan and thinks it cannot only get away with it but can further coerce and threaten Pakistan with what more can follow.

This is not friendship. This is intimidation and forced submission. The policy of imposing its will on a state it considers has little alternatives is not a policy that will ever translate into a friendship. As far as Pakistan is concerned, weak must endure as it must but for how long?

The US may be able to again impose its will on the Pakistani government but can it afford to have a friendly government and ‘unfriendly people’. Today the biggest question in the minds of the people of Pakistan is: is US a friend? Why people ask this question is no mystery?

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