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US-Pakistan relations on the mend thanks to reward offer

Either Taliban join the Afghan Govt or not but Pakistan should show the sincere effort, and mean while keep an eye on india if india try to sabotage by some proxy to further strenghten pakistan's case, i know pakistan already lost a control on Taliban but come what may pakistan has to do the efforts for Afghan peace infront of U.S. and i beleive pak army and agency can do the best effort. Lets not talk about the result becuase we dont know either taliban would join afghan govt or not but efforts should be visible to fight our case internationally.

If by "sincere" effort you mean Pakistan should work against Afghan Taliban,then NO Pakistan should not be sincere.

Why should we start a war against Afghan Taliban,who has not hurt us,for the sake of America?

It's time American become sincere in its dealing with Pakistan.Handover TTP leader to Pakistan immediately.

We love to criticize others but hardly analyze our short comings at first place. Why will US care about Pakistani interest, they will always think what suits them and their allies best. For now, they do not consider us their allies just like we don't consider them. That Fazullah should had been nabbed here in Pakistan by our security forces and by the year 2008. You easily provided him as their proxy against Pakistanis.

Pakistan did everything to NAB him,but his master were able to save him and transfer him to Afghanistan.

And he was created by CIA,RAW and NDS.

Before criticizing our favorite villain, US, question should be asked from our leaders both militarily and civilians, why was Fazullah and his comrades were allowed to escape to Afghanistan at first place ? APS and perhaps BB's murder would had never occurred if we would had taken the TTP threat seriously. Media (Ansar Abbasi types) and political leaders like Imran Khan were instrumental in creating perceptions about these militants as "bhutkhey huay musalman". Also rtd Gen. Kiyani never completed his job where after Swat success, North Waziristan operation was never started until Raheel took charge.

BB murder was done by the PPP elites.Look who benefited the most from her murder.

The whole media and political elites were responsible for the rise of TTP, by spreading lies and propaganda against Pak Army.

The reasons of Gen Kiyani not starting operation in NW are:
  • Because he did not had enough resources for the NW operation.
  • They were still consolidating gains in SWAT and other tribal agencies,which were to be used as launching pad for NW operation.
  • At the start of SWAT operation,the morale in the army was very low so he put maximum effort and resource in uplifting the morale,especially for the enlisted ranks. Many social welfare project and programes were started for the enlisted ranks during his time.He even stopped the new GHQ project and transferred that money for the soldiers of PAk Army.
  • At that time Karachi was under the Terrorist-Criminal Mafia.And if he had started the NW operation without cleaning Karachi,then the terrorist would have retaliated in Karachi.As they had strong connection with Criminal Mafia.
  • Most of the IDP's had not returned to the cleared area.Resources was need to look after them in the camps.
  • Again resources were needed to start development in the cleared areas.
  • The political elites were against the operation.
  • And he knew that if he started the operation he won't even see the completeion of first stage of operation,as he had only few month left.
  • So he did the smart thing.Prepared everything needed for the operation,and handed over the command to the new Army chief.So,that the new Army chief should launch the operation in the way he sees fit.Because every Chief has his own way of doing things.Do you know how much of the problem it would have created if he had started the Operation and mid-operation handed over the command?It would have disaster.
Ur post makes no sense what pak has got to do wid afghan talibs and usa and how afghan talibs negotiating with usa will help pak improve ties with russia,china and pluto.

Atleast do write logical explanations.

As of negotiations between afghan talibs and usa then many times these had been planned and talibs agreed but those talks were always averted by usa by killings talib convoys, family members.

But then again ur post makes no sense abt pak russia and china relations we already have good ties with them.

As you said pakistan already has good ties with china and with Russia too So lets not talk about Russia and china.

But as you know that pakistan does not have ties and good relation with afghanistan and U.S because both blame on pakistan about cross border terrorism so my whole point is pakistan should show the sincere effort infornt of U.S either Afghan Taliban join or not it's not our headache. But atleast we would have a good image infront of U.S and Afghanistan which can lead us toward good relationship with both and it's also necessary to get rid of the FATF listing.

We dont know either Afghan Taliban would join or not. But if Taliban would Negociate with Afghan Govt and demand the same U.S withdrawal it's also not a pakistan's headache. Pakistan will be cleared by showing her efforts.

If Afghan Taliban would keep on ignoring the negociation with Afghan Govt then pakistan will be definally put in FATF. And that's what pakistan cant afford specially if pakistan will has to deal with IMF too.

That's why this is an opportunity for us to atleast show the sincere effort which can not only lead us toward good relation with both U.S and afghanistan but also we will be able to fight our case internationally.

@PAKjunoon Have i said pakistan should fight? I didn't mean it. When afghan Govt and U.S dont wanna fight but negociate then there is no sense for pakistan to fight with Afghan taliban. I just meant an effort of negociation.

After all the withdrawal of U.S depands on Taliban's concern whether they stick with their demand or not, it's taliban choice as a soil owner, No one can do about it.
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