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US-Pakistan relations on the mend thanks to reward offer


Nov 26, 2016
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RAHIMULLAH YUSUFZAI | Published — Monday 12 March 2018
US-Pakistan relations on the mend thanks to reward offer
Twitter: @rahimyusufzai1

The United States has started making a determined effort to address Pakistan’s long-standing grievances by offering reward money for information on three top Pakistani Taliban commanders currently based in Afghanistan.
Last week’s move could not only placate Islamabad, but also bring it under pressure to consider deeper cooperation with Washington and Kabul to restore peace and stability in Afghanistan. Both the US and Afghanistan have been asking Pakistan to use its influence over the Afghan Taliban leadership to persuade it to hold peace talks with the Afghan government or take action against those who insist on continuing the war. Until now, Pakistan’s consistent reply has been that it doesn’t have decisive influence on the Taliban leaders to make them change their policy of refusing direct talks with the Afghan government until there has been a complete withdrawal of US-led foreign forces from Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s Feb. 28 invitation to the Taliban for peace talks and an offer to recognize the group as a legitimate political organization could contribute to the prospects of initiating an Afghan-owned peace process. Taken unaware by Ghani’s generous offer, the Taliban’s formal reply is still awaited.
Though the US has in the past carried out drone strikes in both Afghanistan and Pakistan to kill Pakistani Taliban members, its decision to go after the three top militants could help stop any further deterioration in the relations between Islamabad and Washington. It could also prompt the two to work with each other in the war against terrorism instead of at cross purposes.

America’s decision to go after three top Taliban militants could prompt Washington and Islamabad to work with each other in the war against terrorism instead of at cross purposes.

Rahimullah Yusufzai

The US State Department announced a $5 million reward for information leading to the capture of Mullah Fazlullah, the head of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, the group that has spearheaded a violent campaign against Pakistan since December 2007 to punish it for joining the US-led war on terror. Under its previous heads, Baitullah Mehsud and Hakimullah Mehsud, who were both killed in earlier US drone strikes, the TTP controlled large tracts of territory in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, the Malakand division and Swat before suffering defeat at the hands of the Pakistani military in massive operations launched from 2009 to 2014. Fazlullah and his fighters escaped to neighboring Afghanistan in the summer of 2009 and are now reportedly based in Kunar and Nuristan provinces.

Rewards of $3 million each were also announced by the US for information on Abdul Wali, aka Omar Khalid Khorasani, leader of the Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a splinter faction of the TTP, and Mangal Bagh, head of the smaller militant group Lashkar-i-Islam. Pakistan has alleged that the three fugitive militants have built safe havens in eastern Nangarhar province and are using Afghan soil to launch terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

Fazlullah, Wali and Bagh are among the most-wanted men for Pakistan, which had already announced reward money for their capture and outlawed their groups. These organizations had claimed responsibility for some of the most horrendous terrorist attacks in Pakistan. Fazlullah’s TTP claimed the 2014 attack on an army-run school in Peshawar, in which 141 people, including 132 schoolchildren, were killed. It also claimed responsibility for the beheading of seven Pakistani soldiers in June 2012, the shooting of Malala Yousafzai in October 2012, and the failed bid by Pakistani-American Faisal Shahzad to detonate an explosive device in Times Square, New York, in May 2010. Among other attacks, Wali’s JUA was accused of killing two Pakistani employees of the US Consulate in Peshawar in March 2016, and Bagh’s men of attacking NATO supply convoys.

The reward offers came two days after a US drone strike on a compound in Kunar killed 21 TTP militants, including Fazlullah’s son Abdullah and suicide bombing trainer Ustad Yaseen. In other recent US drone attacks in Afghanistan, TTP deputy leader Khan Said Sajna and top operative Khalifa Umar Mansoor, the mastermind of the Peshawar school massacre, were killed in Paktika and Nangarhar provinces, respectively.

Those killings and the recent US move to offer reward money for Fazlullah, Wali and Bagh should take care of some of Pakistan’s concerns, though Islamabad will also want the US to help curtail arch-rival India’s influence in Afghanistan. Pakistan will need to take steps to address US concerns, particularly its demand to go after the Haqqani network, which was designated as a terrorist organization by Washington in 2012 after being held responsible for major terrorist attacks in the Afghan capital, Kabul. After a flurry of diplomatic visits and reassuring statements by Pakistan and the US that they wanted to continue efforts to improve relations, a thaw in the relationship is finally becoming visible despite President Donald Trump’s tough language against Islamabad last year.

Rahimullah Yusufzai is a senior political and security analyst in Pakistan. He was the first to interview Taliban founder Mullah Mohammad Omar and twice interviewed Osama Bin Laden in 1998. Twitter: @rahimyusufzai1

I am skeptical because this is merely blowing smoke by the yanks and nothing more. They chose to not take any action against them for close to a decade and turning an obvious blind eye to their activity. At the same time barking rabidly through media propaganda against Pakistan.

A little too late. Was is not so that Pakistan had provided the whereabouts to the location of fazlullah and the drone did not take him out?
Peace in Afghanistan and Pakistan cooperation must be conditional upon US withdrawal from Afghanistan. To put such a condition, Pakistan needs cooperation and alliance with Russia and China. Us must not be allowed to stay in Afghanistan forever.
The relationship is based on mutual black mail and begging bowl..its going no where!
What the yanks were doing when TTP was on rampage killing scores of Pakistani citizens? Now they have been more or less neutralised by Pakistan armed forces and their utility has become next to nothing. They want to get brownie points by smashing the near death snake they nurtured and fed.

Pakistani establishment would be fool if it fall for this. Pakistan needs to get the TTP leaders alive so they can be interrogated and whole chain of command be established.
Peace in Afghanistan and Pakistan cooperation must be conditional upon US withdrawal from Afghanistan. To put such a condition, Pakistan needs cooperation and alliance with Russia and China. Us must not be allowed to stay in Afghanistan forever.
Do you think that U.S needs presence in afghanistan forever to achieve regional benefits ?
believe me U.S does not need her presence forever. The best choice for U.S can be none of regional players but the taliban it self to acheive regional interest. I am talking about the taliban those are willing to join Afghan Govt. And those dont want to join they all will be killed in afghanistan and later in pakistan. But come what may Afghanistan's peace stability is must for whole region. Afghan Taliban must come to negociation table with Afghan Govt for Afghan prosperity.

U.S sawab hisil krny k lia ye sab nhi kary ga Q k US ko Afghanistan mai Amaan k sath sath Asro rasokh bhi chahia. Or ye baat pakistan or Afghan taliban ko achy se samjh leni chahia warna nhi tuo Afghan taliban k sath sath pakistan aisy hi pista rahy ga. Pakistan k lia ye buhat hi behtareen opportunity hai k na sirf U.S sy balky Russia, china or afghanistan sy bhi apny taluqat behtar bana sakta hai..
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US-Pakistan relation is a perfect example of on again, off again kinda romance. Pakistan needs to get rid of this cancer known as US. It eats up your roots and makes it hollow so the fall becomes inevitable.
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I am skeptical because this is merely blowing smoke by the yanks and nothing more. They chose to not take any action against them for close to a decade and turning an obvious blind eye to their activity. At the same time barking rabidly through media propaganda against Pakistan.

A little too late. Was is not so that Pakistan had provided the whereabouts to the location of fazlullah and the drone did not take him out?
Bro, your assessment is misplaced.

Contrary to popular belief, Pakistan demonstrated half-hearted efforts to curb TTP prior to Operation Rah-e-Nijat (2009). Pakistani establishment offered terms of peace to TTP several times since its inception. Learn from here: https://ctc.usma.edu/reviewing-pakistans-peace-deals-with-the-taliban/

Why would they take action against an entity (i.e. TTP) when we were not coherent in our dealings with terrorists?

US have assassinated scores of TTP agents since 2009, starting with Baitullah Mehsud. The latter was the founding father of the movement and its most fearsome commander - TTP was no longer the same after loss of Baitullah. Conversely, US provided lot of equipment to Pakistani armed forces, trained them in the art of COIN and would reimburse the costs of operations against terrorists by Pakistani armed forces from time-to-time.


PAK - US relationship blossomed for a while (2002 - 2009); it turned sour in post-Musharraf times.

We need a holistic and neutral assessment of developments in the region since 2001 and why PAK - US relations have turned sour.
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Bro, your assessment is misplaced.

US have assassinated scores of TTP agents since 2009, starting with Baitullah Mehsud. The latter was the founding father of the movement and its most fearsome commander - TTP was no longer the same after the loss of Baitullah. Conversely, US provided lot of equipment to Pakistani armed forces, trained them in the art of COIN and would reimburse the costs of operations against terrorists by Pakistani armed forces from time-to-time.

PAK - US relationship blossomed for a time (2002 - 2009); it turned sour in post-Musharraf times.

Contrary to popular belief, Pakistan demonstrated half-hearted efforts to curb TTP prior to Operation Rah-e-Nijat (2009). Pakistani establishment offered terms of peace to TTP several times since its inception. Learn from here: https://ctc.usma.edu/reviewing-pakistans-peace-deals-with-the-taliban/


We need a holistic and neutral assessment of developments in the region since 2001 and why PAK - US relations have turned sour.

just answer my original question here! Was is not so that Pakistan had provided the whereabouts to the location of fazlullah and the drone did not take him out?
just answer my original question here! Was is not so that Pakistan had provided the whereabouts to the location of fazlullah and the drone did not take him out?
You need to provide more details.
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