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US officials offered Iranian engineer cash to take down Tehran’s power grid: Report


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US officials offered Iranian engineer cash to take down Tehran’s power grid: Report
Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:14AM [Updated: Sat Mar 16, 2019 05:30AM ]
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A report says US officials offered Iranian engineer cash to take down Tehran’s power grid.

Middle East commentator and analyst Sharmine Narwani, a former senior associate at Oxford University, has claimed that an Iranian-American engineer was offered money by US officials to conduct a sabotage mission targeting the power grid of Tehran, Iran's capital city.

Narwani revealed on Thursday that the engineer, a friend of hers whom she did not name for security reasons, was approached twice by “US State Department employees” following Iran's 2009 post-election unrest and was offered $250,000 to carry out the operation.

The agents allegedly described the operation as “very simple”, demanding that the engineer go to a specific area in Tehran and apply a specific code in a communication device during his upcoming trip to the city.

The engineer, however, allegedly declined to carry out the operation and ultimately notified Narwani in 2010.

Speaking to Narwani, the engineer had also expressed shock that US officials knew of his planned trip to Tehran and also knew that he was “cash-strapped" at the time.

Narwani explained her initial acquaintance with the Iranian engineer by saying that she and her Iranian-American husband "ran an internet company in the telecommunications industry in Washington years ago and I was a founding member of the Iranian-American Technology Council."

The journalist further wrote that she discussed the matter with "a colleague with an engineering background" who explained that the code could have been used to hack or deactivate power grids "governed by electronic or computer systems."

"You don’t have to physically be there if you can hack into it, but that’s of course harder. If they (the Americans) needed to have someone physically there during the sabotage attempt, it probably means they didn’t have remote access to the system,” the engineer added.

Narwani said that she sought to publicize the revelations after news spread about similar suspected sabotage operations targeting Venezuela's power grid this month.

Last week, an overheating incident knocked out Venezuela's main hydroelectric dam, causing a widespread and ongoing electrical blackout, affecting 23 of the country’s 24 states.

PressTV-'Venezuela blackout sabotage move against Maduro govt.'
Political Commentator Isaac Bigio, says the crippling blackout in Venezuela is a US-backed sabotage attempt aimed to undermine the government of President Nicolas Maduro.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused the US of masterminding a “demonic” plot to destroy his country and force him from power by waging an “electromagnetic attack".

The heightening tension comes as opposition leader Juan Guaido declared himself “interim president” of Venezuela in January, vowing to topple Maduro.

The US has openly backed Guaido, imposing economic sanctions on Venezuela and confiscating the country's state oil assets based in the US to channel them to Guaido.

PressTV-Venezuela: US behind ‘terrorist’ attack on oil facility
Venezuela has blamed the US for a “terrorist attack” on an oil facility in the country.

Narwani, along with other Middle East pundits, have raised the prospect that the attacks on critical Venezuelan infrastructure may be related to an adoption of an earlier plan developed under the administration of former US president George W. Bush against Iran.

Known by its code-name “Nitro Zeus,” the New York Times first published details about the plan in 2016, claiming that the program sought to target Iranian electrical, communication and defense systems.

The report also claimed that the Obama administration had "seriously" considered carrying out the plan if nuclear negotiations with Iran at the time had failed.

Narwani believes details revealed to her by the mentioned Iranian-American engineer may have been part of the alleged sabotage program.

Israel and the US have been conducting numerous acts of sabotage targeting the Iranian people and the county's critical infrastructure over the past years.

PressTV-Ex-Israeli spy chief: Iran energy sector, next cyber target
Former Unit 8200 chief Ehud Schnerosen has referred to the energy sector as a "major pillar economy, state's cardiovascular system."

In 2011, the US and Israel conducted a cyber attack against the Iranian nuclear energy program.

Reporting the incident a year later, The Washington Post said the US National Security Agency (NSA), its spy service CIA, and Israel’s military had worked together to launch a malware dubbed Stuxnet against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Iran also claims the Israeli regime assassinated four of its nuclear scientists between 2010 and 2012.

The US, under President Donald Trump, along with its regional allies, has also sought to weaken Iran by imposing strict sanctions on the country and inciting unrest in the country.

In a public speech in December, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei stated that the US had, however, failed to achieve its objectives.

Ayatollah Khamenei stated that the Iranian nation has to remain vigilant as the US may seek similar plans in the upcoming year, despite its previously failed attempts.
The agents allegedly described the operation as “very simple”, demanding that the engineer go to a specific area in Tehran and apply a specific code in a communication device during his upcoming trip to the city.

Why would you need an engineer for that?
Ah so this communications device is located in some building owned by the electrical grid company in an area not easily accessible to the Iranian public.
any facility assosiate with power grid has it's own security personnel and it's not easy to acces them. in any country not only iran.
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we should have nukes and if USA did something like this , nuke them ....
Though the plots were prevented before the Iranians were potentially able to carry them out, Iran’s actions went far beyond the mere assembling of dossiers for potential future attacks, said this person. “These were cases where people had been assigned; plane tickets were purchased; weapons caches were in place. Plans were being activated. It had moved long past the written description.”

This was a “five alarm fire,” said this former intelligence official — highly anomalous and inconsonant with the behaviors of other hostile intelligence services like those of Russia or China. “The targeting of American intelligence officers was unique,” the former official said. “When this was happening the reaction was not, ‘Oh these things happen.’ There was shock, awe and surprise. The thought was, ‘The battlefield changes in an instant if this is true.’”

In one unnerving case after Witt’s defection, a U.S. intelligence official in Europe had to be evacuated in the middle of the night with their family because of Iranian operatives casing their home, said this person.

Now you are sounding like these brainless Pakistanis on this forum who urge its country to use nuclear weapons every time something happens. Don't make a fool of yourself.
The first phase of my suggestion need to have nukes .... Which we are divided in this issue ....
Wow, how can you stay objective and true to oneself while working for these agencies? I mean do they even ask themselves are we the good guys? I bet the answer is less and less affirmative. The U.S. used to stand for greater good in the world, it seems now it has become a maligned power working under the guise of good. I don't know how many civilians would have died but I estimate it to be in the tens of thousands. Probably Venezuelans are the test bed for this coming threat. I know that country is being decimated as I write this, all planned by the CIA. It's funny to me there are documentaries on tv about Islam, with such titles as "Why do they hate us", as if it the reasons are beyond logic. Red Cross estimates 600,000 Iraqi civilians are dead due to their bullshit war, another 100,000 Afghans are dead with zero result as far as the original mission is concerned. between 1.5 to 2 million are homeless and refugees now. If Iran was responsible for this kind of human tragedy I would hang my head in shame, I would protest and I would be angry at my government. But these guys wake in the morning and look in their child's eyes kiss them goodbye and go to work to do it all over again.
PS: If you guys are reading this let me admonish you in place of your family, friends and neighbors...shame on you all. You have nothing to be proud of....
It's nothing comparison to Stuxnet:

With control systems disabled by the virus, the reactor would have the force of a "small nuclear bomb," it said.
"The minimum possible damage would be a meltdown of the reactor," it says. "However, external damage and massive environmental destruction could also occur … similar to the Chernobyl disaster."​

If we were not capable to control and contain it then it could have turned to a new Chernobyl ... these people are so stupid ... & despite the fact that almost all important buildings in Tehran like hospitals are equipped with emergency PS still ramifications of this event was a lot on people lives..

sounds unbelievable story to me.
More than being targeted by Iran VEVAK?
I'm ready to give my life for officers of Iran's VEVAK. what an amazing job they're doing, just unbelievably cool.
God speed to these warriors and their families. May allah protect them and receive their work as "جهاد فی سبیل الله" inshallah.
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