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US navy completes first UAV carrier based landing

Lol, Americans invente nothing, your so call high tech are mostlyl invented by immigrante people, it should call "immigrant tech", every year U.S import over ten thousands of immigrants with high degree diplomats in Science and engineering, you Americans are only good to be lawyers and sue each other. And please dont add insult to injury, you pathetic Amercans can't even pin point the location of Tibet let alone of bragging of high tech achievement...you're nothing but a laugh stock of 21st century.
Then why do so many Chinese come to the US to learn, to work, to gain experience, and for many, to stay for good? By your argument, China with nothing but Chinese should be far ahead of the US in every field, right? :lol:
F-117 is too old, what Snowden provided China is better :azn:

Too old but still to advanced than anything you guys will make :police:

Hey idiot, they already have one


and our UCAV will fly in two years:)

Oh of course we've seen this happen before where the Russians build something sell it to the Chinese for them to "re-engineer" in other words take the Russian design and give it a chinese name we know how the Chinese took the SU-27 and turned into the J-11 even the ruskies themselves have had a spat with the chinese over this.

Whatever you the Russians or Chinese make will be substandard at the very least the only other country that has the UAV design ability other than us is Israel and maybe the Germans/British if they work together. You may have the production ability but not the same qualitative design elements
Very interesting, China and Russia 's UAV are designed and built by Chinese and Russian respectively, American's UAV are built by immigrants :lol:

You mean designed by the Russians sold to the Chinese who then it call their own get it right.

Yes, the natives are apparently very useless :rofl:

Not as useless as the drunk Russians who immigrate to brighton beach to work as toilet cleaners and walk the boardwalk half drenched in their urine.
You have nothing, no hard data to back that up. No one has ever done a comprehensive analysis of the ethnic origins, not just of notable figures in STEM, but also of the vast unnamed talents whose contributions helped those notable figures to their fame.

The fact that you think that the only way for technology to progress is through revolutionary breakthroughs when the reality is that progress is incremental and actually very boring under observation mean you are not the kind of immigrant we want in the US. I have no problem declaring right now that you have no experience in real world R/D and manufacturing to know better.

Would U.S dare to release the figure on % of immigrants that working in U.S high tech, defense sector or key position? this will not only put America on shame to relie on Immigrants on high tech work but prove American native are pretty much useless. For face saving and security reason, no nation is stupid enought to do that.

lovely now I'm lectured by another immigrant about how R/D work. :lol: Don't be so pretentious with your assumption, you know nothing about me.
Then why do so many Chinese come to the US to learn, to work, to gain experience, and for many, to stay for good? By your argument, China with nothing but Chinese should be far ahead of the US in every field, right? :lol:

They cam to learn "Immigrant" tech and not American tech,you see the difference? :smokin:

Too old but still to advanced than anything you guys will make :police:

Whatever you the Russians or Chinese make will be substandard at the very least the only other country that has the UAV design ability other than us is Israel and maybe the Germans/British if they work together. You may have the production ability but not the same qualitative design elements

lol American like to brag about Immigrant's qualitiative design when they can't even point the location of tibet.

You mean designed by the Russians sold to the Chinese who then it call their own get it right.

We mean American's UAV is immigrant tech :cool:
Would U.S dare to release the figure on % of immigrants that working in U.S high tech, defense sector or key position?
It is not the government's job to keep track of such. News for you, clueless one: Lockheed is a civilian company, so is Boeing, and so do most companies that have government contracts. If they chose to monitor the origins of their employees, that is their business. If they chose to record, monitor, and release that information, that is their business. But if they do so, then you would just use that to accuse the US of racial profiling any way. :lol:

this will not only put America on shame to relie on Immigrants on high tech work but prove American native are pretty much useless. For face saving and security reason, no nation is stupid enought to do that.
You are avoiding the issue, which is the implication that if somehow the US does not have any immigrants at all, the US would be the stupidest country in the world.

Fine...If that is your opinion. You are entitled to it.

But then you failed to explain why is it that China being pure Chinese is behind US in just about every major tech field.

Question: Why is China being pretty much pure Chinese is behind the US in every tech field IF the implication is that the US cannot achieve anything without immigrants?

lovely now I'm lectured by another immigrant about how R/D work. :lol: Don't be so pretentious with your assumption, you know nothing about me.
Based upon your posts about this subject so far, I know just enough to say that you are no smarter than the average American that you sneered at.

I have been to mainland China when I used to work for Micron Technology. What we called 'Technician' in the US, white or non-white, would be at least an 'Engineer 1' in any Chinese firm. What we called 'Engineer 1' in Micron would be a 'Senior Engineer' or 'Lead' in China. The standards at Intel, Micron Technology, Texas Instruments, Motorola, or several other major players in tech, are higher in comparisons to Chinese companies. In other words, higher standards means a lower title, but Americans still get more pay.

So yeah..In YOUR case with your obvious lack of critical thinking skill, I am not being pretentious but straightforward -- that despite being Chinese, you are AVERAGE.

Is that too painful? :lol:

^ I didnt try to avoid the issue, i already told you we chinese go to America to learn immigrant tech we're certainly not interested to learn how Americans BBQ or do hamberger.

When meeting with people spoken with intelligence, I will try do some effort before speaking, when meeting Idiots I use their own language and the language they understand...I dont' have problem that you label me as AVERAGE because I know for sure you don't know me: You can write your PHD thesis about me but you will never know me...simple as that.
^ I didnt try to avoid the issue, i already told you we chinese go to America to learn immigrant tech we're certainly not interested to learn how Americans BBQ or do hamberger.

When meeting with people spoken with intelligence, I will try do some effort before speaking, when meeting Idiots I use their own language and the language they understand...I dont' have problem that you label me as AVERAGE because I know for sure you don't know me: You can write your PHD thesis about me but you will never know me...simple as that.

America is an demographic mess, China, Russia and India will probably be leading the world's civilian domestic technology in the future. Immigrants that have H1B visa that work in the semi-conductor industry and sillicon valley are mostly South/East Asians and Eastern European. Anglo-Americans are being outsourced..
Naval Air Systems Command plans to keep flying the Northrop Grumman’s X-47B into 2014 as part of the Unmanned Combat Air System demonstration (UCAS-D) program, USNI News has learned.

The two unmanned test airframes — call signs Salty Dog 501 and Salty Dog 502 — were designated to be museum pieces after landing tests aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) concluded in mid-July.

But since the end of the landing phase of the program, NAVAIR now thinks it could put the two airframes through additional test flights, a Navy official told USNI News on Monday.

News of the additional test flights follows Sunday comments from NAVAIR’s program executive officer for unmanned aviation and strike weapons, Rear Adm. Mat Winter.

“I believe you will see continued operation of the X-47B — at least into the fiscal year 2014 time period,” Winter told Washington, D.C. television station WJLA on Sunday.
“As we go forward we are continuing to assess its operational opportunities.”

NAVAIR would not elaborate on the type of testing the X-47B will undertake.

In July, the Navy said it would conduct aerial refueling tests of the UCAS-D test program with surrogate aircraft with the same software and guidance systems.

NAVAIR told USNI News on Monday the refueling tests are moving ahead with surrogate aircraft not with X-47B.

Salty Dog 501 is currently at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Md. Salty Dog 502 is currently at the NASA installation on Wallops Island, Va. The X-47B diverted to the installation after an unsuccessful attempt to land onboard Bush in July.

The move from the comes ahead of a planned four-way competition between Northrop, Lockheed Martin, Boeing and General Atomics for the Navy’s next generation unmanned aerial vehicle — the Unmanned Carrier Launched Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) program.

The follow on to the UCAS-D program, the Navy plans to field UCLASS as primarily a surveillance platform operating from U.S. aircraft carriers by 2020.

NAVAIR plans to issue a draft UCLASS request for proposal later this month.

NAVAIR: X-47B to Fly Again | USNI News

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