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US Navy christens new Virginia-class attack submarine, USS Oregon


Sep 28, 2014
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United States
United States
US Navy christens new Virginia-class attack submarine - Naval Technology

The US Navy has christened its newest Virginia-class SSN 793 attack submarine as USS Oregon at Battleship Oregon Memorial in Portland, US.
US Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said: "Oregon holds a special place in the heart [of] the navy, not just because of its long history here, but also because of shared values, those of environmental consciousness, community and heritage.
"Sailors and marines, like the citizens of Oregon throughout history, are pioneers.
"Virginia-class submarines are designed with a reactor plant, which does not require refuelling during the scheduled life of the vessel."
"As we sail deeper into the 21st century, it is time for another USS Portland and another USS Oregon [and] time to keep those storied names alive in our navy and Marine Corps."
The next generation USS Oregon, the third naval vessel to bear the name, is aimed at providing the navy with the potential to maintain the nation's undersea dominance into the 21st century.
Virginia-class submarines are designed with a reactor plant, which does not require refuelling during the scheduled life of the vessel.
The new vessel will be built in collaboration between General Dynamics Electric Boat and Huntington Ingalls Industries' Newport News Shipbuilding unit, as part of a $17.6bn contract.
Catering to the latest mission requirements, including surface-ship warfare, anti-submarine and special operations support, the new submarine can be equipped with Mark 48 advanced-capability torpedoes, Tomahawk land-attack missiles and unmanned underwater vehicles.
It can also be deployed to for mine delivery and minefield mapping missions, in addition to the delivery of special forces.
Virginia is a good sub, but I think Astute is better when it comes to the sonar.
Virginia is a good sub, but I think Astute is better when it comes to the sonar.

The Astutes are great subs, but will be limited in their numbers as the UK doesn't need a force of 30. Also the Astutes will remain limited, despite upgrades seeing as how few more will be made, while the Virginias will increase in capability with each block and each previously made sub will be upgraded to the latest block thus increasing the capability of the total force. Fortunately there is little need to compare the subs of two allied nations.
The Astutes are great subs, but will be limited in their numbers as the UK doesn't need a force of 30. Also the Astutes will remain limited, despite upgrades seeing as how few more will be made, while the Virginias will increase in capability with each block and each previously made sub will be upgraded to the latest block thus increasing the capability of the total force. Fortunately there is little need to compare the subs of two allied nations.

yeah. I just envy the Brits they get the best performance out of having limited numbers.

-Type 45
-Sonar 2087

I look forward to the next blocks of Virginia
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