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US may deploy 3,000-4,000km range ballistic missile to Guam


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon plans to begin flight tests this year of two types of missiles that have been banned for more than 30 years by a treaty from which both the United States and Russia are expected to withdraw in August, defense officials said Wednesday.

The officials, who spoke to a small group of reporters under Pentagon ground rules that did not permit use of their names or titles, said one project is a low-flying cruise missile with a potential range of about 1,000 kilometers; the other would be a ballistic missile with a range of roughly 3,000 to 4,000 kilometers. Neither would be nuclear armed, the officials said.

The U.S. cruise missile is likely to be flight-tested in August, one official said, adding that it might be ready for deployment within 18 months. The longer-range ballistic missile is expected to be tested in November, with deployment not likely for five years or more, the official said. If Russia and the U.S. were to reach a deal to rescue the INF treaty before August, these projects would not go forward.

One defense official said it was possible that the intermediate-range ballistic missile could be deployed on Guam, a U.S. territory, which would be close enough to Asia to pose a potential threat to China and Russia.

already u.s submarines are deployed in region and china and russia are within range of tridents icbm so why they are now wasting money on this new deployment
already u.s submarines are deployed in region and china and russia are within range of tridents icbm so why they are now wasting money on this new deployment

Aint that good , they are wasting money :D
Its pomp & show of military power.
Current Champ always enters the ring with some flex moves
in order to get under the skin of underdog.
already u.s submarines are deployed in region and china and russia are within range of tridents icbm so why they are now wasting money on this new deployment
Force multiplier move.
this move can be made by investing in new technology rather than old missiles technology I think u.s entered in trap made by china and russia
US is ahead of other countries in terms of investing in new set-of-technologies, but this move does not diminish the value of investment in older methods of warfare which can be fruitful in certain situations. Of-course, US can develop (very advanced) ballistic missiles in MRBM and IRBM ranges, and send a message to any potential adversary that US is willing to employ 'asymmetric battlefield tactics' [of its own] as added bonus. US does not need these ballistic missiles to win a war, but no harm in utilizing them as tools of intimidation in a specific front.
US is ahead of other countries in terms of investing in new set-of-technologies, but this move does not diminish the value of investment in older methods of warfare which can be fruitful in certain situations. Of-course, US can develop (very advanced) ballistic missiles in MRBM and IRBM ranges, and send a message to any potential adversary that US is willing to employ 'asymmetric battlefield tactics' [of its own] as added bonus. US does not need these ballistic missiles to win a war, but no harm in utilizing them as tools of intimidation in a specific front.
US do lead in number of areas of military development but not conventional ballistic missile. This is where China excel or perhaps leading from rest of the world. China is the only country with 3000km to 4000km ASBM. Ballistic missile that can hit moving ships.
War mongering by employing offensive WMD. Eh.... 180° turn on Bush talking condemnig Sadam Ibn T.Donald.
It won't do you any good. Guam is tiny and will be obliterated within the first hours of a war. Intermediate range missiles need vast geographies in which to move and hide.

Good effort. I'm just kidding; it's a sorry effort, but it's good by your standards.

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