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US lawmakers seek NATO ally status for India

Well well, typically US-style diplomacy, when Pakistan was useful for fighting USSR they provided advanced F-16 and other aids, while India now seems more important for them to counter China they abandoned their ally Pakistan. What's more, don't forget what US did to India in 1971 when India was an ally of USSR.

Even after that we did wonders:smitten:and finally only looser of 1971 is US & its allies who mourns and ashamed of speaking about it for till date:cheesy:
The best thing US can do to impress us is to remove restrictions from Israel and let us have Arrow and David's Sling.
1. India was never an ally of USSR. India and USSR are strategic partners, it still and will maintain that relationship with Russia always.
2. What US did to India in 71, is what you expect from an ally to do, but whats surprising is China being "higher than mount everest friend" never came to help Pakistan.
1.An ally-level relationship at that time, you just didn't announce it publicly.
2.In 1971 we were drown in the Culture Revolution, which was just like a civil war and there was just a mess inside our country, it reluctant for us to make reinforce since even in the army fightings happened everyday. US did ask China to help but we were really troubled by internal affairs so US had no choice but tried to threat India itself, though US was originally not intended to offense India but it had to do so to suppress USSR's influence in the subcontinent. Also, you did choose a good timing to declare war in winter so it was extremely hard for our army to reinforce since Himalaya in winter was hard to cross.
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Maybe it should be called IOTO: Indian Ocean Treaty Organization. :)
Why would we need to become a NATO Ally?
To have easier acces to ''NATO'' weaponsystems,maybe?

India as a NATO member? Well the USA is the tier one status in the membership while all its european puppies belonging to the tier-2,Turkey barely got tier-3 for its refusing to eat ribs with other members,leaving India to grab the status of tier-4 for lacking proper sanitation))
There are no tiers in NATO,get your facts right.
There are no tiers in NATO,get your facts right.

True and not true, not all allies are treated equally by the US or by NATO members to NATO members. @Sven as he usually does, had a great take on the matter in regards to India's elevation to NATO-ally status by the US:


Would you like an American's point of view too? Because I see this as politics instead of substance.

What does "par with NATO allies" even mean:what:? We treat our allies as though they are on tiers. At the top are the UK, Japan, Australia, France, Norway and Canada. Then the rest of West Europe, and then East Europe.

That's how it's always been. So it begs the question, "How is India going to be treated and what does this mean?"

Are we going to sell them our best gear like we do with Norway, the UK and Japan? If trends are any indicator, no we are not. We will offer to jointly develop certain technologies and offer our assistance with some of their domestic programs, but we aren't opening the floodgates and offering them our best gears.

Are we going to greatly expand our intelligence cooperation with India, to the same level with do with our top-tier allies? Again, I doubt it. I can't help but think India doesn't want our intelligence staff manning their stations like we do with NATO partners:


Are we going to sign a host of basing, logistics and cooperation agreements like we have with NATO partners? Such is already happening and will continue to do so.

India isn't on par with NATO allies nor is it becoming such. It is on par with some NATO allies, but it is not held or treated with the regard of our best and most trusted allies and long-term partners. India is important, but it's too new for us to jump in bed with fully. There are too many questions about their long-term commitment and cooperation with us and this hampers our willingness to elevate their status.

And honestly, they feel the same way because we've a poor track record when it comes to treating them nicely or respecting their interests, which we still don't because we're only concerned about our own:D. We call this phenomenon 'Politics".

So there's going to be increased partnership, and maybe a loosening of export restrictions, but not by much, but for the most part this is political and a message to South and East Asia that the US sees India as an important part of regional economic, political and military security. Which India most definitely is.

Just an American's thoughts. But you know how crazy American's can be, right? Never mind our thoughts:p:.

All this drama just to counter Pakistan and India's membership into the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation despite SCO is not even a military block.
I see you have ''joined'' the forum, welcome.:sarcastic:

:pissed:I hate this forum (or more accurately its people) and will unjoin it and return to AMF after my vacation is over:D. But I had some free time, so I thought, eh I'll give PDF a go again. Already I'm regretting my decision:lol:.

A Norge vacationing in Sweden:undecided:.
All this drama just to counter Pakistan and India's membership into the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation despite SCO is not even a military block.
nope, it all about selling US Weapon technology ,, India is getting A grade US military H/w which is not even available to NATO. Like Anti Sub Planes.

after this US can sell engines, Planes etc easily.
nope, it all about selling US Weapon technology ,, India is getting A grade US military H/w which is not even available to NATO. Like Anti Sub Planes.

after this US can sell engines, Planes etc easily.

Americans are only pulling India's leg. They're not serious, they jjust want billions of dollars of indian money to stop pouring into Russia's military industry. You could say, Americans are indirectly encouraging/persuading India to impose sanctions on Russia. So far India has resisted but for how long?
Americans are only pulling India's leg. They're not serious, they jjust want billions of dollars of indian money to stop pouring into Russia's military industry. You could say, Americans are indirectly encouraging/persuading India to impose sanctions on Russia. So far India has resisted but for how long?
Well if see , Russians knows that India do not put all Egg in one basket. EU understand India 3- 4 yrs back. and US is now understanding it now.

EU said "India able to make it , Its only a matter when" If we do not Give Engines today, we loose business and next day India has its own engine, so why not share technology and earn some Money"

This is US is understand , so want to sell its technology.

Russians reach to Next Level, they are not selling India with Strategic Weapons, and US is into Non -strategic ones.
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