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US lawmakers seek NATO ally status for India


Jul 20, 2011
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WASHINGTON: US lawmakers on Thursday approved amendments to a defence bill that seeks to bring India on a par with NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) allies for sale of defence equipment and technology transfer, even as they voted to increase restrictions on military assistance for Pakistan , including immediately blocking $450 million in aid, unless certain conditions are met.

The passage of the National Defense Authorisation Act (NDAA), 2017, was the scene of much action relating to the Indian subcontinent and Asia Pacific region, as lawmakers moved to codify Washington's Asia pivot, a strategy that includes strengthening New Delhi's military muscle implicitly aimed at countering Beijing's expansionism.

Sponsored by George Holding and Ami Bera (House India Caucus chairs) and the chair and ranking member of House foreign affairs committee, Ed Royce and Elliot Engel, respectively, the amendment (enhancing defense and security cooperation with India) seeks to promote greater defence trade and encourage additional military cooperation between the US and India . It encourages the executive branch to designate an official to focus on US-India defence cooperation, facilitate the transfer of technology, and maintain a special office in the Pentagon dedicated exclusively to the US-India Defense Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI), the centrepiece of the military tie-up between the two countries.

"Given the dynamic nature of the Indo-Pacific region and its importance to our own national security and future economic growth, now is the time to build on recent successes and propel the US-India strategic partnership forward," US Congressman Holding said while moving the amendment, that, among other things, requires the administration to take "such actions as may be necessary to recognise India's status as a major defence partner of the US".

"The secretary of defence and secretary of state shall jointly, on an annual basis, conduct an assessment of the extent to which India possesses strategic operational capabilities to support military operations of mutual interest between the US and India," the amendment advised, while calling for "approving and facilitating the transfer of advanced technology , consistent with US conventional arms transfer policy, to support combined military planning with the Indian military for missions such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, counter piracy, and maritime domain awareness missions".

The bill is by no means law yet. A similar bill, introduced by Senators Mark Warner and John Cornyn, and cosponsored by Senator Marco Rubio, is making it way through Senate, and after the two versions of the larger NDAA are reconciled, it will go to the White House for President Obama's signature of approval. However, the omnibus $602 billion NDAA also contains severe unrelated strictures on Pakistan and recommends restrictions on the country that the US administration is not entirely comfortable with.

Expressing frustration with Pakistan's failure to crack down on terrorist groups, lawmakers moved to squeeze military aid for Pakistan, including blocking a $450 million tranche, unless certain conditions are met.

The amendments now require the Pentagon to certify that Pakistan is conducting military operations to disrupt the Haqqani network, not letting the network use North Waziristan as a safe haven, actively coordinate with Afghanistan's government to fight the network along their border, and certify Pakistan is not using its military or any funds or equipment provided by the United States to persecute minority groups.

NATO, a pillar of the Cold War

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation or NATO was one of the pillars of the Cold War, bringing together the United States and its European allies into a political and military alliance as they fought the Communists under the USSR-led Warsaw Pact. After the Cold War and dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, NATO's relevance has shifted marginally to promoting democracy, resolution of disputes, and crisis-management. In 2010, NATO brought out a strategic concept, which defines its core tasks as: collective defence, crisis-management and cooperative security. As of today, it has 28 member nations, including France, Germany, the UK, Turkey and Canada.

JUN-2016 is an important month for India

1) India's membership into NSG

2) India's membership into SCO

3) Finalize Indo-US agreement on DTTI (including Fighter jet & engine deals)

4) Indo-Iranian agreement

5) Finalization of RAFALE deal

India’s SCO Membership: A Mutually Beneficial Partnership – OpEd

Map of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). Source: Wikipedia Commons.

By South Asia Monitor May 19, 2016
By Ashok Sajjanhar*

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will be holding its 16th Summit in Tashkent, Uzbekistan between June 23 and 24, 2016. India along with Pakistan, Iran and Mongolia became Observers to the Organisation at its 5th Summit in Astana, Kazakhstan in 2005. At the twin BRICS and SCO Summits held in Ufa, Russia in July, 2015 it was decided to admit India (and Pakistan) as full members.

Over the last several years India had made it known subtly that it would be interested in playing a more substantive role in development of the organisation. It was also felt by most members, particularly Russia and Kazakhstan, that the organisation and individual countries would benefit hugely from India’s active association with the Institution.

India’s membership will be a win-win proposition for the organization as also for all members of the organization. Central Asia comprises the extended neighbourhood of India. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has accorded high priority to India’s neighbourhood since the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government came to power two years ago. He recognized the importance of Central Asia and became the first Indian Prime Minister to visit all five Central Asian States in July 2015. This has enthused the leaderships of these countries to strengthen partnership with India.

In spite of historical, cultural and civilisational links with Central Asia, India has not been able to realize the full potential of this partnership because of infrequent meetings between leaders of India and Central Asia, as also due to absence of common physical borders between India and these countries. India’s membership of SCO will ensure that its leadership will meet and interact with leaders of Central Asia as also of Russia, China, Afghanistan and others to advance bilateral relations.

To obviate the lack of direct land connectivity with Central Asia, and Pakistan’s refusal to provide access through its territory, India is actively collaborating to develop the Iranian seaport of Chabahar with possible financial and technical support from Japan. India has also prioritized the construction of the International North-South Transport Corridor. India has allocated USD 150 million for developing Chabahar.

Security is an area in which India and SCO can collaborate to mutual benefit. Terrorism and radicalisation are two of the most serious challenges that confront the region and international community today. The continuing instability in Afghanistan, rising strength and reach of Taliban, expanding presence of Islamic State (IS), potential threat from Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, etc. make it incumbent that all countries collaborate and work together to defeat these scourges. India has an exemplary track record in dealing with these challenges over the last many years. It can share its experience and best practices with SCO members. All members can share intelligence to repel and defeat these forces.

India’s presence in SCO will help to advance deliberations on Afghanistan and get an expeditious regional solution to deal with the Taliban and promote peace and security. Economic cooperation will be mutually advantageous for all concerned. India is the fastest expanding major economy today with GDP growth of 7.5%. Its huge market would be of immense interest to SCO members. India’s proposed membership of Eurasian Economic Union will provide further energy to this partnership. India’s strength in textiles, information technology, medium and small industry, pharmaceuticals, agriculture etc will stand the region in good stead. India’s presence in the proposed SCO Free Trade Area will be a positive contribution to the grouping.

India is an energy-deficient country. Central Asia and Russia are extremely well endowed with fossil fuels including oil, gas and coal as well as uranium and hydro-electric power. India’s rapidly expanding energy needs will provide a stable and assured market. Commencement of construction of Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline in Dec, 2015 is a long overdue step in the right direction.

Some analysts aver that since SCO and its predecessor were established to settle borders between neighbouring states and have been successful in achieving these objectives, induction of India and Pakistan will enable SCO to get involved in settling their border dispute. This appears to be mere wishful thinking. It is unlikely that membership of India and Pakistan will provide any leverage to SCO in resolution of their bilateral dispute till Pakistan decides to abjure the use of terrorism against India as an instrument of its foreign policy. Similarly the India-China border dispute can be resolved only through bilateral discussions between the two states.

The process of India’s accession to SCO has not been straight forward and smooth. It is no secret that China was reluctant, if not outright hostile to India’s membership of SCO. China introduced several obstacles due to which it took five years from 2009 to 2014 to decide on inducting new members. It can only be hoped that China will not put any further roadblocks in India’s path in the coming month.

*Amb. Ashok Sajjanhar is a former Indian Ambassador and is currently the President of Institute for Global Studies, New Delhi. He can be reached at: asajjanhar@gmail.com

Good step by US, thier shoudn't be any kind of relation with US except trade. The whipping toys of US have already become obsolete in the form of world bank and defence export with the rise of chinese banks and defence industry.
Any neutral source for this claim. I don't think TOI qualifies as a neutral source.
Also why is Pakistan mentioned so many times. Obsession maybe?
There is a bill introduced in US congress to get India Nato ally like status and get some arms export laws to be relaxed but its just word play not that significant. More symbolic than anything else.


India has not done anything and is not capable of doing anything for NATO..this is another US law maker tounge speaking indian PR dollars..
Have you read the bill? its nothing significant even if passed highly doubt it will do much.
India has not done anything and is not capable of doing anything for NATO..this is another US law maker tounge speaking indian PR dollars..
There is a bill introduced in US congress to get India Nato ally like status and get some arms export laws to be relaxed but its just word play not that significant. More symbolic than anything else.

Have you read the bill? its nothing significant even if passed highly doubt it will do much.
India has not done anything and is not capable of doing anything for NATO..this is another US law maker tounge speaking indian PR dollars..

Is this also PR?


072 104 Poe (TX) Adds a fourth condition that the Administration must certify Pakistan has met before releasing $450 million in aid: “Pakistan has shown progress in arresting and prosecuting Haqqani network senior leaders and mid-level operatives.” EB 6 Adopted Voice Vote

073 100 Rohrabacher (CA) Adds an additional requirement that the Secretary of Defense certify to Congress that Pakistan is not using its military or any funds or equipment provided by the United States to persecute minority groups seeking political or religious freedom. EB 6 Adopted Voice Vote

075 125 Rohrabacher (CA) Adds a sense of the Congress that Dr. Shakil Afridi is an international hero and that the Government of Pakistan should release him immediately from prison. EB 6 Adopted Voice Vote

US must do more to rope in India in its plan....
1. More TOT of critical items as Jet engine, AESA radar, etc
2. Participation in MII in big way.
3. Try and bring PAK to eliminate all the terrorist including LeT and JuD not only Haqqani..

Then only India can Think of participation in US desire...
Well well, typically US-style diplomacy, when Pakistan was useful for fighting USSR they provided advanced F-16 and other aids, while India now seems more important for them to counter China they abandoned their ally Pakistan. What's more, don't forget what US did to India in 1971 when India was an ally of USSR.
Well well, typically US-style diplomacy, when Pakistan was useful for fighting USSR they provided advanced F-16 and other aids, while India now seems more important for them to counter China they abandoned their ally Pakistan. What's more, don't forget what US did to India in 1971 when India was an ally of USSR.
1. India was never an ally of USSR. India and USSR are strategic partners, it still and will maintain that relationship with Russia always.
2. What US did to India in 71, is what you expect from an ally to do, but whats surprising is China being "higher than mount everest friend" never came to help Pakistan.
India as a NATO member? Well the USA is the tier one status in the membership while all its european puppies belonging to the tier-2,Turkey barely got tier-3 for its refusing to eat ribs with other members,leaving India to grab the status of tier-4 for lacking proper sanitation))
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