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US intel indicates Russian officers have had doubts about full scale Ukraine invasion


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
(CNN)Intercepted communications obtained by the US have revealed that some Russian officials have worried that a large-scale invasion of Ukrainewould be costlier and more difficult than Russian President Vladimir Putin and other Kremlin leaders realize, according to four people familiar with the intelligence.

Three of the sources said those officials include intelligence and military operatives.

The officials have also grumbled about their plans being discovered and exposed publicly by western nations, two of the sources said, citing the intercepted communications.

There is no evidence that these officials are opposed to the overall plan, or would revolt against Putin's orders, two of the sources said. Another source familiar with the US intelligence noted that Russia has a professional military that would be expected to effectively carry out Putin's orders.

Still, Russian defense personnel believe it will be difficult, a senior European official said. "In the assessments we see it is clear some people on the [Russian] defense side are not really understanding what the game plan is," the official said.

The official added that the assessments suggest the defense personnel think "it's a very difficult game plan to stand up."

Another of the sources familiar with the intelligence said that the way the Russian planning has evolved and expanded over the last two months suggests that the concerns have been heard by senior Russian officials.

Officials told CNN on Saturday that Putin has now assembled 70% of the military personnel and weapons on Ukraine's borders that he would need for a full-scale invasion of the country. Some assessments indicate that he may be planning to try to take Ukraine's capital, Kyiv, they said, and the city could fall within 48 hours of a large-scale land and air invasion.

Another possibility, the officials said, is that Putin decides upon a multi-pronged operation, sending in forces from several directions across Ukraine to quickly fracture the Ukrainian military's ability to fight as a cohesive force -- a classic Russian military strategy.

"We've long said that Putin continues to add to his options and capabilities, and we've been equally transparent about some of the moves we believe he intends to make to justify some sort of military action," Pentagon press secretary John Kirby told CNN Monday. "We're also going to continue to help Ukraine better defend itself with both lethal and non-lethal assistance."

US officials publicly and privately say they still don't know whether Putin has decided to attack, and what form it would take if he did. That is largely because the US' visibility into Putin and his inner circle is still extremely limited, the sources told CNN.

The US has fairly solid insights into the Russian military and foreign ministry, the sources familiar with the intelligence told CNN. Many of those personnel have been involved in the current buildup near Ukraine, which has afforded the US better-than-usual visibility into Russian planning. But the US intelligence community is still largely cut off from Putin and the most senior Russian officials, who are themselves typically isolated from the lower-level operatives carrying out Kremlin orders.

Even so, many of the preparations have been overt and easier to spot. Russia has continued to build up its forces near Ukraine's borders, including more advanced deployments in Belarus and Crimea, according to satellite images taken by Maxar Technologies and provided to CNN. New housing and personnel camps have sprung up in the last two weeks, the images show. And the US has seen indications that Russia had begun erecting supply lines such as medical units and fuel that could sustain a drawn-out conflict should Moscow choose to invade, officials have previously told CNN.

"Given the type of forces that are arrayed ... if that was unleashed on Ukraine, it would be significant, very significant, and it would result in a significant amount of casualties," Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley told reporters last week. "You can imagine what that might look like in dense urban areas, along roads, and so on and so forth. It would be horrific. It would be terrible. And it's not necessary. And we think a diplomatic outcome is the way to go here."

Another US official assessed that the diplomatic path is narrower than ever, however. "We are in Hail Mary territory," he said.

Why full scale invasion? They could learn a trick from China and use a short but forceful campaign, like China did with Vietnam back in '79. A short campaign would incur smaller casualty and financial burden but cause a big headache for Ukraine if the campaign also aims at destroying infrastructures.
Depending on how overwhelmingly Russian assault begins. US and UK did supply some critical antitank weaponry. But I doubt those AT-4 would do any good if all Russians are doing is moving under artillery barrage.
Depending on how overwhelmingly Russian assault begins. US and UK did supply some critical antitank weaponry. But I doubt those AT-4 would do any good if all Russians are doing is moving under artillery barrage.

US estimates of casualties in case of full invasion:

15,000-25,000 Ukrainian soldiers
3,000-10,000 Russian soldiers
25,000-50,000 civilians
As one of the most notorious Western propagandists Goebbels said: "A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth". They are repeating this lie since 2014. Some Western people remind me sea shells. They live in some media-reality, which starts with the morning media-lie and ends with the evening media-lie. They do not remember media lied them yesterday and day before yesterday and before... Amazing thing. You can do everything with such people because they do not have their own minds. Like robots or scripts. But I believe they are minority, not majority.
Someone should be completly braindead to plan invading Kiev. As braindead as low IQ American propagandists still waiting for it :lol:
US estimates of casualties in case of full invasion:

15,000-25,000 Ukrainian soldiers
3,000-10,000 Russian soldiers
25,000-50,000 civilians
I think we are overestimating Ukrainian military over here. My Ukrainian (military) friend once told me that all Ukrainian military does is to get drunk and rape.
US "intel" is a bunch of liars.
As one of the most notorious Western propagandists Goebbels said: "A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth". They are repeating this lie since 2014. Some Western people remind me sea shells. They live in some media-reality, which starts with the morning media-lie and ends with the evening media-lie. They do not remember media lied them yesterday and day before yesterday and before... Amazing thing. You can do everything with such people because they do not have their own minds. Like robots or scripts. But I believe they are minority, not majority.

The same US Intel that told us about Saddam soldiers taking babies out of incubators and throwing them out of buildings, the same US Intel about Saddam WMD, the same US Intel & Co., that did the Bay of Pigs, the list goes on and on -- the dead Ex-Indian Army Chief has more credibility while in his grave till this day.

They've become more of a shit show than anything.
Someone should be completly braindead to plan invading Kiev. As braindead as low IQ American propagandists still waiting for it :lol:
Quoted for posterity...hopefully Putina doesn't read your post or you might feel the urge to drink a polonium tea or jump from the 10th floor
Quoted for posterity...hopefully Putina doesn't read your post or you might feel the urge to drink a polonium tea or jump from the 10th floor

No one invades Kiev. But Ukraine can hold 100k troops in Kiev and wait for it.

The whole operation around Kiev is going on to keep half of Ukrainian army out of combat, block Urainian logistics and destroy Kiev economy, which was 25% of Ukrainian GDP. 90% of population evacuated from Kiev already. Russia achieves all goals without doing anything. But thats hard to grasp for braindead ones :lol:
This thread is funny to read. Thank you, internet :laugh:
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