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US hints at extending visa ban to Pakistan

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Trump administration might extend visa suspension to Pakistan
DAWN.COM — PUBLISHED about an hour ago
An official with the Trump administration has hinted that the recent suspension imposed on travel from seven Muslim countries might be extended to other countries. including Pakistan.

White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, while talking on CBS News, clarified that this is "not a Muslim ban".

“You can point to other countries that have similar problems like Pakistan and others - perhaps we need to take it further,” said Priebus.

“But for now, immediate steps, pulling the Band-Aid off, is to do further vetting for people traveling in and out of those countries," added the White House chief of staff.

The official also said the seven countries included in the suspension were chosen by the Congress and the Obama administration, as the countries were most identifiable with dangerous terrorism taking place in their country.

He also reiterated that President Trump is merely following up on his campaign promises.

On Friday, Trump signed a sweeping new executive order to suspend refugee arrivals and imposed tough new controls on travellers from seven Muslim countries.

Making good on one of his most controversial campaign promises, and to the horror of human rights groups, Trump said he was making America safe from “radical Islamic terrorists”.

Trump's decree suspends the entire US refugee resettlement programme for at least 120 days while tough new vetting rules are established.

These new protocols will “ensure that those approved for refugee admission do not pose a threat to the security and welfare of the United States”. In addition, it specifically bars Syrian refugees from the US indefinitely, or until the president himself decides that they no longer pose a threat.

Meanwhile, no visas will be issued for 90 days to migrants or visitors from seven mainly-Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

US hints at extending visa ban to Pakistan
By News Desk
Published: January 29, 2017

Donald Trump with Reince Priebus after picking him as White House chief of staff. PHOTO: AFP

A day after US President Donald Trump ordered no-visa policy for seven Muslim states, a White House official hinted that the ban could be extended to other countries, including Pakistan.

“You can point to other countries that have similar problems like Pakistan and others – perhaps we need to take it further,” White House chief of staff Reince Priebus told CBS News.

Pakistan not among countries to face visa ban: Trump

“But for now, immediate steps, pulling the Band-Aid off, is to do further vetting for people traveling in and out of those countries.”

In the most sweeping use of his presidential powers since taking office a week ago, Trump signed an executive order on Friday to pause the entry of travellers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for at least 90 days.

The travel curbs began immediately, causing confusion for would-be travellers with passports from the seven countries.

Defending the US president’s widely denounced order, Priebus said: “This is not a Muslim ban.”

He said Trump has solely identified countries where terrorism is taking place and could lead to danger in the US.

I pray Trump stops giving visas to Pakistanis: Imran

“All this is identifying the seven countries – and the reason we chose those seven countries is those were the seven countries that both the Congress and the Obama administration identified as being the seven countries that were most identifiable with dangerous terrorism taking place in their country.”

The move precipitated large protests across major airports nationwide. The ensuing mobilisation against the order could herald a protracted battle shaping up between migrant advocates and the Trump administration.

While a federal judge has blocked part of the temporary immigration ban, the issue may end up before Supreme Court, which has not ruled on a similar issue since the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act.

Read more: #MuslimBan , Pak-US relations , politics
That would be Great.

and the question is what is Pakistan going to do about it? take it lying down or reciprocate with a similar ban on Americans including their military personnel and equipment. also prohibit their military aircraft from using our air space.
It is good if they ban. Hypocrisy must end and Pakistan must move forward in a clear direction. Currently US visa is proving more harmful than good for Pakistan as brain drain is higher than the scholarship and job which our citizens get there. Also, it will give us a motive to ban American, wish that could happen and no more black water and other bullshit will be coming to our country.
Pakistan terrorism problem is due to its own failures...the government used terrorism like an industry..its time to own up responsibility...Pakistani and Pakistani origin citizens in US motivated by Jihad is not an amusement..Hope Pakistan realize it is taking the sewer of Arabs on its head..

Pakistan is not serious in war on terror either with Mushraf and Kayani both using it as an opportunity to enrich themselves..Instead Pakistan is exerting double efforts with a useless operation Zarb E Azb which is becoming a drain on national treasury...we had eight terrorist attack during the month of Jan 2017 while Gen Raheel Sharif sits at WEF and lies through his teeth..the nation has been given the lollypop of Kul Bhushan for the army to wash its hands..
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Trump administration might extend visa suspension to Pakistan
DAWN.COM — PUBLISHED about an hour ago
An official with the Trump administration has hinted that the recent suspension imposed on travel from seven Muslim countries might be extended to other countries. including Pakistan.

White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, while talking on CBS News, clarified that this is "not a Muslim ban".

“You can point to other countries that have similar problems like Pakistan and others - perhaps we need to take it further,” said Priebus.

“But for now, immediate steps, pulling the Band-Aid off, is to do further vetting for people traveling in and out of those countries," added the White House chief of staff.

The official also said the seven countries included in the suspension were chosen by the Congress and the Obama administration, as the countries were most identifiable with dangerous terrorism taking place in their country.

He also reiterated that President Trump is merely following up on his campaign promises.

On Friday, Trump signed a sweeping new executive order to suspend refugee arrivals and imposed tough new controls on travellers from seven Muslim countries.

Making good on one of his most controversial campaign promises, and to the horror of human rights groups, Trump said he was making America safe from “radical Islamic terrorists”.

Trump's decree suspends the entire US refugee resettlement programme for at least 120 days while tough new vetting rules are established.

These new protocols will “ensure that those approved for refugee admission do not pose a threat to the security and welfare of the United States”. In addition, it specifically bars Syrian refugees from the US indefinitely, or until the president himself decides that they no longer pose a threat.

Meanwhile, no visas will be issued for 90 days to migrants or visitors from seven mainly-Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.


says fukin who?

We are not getting any F-16 this is believeable, but blanket visa ban is not going to happen.

They risk closure of US embassy in Pakistan, where CIA is running long term game.
I'm surprised they didn't ban Pakistanis already considering there were 5 suicide bombings in the country last year.

Then again as the US is plotting a military coup in Pakistan this year, it would put too much pressure on the Pakistani military to support their wars in Afghanistan and Yemen.
Pakistan terrorism problem is due to its own failures...the government used terrorism like an industry..its time to own up responsibility...Pakistani and Pakistani origin citizens in US motivated by Jihad is not an amusement..Hope Pakistan realize it is taking the sewer of Arabs on its head..

Pakistan is not serious in war on terror either with Mushraf and Kayani both using it as an opportunity to enrich themselves..Instead Pakistan is exerting double efforts with a useless operation Zarb E Azb which is becoming a drain on national treasury...
You are so boring.
says fukin who?

We are not getting any F-16 this is believeable, but blanket visa ban is not going to happen.

They risk closure of US embassy in Pakistan, where CIA is running long term game.
The whole clandestine apparatus, and reinforced during zardari's rule would fall like a house of cards.
Better even would be to send whole US embassy packing....

They shud go ahead... we need to force our eunichs sitting in assembly to play ball

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