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US Gov't announces sanctions against Pakistani entities related to Missile program

Hey guys this is probably done by the Indian Lobby or one of their agents working in the Obama administration. There are many desi's working at the white house including a few pakistanis.

Don't really fall for this until an expert can authenticate this document is real and endorsed/signed by a higher official.

Is there any expert here who can authenticate this document and provide us feedback on whether it is credible and officially signed/endorsed at the presidential or higher level?

White house usually makes a press conference when they ban something at a higher level.Since there was no press conference or news it looks very suspicious.

Look at the name, Jasmeet K seehra, typical indian sardar jee name is listed as one of the contacts. lol

You may send comments regarding the collection of information associated with this rule, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to Jasmeet K. Seehra, Office of Management and Budget (OMB),
You do realize that the UNSC resolution that China was reffering is the 1998 Res.1172 which calls on both India and Pakistan to stop developing ballistic missiles which carry nuclear weapons.

Chinese are the ones who have provided missile technology to Pakistan but in case of Republic of India , our scientists have worked by themselves on missile technology.


Chinese officials have acknowledged concluding a deal to sell the M-11 missiles to Pakistan.

Chinese companies were first caught secretly selling Pakistan M-11 missile components in 1991. U.S. intelligence spotted what appeared to be M-11 launch vehicles in Pakistan. One report said that China had already supplied the launchers, along with dummy missile frames for practice purposes, and Pakistani air force technicians were already training in China. The findings triggered U.S. penalties in June 1991 against two Chinese suppliers: China Great Wall Industry Corporation and China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation. The Bush administration banned U.S. missile-tech exports to the two offending entities and to Pakistan's space agency SUPARCO (Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission). The punishment was imposed for at least two years, but the penalties against China were waived less than a year later in March 1992, after China promised it would abide by the guidelines of the Missile Technology Control Regime.

but a U.S. official who tracks missile proliferation says the "Hatf-3 is just Pakistan's name for the Chinese M-11 missile they're the same thing."

Babur v2 really shook them

If our missile programme relied on the U S we would be concerned but luckily it dosent so:pakistan:

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has reported that Chinese entities assisted Pakistan in the development of solid-fueled ballistic missiles, particularly the Shaheen series, and that through this assistance Pakistan became capable of serial production of solid-fueled ballistic missiles.

In 2012, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence reported to Congress that Pakistan continued to receive "a variety of missile-related items" from Chinese entities, primarily private companies and individuals.

U.S. intelligence has also reported that the Ghauri missile is derived from North Korea's No Dong missile. In 2003, the United States applied sanctions to North Korea's Changgwang Sinyong Corporation (aka Korea Mining Development Trading Bureau - KOMID) for exporting missile-related technology to KRL.

India is getting NSG seat and soon will get unsc permanent seat. Chinese boastings of the past and now will be going to slapped left and right.

Chinese are using Pakistan since decades to stop Republic of India to get its rightful place in UNSC.
Well the Obama administration will be history in a few weeks let's see what Trump does. As for the sanctions, I'm pretty sure these organisations have minmal dealings with US firms.
Since Pakistan has already got totally unjustified sanctions, the response should be;
  • Support the groups in Afghanistan openly.
  • Block any NATO supply
  • Test an ICBM as soon as possible
These suggestions are only if a slight semblance of dignity and national honour still exists.
Chinese are the ones who have provided missile technology to Pakistan but in case of Republic of India , our scientists have worked by themselves on missile technology.


Chinese officials have acknowledged concluding a deal to sell the M-11 missiles to Pakistan.

Chinese companies were first caught secretly selling Pakistan M-11 missile components in 1991. U.S. intelligence spotted what appeared to be M-11 launch vehicles in Pakistan. One report said that China had already supplied the launchers, along with dummy missile frames for practice purposes, and Pakistani air force technicians were already training in China. The findings triggered U.S. penalties in June 1991 against two Chinese suppliers: China Great Wall Industry Corporation and China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation. The Bush administration banned U.S. missile-tech exports to the two offending entities and to Pakistan's space agency SUPARCO (Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission). The punishment was imposed for at least two years, but the penalties against China were waived less than a year later in March 1992, after China promised it would abide by the guidelines of the Missile Technology Control Regime.

but a U.S. official who tracks missile proliferation says the "Hatf-3 is just Pakistan's name for the Chinese M-11 missile they're the same thing."

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has reported that Chinese entities assisted Pakistan in the development of solid-fueled ballistic missiles, particularly the Shaheen series, and that through this assistance Pakistan became capable of serial production of solid-fueled ballistic missiles.

In 2012, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence reported to Congress that Pakistan continued to receive "a variety of missile-related items" from Chinese entities, primarily private companies and individuals.

U.S. intelligence has also reported that the Ghauri missile is derived from North Korea's No Dong missile. In 2003, the United States applied sanctions to North Korea's Changgwang Sinyong Corporation (aka Korea Mining Development Trading Bureau - KOMID) for exporting missile-related technology to KRL.

Chinese are using Pakistan since decades to stop Republic of India to get its rightful place in UNSC.

Pakistan did what it had to do by hook or crook to develop a effective and varied missile system

In your article which information suggests where Pakistan got the very advanced cruise missiles technology we have or the air launched cruise missiles or Pakistans TWNs

Being underestimated by idiots has worked in our favour immensely but rest assured we have built a deadly array of weapons to ensure your destruction in any eventuality
Sri Lanka is in our bag now.
Afghanistan hates Pakistan the most.
Current PM of Nepal is close to RAW.
No, your view is wrong, and nope.

Sri Lanka is still very much on China and Pakistan's camp. Pakistan has a lot of influence in Afghanistan and can make things difficult for the US, and Nepal is still moving towards China, albeit more cautiously.
Action doesn't need to be drum beaten and could be nice if you report. Already suggested what to do against such posts/members but something stopped you from understanding. Did not report the post but quoted for action... Nice.

I did both. Members around come up with Threads with offensive title on India. Even though posts reported no action taken in many cases. Thanks for your suggestion.
Well the Obama administration will be history in a few weeks let's see what Trump does. As for the sanctions, I'm pretty sure these organisations have minmal dealings with US firms.
They always use third party companies and have a long list of intermediaries for such things. Unless the equipment is totally banned for export , it will be get exported to some legal dummy non-sanctioned entity and then rexported to the required destination once it is outside US.
since when we need advice from ugly scums, i already did now i am fine. Though unhealthy obsession of your pests with Pakistan is worrisome,

double standard,, didnt they banned your terrorist hiding in gujrat CM house from entering their countries. But they become blind when he applied for refugee in PM house..

LOL, you are blabbering piece of shit.

Happy new year anyways.
No, your view is wrong, and nope.

Sri Lanka is still very much on China and Pakistan's camp. Pakistan has a lot of influence in Afghanistan and can make things difficult for the US, and Nepal is still moving towards China, albeit more cautiously.
Sri Lanka has not bought a Single peice of defence equipment from China or Pakistan since the civil war ended in 2009.

In Nepal we just saw the ousting of a PM and his replacement by a RAW backed one.

In Sri Lanka RAW intervened directly to remove Rajapaksa and it was a success.

Pakistan simply cannot afford to make things any bit difficult for US as the US retaliation would be very costly for Pakistan.
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Sri Lanka has not bought a Single peice of defence equipment from China or Pakistan since the civil war ended in 2009.
That is not a measure of good relations, try harder.

In Nepal we just saw the ousting of a PM and his replacement by a RAW backed one.
"RAW backed one" is a bullshit statement to make. The new PM isn't pro-India, he's just a lot more pragmatic than his predecessor. This is why we're still seeing Nepal moving economically towards China.

In Sri Lanka RAW intervened directly to remove Rajapaksa and it was a success.
RAW didn't remove Rajapaksa, but rather, he was in power for a long time, and a divisive figure. People got sick of him, so they voted him out, this was proven again, when he tried to get re-elected and lost a second time.

India and RAW had nothing to do with this.

Pakiu simply cannot afford to make things any bit difficult for US as the US retaliation would be very costly for Pakistan.
It's a two way street. If the US becomes openly hostile towards Pakistan, you can kiss all the progress made by the US in Afghanistan goodbye. You'll also see Pakistan open endorse a Chinese naval base in Pakistan, which is a nightmare scenario for both India, and the US which for decades tried to block Chinese involvement at Gwadar, through Singapore.
That is not a measure of good relations, try harder.
It is, it shows they are trying to please us.

"RAW backed one" is a bullshit statement to make. The new PM isn't pro-India, he's just a lot more pragmatic than his predecessor. This is why we're still seeing Nepal moving economically towards China.
China simply doesn't have India's influence in Nepal, in fact Nepal's economy is completely r India's control.
Just last week it was announced that India will supply another 240 mw to Nepal this increasing Nepal's dependence on India for power even more.

RAW didn't remove Rajapaksa, but rather, he was in power for a long time, and a divisive figure. People got sick of him, so they voted him out, this was proven again, when he tried to get re-elected and lost a second time.

India and RAW had nothing to do with this.

It's a two way street. If the US becomes openly hostile towards Pakistan, you can kiss all the progress made by the US in Afghanistan goodbye. You'll also see Pakistan open endorse a Chinese naval base in Pakistan, which is a nightmare scenario for both India, and the US which for decades tried to block Chinese involvement at Gwadar, through Singapore.
Pakistan can do very little to harm US but US can put Pakistan's survival and stability at stake
Pakistan can do very little to harm US but US can put Pakistan's survival and stability at stake

Typical Indian subserviant mindset. We have no reason to harm the US, however there might be situations where our interests are not the same as that of the Americans and which could harm American interests such as in Afghanistan. We have dealt with the Americans, their fickleness, their duplicity and double standards for 60 years and despite periodic sanctions, we did not compromise on vital national interests such as the nuclear program and Afghanistan. i think you are too impressed by the Americans, they might be powerful but they are not Gods and they been defeated by much smaller countries.
Typical Indian subserviant mindset. We have no reason to harm the US, however there might be situations where our interests are not the same as that of the Americans and which could harm American interests such as in Afghanistan. We have dealt with the Americans, their fickleness, their duplicity and double standards for 60 years and despite periodic sanctions, we did not compromise on vital national interests such as the nuclear program and Afghanistan. i think you are too impressed by the Americans, they might be powerful but they are not Gods and they been defeated by much smaller countries.
Actually your interests have been totally defeated in Afghanistan, from a pro Pakistani taliba gov't now you have an hostile govt.
Several anti Pakistani insurgents are now based in Afghanistan.
Actually your interests have been totally defeated in Afghanistan, from a pro Pakistani taliba gov't now you have an hostile govt.
Several anti Pakistani insurgents are now based in Afghanistan.

The game is still on. Taliban control more territory than ever before and are bidding their time. Ghani is nothing more than the Mayor of Kabul. After spending 100s of billions of dollars Americans have lost and they know it. In the meantime we also received billions of dollars from the Americans but protected our interest. That is why the Americans are so mad at us but they cannot do much about it. These sanctions are useless and we can do without their aid.

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