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US govt agreed to provide military equipment without any conditions

so you are waiting for UMTAS portable ATGM....... Good.
Javelen ATGM has proved to be a potent weapon in close quater engagments during ops in Afghanistan.

i think it could be a potent weapon for PA to combat terror more effectively while avoiding collateral damage and hitting well defended hideouts in civilian areas.

It also would be helpfull in taking out Terrorist hideouts and compounds in mountainous terrain.

What do you guys Think ?

aren't we producing our own ATGMs already, baktar shikan (green arrow)
This was just a start for a longterm partnership as claimed by U.S.
then i must say we can hopefully get atleast what we really need from them. It's upon our politicians now what strategy they have and which is their vision. We must build a short term - mid term and espescially longterm strategy. We must consider our mistakes from the past and try to elaborate something usefull to achieve our goals.
In short term we need to upgrade our armed forces, our police, take care of internel security issues, our economy and address our internel politics., then their are two major issues; our foreign policy and the war on terror.
What we really need from U.S. is state of the art equipement, not just few used heli's or other arsenal mentioned in earlear comments. We need more then they have gave to us till now days bcz other way we are doing the same mistakes of the past decades.
For me now is important to get militry hardware which our armed forces really needs, the cash atleast 35 billion dollars which we lost bcz of this war on terror and it's not aid, i'll call it refund to compensate our losses. If U.S. is really intentioned to have a longterm partnership and they are sincere in their intentions they have to consider all this, although i'm really sheptic on this matter that U.S. suddenly changed their policy on Pakistan for sure their is something that we don't know yet so better to stay alert. At the last our politicians have to change their attitude and determine our foreign policy longterm strategy.
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I am sorry but it is All nonesense and impractical.

I did not say anything out of the blue , our own General Kiani's estimates are 35 billion dollar that US owes to Pakistan economy. Confirmed by our Economist and financial minister.

So if we get partial military gear for 5 billion we should get the equipment below ... not
like grass cutters or hair gel or flash lights

80 Super cobras / 40 Apaches cost (800 million dollars)
10 Globemasters ($500 million dollars)
350 Humvee for soliders special ops (300 million dollars parts and maintenence)
20 UAV Preditor drones (300 million dollars)
50 Paladin class howitzers (200 Million aid)
20 Heavy lift Chinooks (600 million aid)
10 A10 Hogs with cannons (100 million )
5 F-35 (2 billion dollars)
1 Sentry Awacs (1 Billion dollar)
1 Carrier (1 billion dollar) retired or soon to be retired

About 6 billion dollars or so ....

Lets not forget that US gave other allies 50-80 billion dollars in Aid !!!

Countries that did not even do much

We only got in 4.5 billion adn that was for our civilian projects

And we got aid and we got nothing to show for it ??

I think if ppl think we don't deserve the items great give us cash for our efforts

Dear friends Pakistani economy loses 8 billion dollars yearly !!! from this war on terror
Lets analyse ....

2003 --- 8 billion lost
2004---- 8 billion lost
2005---- 8 billion lost
2006 ----8 billion lost
2007 ----8 billion lost
2008-----8 billion lost
2009-----8 billion lost
56 Billion dollars !!!! is what we lost by being part of this war related effort ...

We could have build 100 power plants in Pakistan with that money if our economy was not damaged due to this war

So if we ask fro 5-9 billion dollars of weapons we can use , and 35 billion cash to help businesses and power sector its the least we need for out country ...
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USA is increasingly becoming more Pro-India so that its defence firms can have access to its vast market. India's Defense Budget is set to increase to 100 Billion by 2020. And thus this is a permanent shift in US policy to give India all the latest weaponry (F-35, Patriot Missile Batteries and Aegis Battle Cruisers, and even Predator Drones) and give Pakistan only the minimal weaponry (Outdated Cobra Gunships) to fight terrorism but no weaponry to threaten India.

Pakistan needs to understand this shift and that we can never rely on USA on big ticket weaponry for our defenses as the Indian Lobby will cry on even the most minute weapon system being sold to Pakistan.

Even getting the 18 F-16 has proven to be a major headache.

Pakistan needs to rely on China for any major weapon acquisitions and further indigenous process of building its own needs.

The era in which we could count on USA for giving us modern weaponry which could challenge India is gone.

I did not say anything out of the blue , our own General Kiani's estimates are 35 billion dollar that US owes to Pakistan economy. Confirmed by our Economist and financial minister.

So if we get partial military gear for 5 billion we should get the equipment below ... not
like grass cutters or hair gel or flash lights

80 Super cobras / 40 Apaches cost (800 million dollars)
10 Globemasters ($500 million dollars)
350 Humvee for soliders special ops (300 million dollars parts and maintenence)
20 UAV Preditor drones (300 million dollars)
50 Paladin class howitzers (200 Million aid)
20 Heavy lift Chinooks (600 million aid)
10 A10 Hogs with cannons (100 million )
5 F-35 (2 billion dollars)
1 Sentry Awacs (1 Billion dollar)
1 Carrier (1 billion dollar) retired or soon to be retired

About 6 billion dollars or so ....

Lets not forget that US gave other allies 50-80 billion dollars in Aid !!!

Countries that did not even do much

We only got in 4.5 billion adn that was for our civilian projects

And we got aid and we got nothing to show for it ??

I think if ppl think we don't deserve the items great give us cash for our efforts

Dear friends Pakistani economy loses 8 billion dollars yearly !!! from this war on terror
Lets analyse ....

2003 --- 8 billion lost
2004---- 8 billion lost
2005---- 8 billion lost
2006 ----8 billion lost
2007 ----8 billion lost
2008-----8 billion lost
2009-----8 billion lost

56 Billion dollars !!!! is what we lost by being part of this war related effort ...

So if we ask fro 5-9 billion dollars of weapons we can use , and 35 billion cash to help businesses and power sector its the least we need for out country ...

A carrier :rofl:

A few questions Azad why are you so in love with warthogs? I just cant see a use for them, its not like the taliban are going to come up with an armored brigade in the near future.

I am also interested where the figure of 8 billion a year comes from?
I did not say anything out of the blue , our own General Kiani's estimates are 35 billion dollar that US owes to Pakistan economy. Confirmed by our Economist and financial minister.

So if we get partial military gear for 5 billion we should get the equipment below ... not
like grass cutters or hair gel or flash lights

80 Super cobras / 40 Apaches cost (800 million dollars)
10 Globemasters ($500 million dollars)
350 Humvee for soliders special ops (300 million dollars parts and maintenence)
20 UAV Preditor drones (300 million dollars)
50 Paladin class howitzers (200 Million aid)
20 Heavy lift Chinooks (600 million aid)
10 A10 Hogs with cannons (100 million )
5 F-35 (2 billion dollars)
1 Sentry Awacs (1 Billion dollar)
1 Carrier (1 billion dollar) retired or soon to be retired

About 6 billion dollars or so ....

Lets not forget that US gave other allies 50-80 billion dollars in Aid !!!

Countries that did not even do much

We only got in 4.5 billion adn that was for our civilian projects

And we got aid and we got nothing to show for it ??

I think if ppl think we don't deserve the items great give us cash for our efforts

Dear friends Pakistani economy loses 8 billion dollars yearly !!! from this war on terror
Lets analyse ....

2003 --- 8 billion lost
2004---- 8 billion lost
2005---- 8 billion lost
2006 ----8 billion lost
2007 ----8 billion lost
2008-----8 billion lost
2009-----8 billion lost

56 Billion dollars !!!! is what we lost by being part of this war related effort ...

So if we ask fro 5-9 billion dollars of weapons we can use , and 35 billion cash to help businesses and power sector its the least we need for out country ...


Azad.....the only weapon platform that we are getting from USA are AH-1Z Viper Gunships.

You can forget about getting anything else as India will have a heart attack.
aren't we producing our own ATGMs already, baktar shikan (green arrow)

yes we are but Javelin is a Portable weapon which can hit multiple types of targets as well as Armoured vehicles.

Hope it helps.
Well the cold war winds are blowing again , so I expect fast developments :P

American policies are directly proportional to what the polar bear does , and the last thing the Americans want is Russian influence in the troubled state .. we all know which one....

So the logical thing to do is help Pakistan a logical Ally - Nato Trust worthy ally proven ...ally

Its time we get proper equipment to control strategic balance in region

We can play a STRATEGIC ROLE once the allied forces leave ..... and this is what we are discussing ... to whome it may concern....

Its up to us to protect Afghans now so we need some help .... big weapons and help to economy and power
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Aid is a curse no matter how well-intentioned it is on the part of the Americans. The one aspect that gives me the most hope is the work on the bill to create ROZs in Pakistan. Trade is our ticket out..not aid! ;-)

The other key thing is to have an understanding with the Americans that Pakistan should not be left holding the bag after all is said and done in Afghanistan.

If the above two have been communicated and an understanding has been achieved, then these would be two single biggest accomplishments of the PPP government.
This is AzadPakistan List for Obi One knobi

Nuclear Deal :taz: on the plate got it (For our economy)

80 Super cobras / 40 Apaches (What we need)
10 Globemasters (What we need)
350 Humvee for soliders special ops (What we need)
20 UAV Preditor drones (What we need)
50 Paladin class howitzers (What we need)
20 Heavy lift Chinooks (What we need)
10 A10 Hogs with cannons (Just cuz they have cannons on board)
5 F-35
1 Sentry Awacs

35 billion dollar for our economy - and water projects (pending bill) this is not even a aid or donation its the cost of losses to our economy

abbay yaar, be realistic. add few B-2s and F-22 and for the navy add seawolf to your list. Pak army should get atleast 100+ globalHawk UCAVs. :lol:
why 5 Super Sea spirits? If they are intended for OHP use then 6 makes sense or PN is going to operate 6th without a sea spirit? it will be a decent ASW heli.
Lets Group Pakistan's Weapon Acquisitions by Service:

Army Aviation:
- We need to enhance our Gunship fleet. We will be getting 80-120 AH-1Z Vipers from United States in 2015.
- We also need heavy lift Helicopters such as Chinook or the Russian variants.
- We also need drones but Pakistan is making them itself and US is reluctant to release that technology to Pakistan.

- We need new Rocket MLRS Systems.
- We also need Artillery Systems. US Howitzers is the best option available.
- We also need IFV's. US Strykers and Bradleys should do the trick.

Air Force:
- We need to rely on China for this. We should only get missiles and bombs from USA but rely on China for fighter jets and Europe for radar and other electronic warfare equipment.

- We need new Frigates. The OHP should do the job for now but we need to get China to give us more Frigates.
- We need the German 214 Submarines.
- We also need several coastal batteries of Anti-Ship missiles
- And a Naval Aviation Wing of 48 Fighter Aircraft equipped with anti-ship missiles.

- We urgently need high altitude SAM missiles. Such as S-300 and S-400 or the Chinese Variant.
- We also need to develop a fire and forget anti-tank missile system similar to the Javelin.
Pakistan Army has learnt from Past mistakes ... No wonder pakistan removed F16s from the list and added J10 instead ... USA is trying to tilt the balance towards India ... So Pakistan in future will gona rely on Indigenous and chinese tech ... After Americans Withdrawl from the region i doubt if they will gona give us any Military Aid ...
This is AzadPakistan List for Obi One knobi

Nuclear Deal :taz: on the plate got it (For our economy)

80 Super cobras / 40 Apaches (What we need)
10 Globemasters (What we need)
350 Humvee for soliders special ops (What we need)
20 UAV Preditor drones (What we need)
50 Paladin class howitzers (What we need)
20 Heavy lift Chinooks (What we need)
10 A10 Hogs with cannons (Just cuz they have cannons on board)
5 F-35
1 Sentry Awacs

35 billion dollar for our economy - and water projects (pending bill) this is not even a aid or donation its the cost of losses to our economy

Nice list but the Humvee's are pointless they only provide the most basic of protection. There is much better stuff out there. Also why A-10s ? Introducing a new plane into the equation is much more difficult imo especially something like the A-10 and the maintenance that comes with one F-16s are fine for as strike aircraft. F-35 is a international effort so the program must be joined and contributions made. All the other stuff makes sense. Smaller numbers are more realistic in my opinion though.
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