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US forces not to enter Pakistan: US official

As I said before, Pakistan needs to take the back seat, relax & not get involved in Afghanistan. The stage has been set in Afghanistan for the US/NATO Forces, perceived by the Afghan people as invaders & occupiers, to count their losses, & cut & run. This has all been evident for quite a few months now. The US will be looking to get Pakistan involved, to get it in a tussle with Afghanistan, to take some of the spotlight off them in Afghanistan, but I doubt it will work now.
That's what we had been saying at the forum, ground ops my foot. Note that, they have not ruled a May-like raid, which is what is the speculated.

So, this adds nothing.

Also note that, this ius unconnected to trainers issue as that had been settled in Spain, already.
There is a reason I mentioned Vietnam and Cambodia. You in your post above agree that Vietnam was a failure militarily, don't you? Whether they were able to achieve their goals or not during cold war is not my subject here.
Your point was this: "In the last 10 years or so we have seen that US Generals and politicians are not even capable of drafting any sane plans, forget about implementing them."

You think that others are stupid and only muslims are the smartest people in the world?

US has politically achieved a lot in this world. It became a superpower by exploiting weaknesses of other states.

Consider Pakistan for comparison; we do not compare with them. We have failed in Afghanistan, Kashmir, and we no longer have good relationship with USA. China is the only success of our foreign policy that we can boast about.

Yes I agree Iraq was a success but the credibility lost in the Muslim world shall never be compensated.
You have no idea that how many muslims are happy by Saddam gone.

We talk about credibility of US. Our credibility is down the drain too.

Let me make this clear to you: Failure in Afghanistan this time would be FAILURE of both USA and Pakistan. Because both of us are the key players in the Afghan front.

To say that Bush was doing good in Afghanistan is a bit of exaggeration.
No, it is not exaggeration. Bush understood wars better then Obama because of his military background.

Taliban was on the run during tenure of Bush and was feeling the heat. Also, Pakistan-US cooperation in WOT was excellent in those days.

Things went bad during tenure of Obama. The Obama administration is trying to make a scape-goat of Pakistan for its failure in Afghanistan. And Pakistan-US cooperation in WOT is also down the drain. Both sides are to be blamed in this case. We are not doing anything about Haqqani Network and Obama administration is not doing enough to turn the tide of conflict in Afghanistan.

Also we all know the guerilla wars such as these tend to gain momentum as the time passes and occupying forces get tired and fatigued. This happened with Soviet union and this is happening again. So to say Afghan war has already been lost is no lie.
This is exaggeration. 15000 Soviet troops died in Afghanistan. And many more got injured.

By comparison, the casualties of US are much lower.

However, one thing is clear; Afghan resistance is legendary in the history of mankind. It wears you down slowly and forces you to retreat in the end, if not handled well.

Yes they do. Most of them would choose different wordings to describe and say we pulled out, Whitehouse wasn't interested and all that but the fact is that the US lost that war.
i know this was going to happen:rofl:

Darpok Salay.PAKISTAN zindabad:pakistan:
Bro, nothing happened in the first place this time. We are not even sure of when something may happen.

When something happened (May 2 raid); we failed to do anything.

Media is just trying to feed bullshit to the people.
Obama: Pakistan must sort out Haqanni problem
Last Updated On 01 October,2011 About 8 minutes ago

US President Barack Obama said Pakistan must "take care" of the extremist Haqqani network.
In a radio show on Friday US President Barack Obama on Friday said Pakistan must "take care" of the extremist Haqqani network, as a fierce dispute raged over US claims the group was an arm of Islamabad s intelligence agency.

Obama did not endorse the accusations, made by retiring chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, but said US intelligence was not entirely clear on links between Haqqani operatives and Pakistani spy agencies.

"I think Mike s testimony expressed frustration over the fact that safe havens exist, including the Haqqani network safe haven inside Pakistan," Obama said on the Michael Smerconish syndicated radio show.

"I think that the intelligence is not as clear as we might like in terms of what exactly that relationship is," Obama said.

"But my attitude is whether there is active engagement with Haqqani on the part of the Pakistanis or just passively allowing them to operate with impunity in some of these border regions, they have got to take care of this problem."

Last week, Mullen accused Pakistan of exporting violence to Afghanistan through proxies and charged that the Haqqani network, an Al-Qaeda-linked group, was a "veritable arm" of Pakistani intelligence.

His comments triggered new tensions with Islamabad, with Pakistani leaders closing ranks against US pressure for action against the Haqqanis and refusing to be pressured into doing more in the war on terror.

Obama said in the interview that there was "no doubt" that the US relationship with Pakistan "is not where it needs to be" though he did note outstanding cooperation with Islamabad in the fight against Al-Qaeda.

"We are going to keep on pressing them to recognize it is in their interests, not just ours, to make sure extremists are not operating within their borders."
Obama: Pakistan must sort out Haqanni problem
Last Updated On 01 October,2011 About 8 minutes ago

US President Barack Obama said Pakistan must "take care" of the extremist Haqqani network.
In a radio show on Friday US President Barack Obama on Friday said Pakistan must "take care" of the extremist Haqqani network, as a fierce dispute raged over US claims the group was an arm of Islamabad s intelligence agency.

Obama did not endorse the accusations, made by retiring chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, but said US intelligence was not entirely clear on links between Haqqani operatives and Pakistani spy agencies.

"I think Mike s testimony expressed frustration over the fact that safe havens exist, including the Haqqani network safe haven inside Pakistan," Obama said on the Michael Smerconish syndicated radio show.

"I think that the intelligence is not as clear as we might like in terms of what exactly that relationship is," Obama said.

"But my attitude is whether there is active engagement with Haqqani on the part of the Pakistanis or just passively allowing them to operate with impunity in some of these border regions, they have got to take care of this problem."

Last week, Mullen accused Pakistan of exporting violence to Afghanistan through proxies and charged that the Haqqani network, an Al-Qaeda-linked group, was a "veritable arm" of Pakistani intelligence.

His comments triggered new tensions with Islamabad, with Pakistani leaders closing ranks against US pressure for action against the Haqqanis and refusing to be pressured into doing more in the war on terror.

Obama said in the interview that there was "no doubt" that the US relationship with Pakistan "is not where it needs to be" though he did note outstanding cooperation with Islamabad in the fight against Al-Qaeda.

"We are going to keep on pressing them to recognize it is in their interests, not just ours, to make sure extremists are not operating within their borders."

So the 'merry go round' continues. What exactly did Mullen's little spat accomplish? We are all on the same boat, & Pakistan will make sure that it stays on that boat.
So the 'merry go round' continues. What exactly did Mullen's little spat accomplish? We are all on the same boat, & Pakistan will make sure that it stays on that boat.

You know Bilal, it is the same old story. Shake up the bees nest and if the fallout is too much then start back peddling to negate the effect. The whole idea is to put pressure on Pakistan to tow American line.

The problem is Pakistan's economy because as long as our Economy is weak we will be susceptible to foreign blackmail ( be it from Americans , UK or other members of EU ).

For Pakistan top priority should be to strengthen its Economy, then Pakistan can tell these blackmailers to go to hell.
Oh c'mon Cheng, you are now being more American then the American founding fathers perhaps. ;)

Even the most patriotic of Americans believe that Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan were/are disasters.

I would discuss this further, but LeGenD has given some points for you to consider, and since I do not want to take this thread off topic, let us please stop there for now. I am sure we will get other opportunities to discuss these issues.

In the context of this thread, I will say that you need to look at US policy in the entire region, not just Afghanistan and Pakistan, to get some idea how the US will determine its course of action with regards to Pakistan.
On the way back home today, heard theBBC news. Retd Maj Gen Mahmood (ex security chief in zardari initial days) has said that Haqqanis are operating in north waziristan right under pakistan army's nose. They (Haqqani's) move freely across the border under army watch.

It looks Gen Mahmood has played the same part again that he played at the time of Mumbai attacks (not to forget Gen Zia's plane crash).
In exchange for greater numbers of US CIA assets on the ground as "military advisers"??

I doubt it, hoefully they've learned their lesson from the raymond davis saga and know what and who's coming with the military advisers.

---------- Post added at 12:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 AM ----------

Obama: Pakistan must sort out Haqanni problem
Last Updated On 01 October,2011 About 8 minutes ago

"I think that the intelligence is not as clear as we might like in terms of what exactly that relationship is," Obama said.

F*** you, guy.
‘The worst is over’ for Pakistan and US

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and the US appear to have pulled back from the brink after behind-the-scenes diplomatic efforts made “substantive progress” towards the normalisation of ties. A US diplomat went as far as to say that “the worst is over.”

The diplomat, speaking to The Express Tribune on condition of anonymity, said the two countries had gone the extra mile this week to defuse tension. He would not share further details but did say the two countries agreed unequivocally on one central point: that a breakdown in their relationship “is not an option.”

The progress was apparently made during US Ambassador Cameron Munter’s talks with Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir and President Asif Zardari. However, it is unclear if the two countries have been able to overcome their differences on the Haqqani network, which has become the core irritant in the relationship.

Another US official said a lot will depend on the outcome of the All Parties Conference, convened by the prime minister to discuss the ongoing row between the two countries.

A Pakistani official also confirmed that the US and Pakistan were eager to put recent tensions behind them. “The two sides have realised that they have to maintain this relationship and at the same time agreed that the war of words must be ceased,” the official added.

In a positive sign, two US officials are expected to travel to Islamabad in October. US special representative for the region Marc Grossman, who in an interview on Wednesday with Express News struck a reconciliatory note, is due to visit the capital next week.

(Read: Exclusive interview – US will not end relationship with Pakistan)

The incoming US Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen Martin Dempsey, who assumes charge today (Friday), will also visit Pakistan in an attempt to repair ties with the Pakistani military leadership.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 30th, 2011.
A big disappointed news for Indians.



How? Because American soldiers will not enter Pakistan? See how people started shivering just when Mullen criticized Pakistan and accused of having link with Haqqani. Gilani to Kiyani, Khar to Pasha started all of them started to visit either Washington DC or even wanted to have a defence pact with China, though China declined it. Above all the comments about China by Gilani and Rehman Malik were epic.

Obama said there will be no US forces in the ground but they did not ruled out heavy drone attack which is continuing. If you do consider it as violation of sovereignty, just yesterday drones killed some more in Pakistan. I said there will be no war, neither US soldiers will enter Pakistan but Haqqani network will be hit by US somehow. May be heavier drone attacks.

AA jayen , damagh theek kar kay wapis bhej dengay.

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