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US for close defense ties with Pakistan

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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US for close defense ties with Pakistan

June 20, 2014, 4:20 pm

WASHINGTON- The US Defence department, the Pentagon urged its government to maintain close defense cooperation with Pakistan.
Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs, Kelly Magsamen, said the security cooperation with Pakistan has helped fight against militant groups. She said an improved relationship between Pakistan and India is essential to regional stability.
US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan James Dobbins also appeared in the same testimony on the U.S. Policy in Afghanistan and the Regional Implications of the 2014 Transition.
I don't know what kind of defence ties US is talking about, they are not ready to sell any Defence hardware to Pakistan & they are talking about Defence ties, BS.

US only wants US Military, Black water & CIA presence in Pakistan to spread chaos by wearing the mask of NGO's.

As long as US Aid Program, Kerry Lugar bill & other shadow deals which were signed with US, Pakistan will always continue to suffer.
I don't know what kind of defence ties US is talking about, they are not ready to sell any Defence hardware to Pakistan & they are talking about Defence ties, BS.

US only wants US Military, Black water & CIA presence in Pakistan to spread chaos by wearing the mask of NGO's.

As long as US Aid Program, Kerry Lugar bill & other shadow deals which were signed with US, Pakistan will always continue to suffer.

American and Pakistani militaries and intelligence agencies work together closely, far more than I think most people here realize.
I don't know what kind of defence ties US is talking about, they are not ready to sell any Defence hardware to Pakistan & they are talking about Defence ties, BS.

US only wants US Military, Black water & CIA presence in Pakistan to spread chaos by wearing the mask of NGO's.

As long as US Aid Program, Kerry Lugar bill & other shadow deals which were signed with US, Pakistan will always continue to suffer.
why...didn't they gave u so many f16 for free..literally..
The U.S/Pakistan relationship has gone back decades, most americans or pakistani's dont realise this, one way or the other we have been allies for a long time.

The problem has always been America has been a superpower expecting Pakistan to act like the other list of lackey countries to always put its own national interest to one side to support american aims whatever they are, whilst Pakistan has always had a good sense or what our own requirements are and acted accordingly to try and defend or promote them, regardless of what americans needs are.

We had a little bust up but the relationship will go on
US only wants US Military, Black water & CIA presence in Pakistan to spread chaos by wearing the mask of NGO's.
Spot on! The Yanks strategy is to use you for their own selfish national interests which they have been doing for ages. Would Balochistan be on their radar after they leave Afghanistan? Beware the ides of March!
The U.S/Pakistan relationship has gone back decades, most americans or pakistani's dont realise this, one way or the other we have been allies for a long time.

The problem has always been America has been a superpower expecting Pakistan to act like the other list of lackey countries to always put its own national interest to one side to support american aims whatever they are, whilst Pakistan has always had a good sense or what our own requirements are and acted accordingly to try and defend or promote them, regardless of what americans needs are.

We had a little bust up but the relationship will go on

Do you see the government of Pakistan ever becoming more open domestically regarding the extent of such cooperation? The extremely credible information that is available would anger some Pakistanis, who may believe such operations are done against the will of their government. I completely understand the reaction if one is not aware of the realities on the ground, but am curious to hear from their citizens if they think we can overcome some of these damaging issues.
The reality is 95% pf all drone attacks in pakistan are signed off by Pakistan goverment/ Military with the vast majority of them being requested based upon Pakistani intel.

So Pakistan finds a target requests a drone attack, which gets done, a "bad guy" gets taken out. The U.S is happy to take out the target and see's it as an extention of war on terror, Pakistan gets rid of a terrorist target which could hurt both Pak/U.s interests and dosent have to spend any money on expensive missiles

Then out comes the big song and dance, with the Pakistani goverment coming out with a time and tested statement of national sovereignity etc etc, the Pak goverment/military aim being that the Pak population gets placated by suggesting that its all the U.s action and pakistan in no way is allowing the drones and also of way of deflecting some TTP ire.

The problems only tend to occur, when the U.S targets someone without Pakistan consent or hits someone Pakistan dosent consider an enemy OR when the internal political pressure gets ramped op or hyped up re drones

There was a long drone attack break,, the Karachi attack happens and hey presto the drones are back, just in time for a pak military offensive, whilst Pak has some of its own drones now the Pak military/goverment is perfectly happy to utilise american tech when its required.

The goverment wont admit to this in the short term, but the information will eventually come out

It could have been different if the U.S had been more understanding of Pakistani security requirements and blocked india from enterning afghanistan, as soon as India had a presence in afghanistan and a anti-pak afgahan goverment became established Pakistan was forced to act
American and Pakistani militaries and intelligence agencies work together closely, far more than I think most people here realize.

American idea of defense ties is you keep doing things in our interests
A super power is neither a friend nor enemy to anyone. If a country want to progress it should keep its distance from super powers and maintain only working relationships intead of deep rooted ties.

Juat like our neibours India and Iran have always kept there distance.

As an old saying goes.
"Small plamts cannot groom Under large trees"
American and Pakistani militaries and intelligence agencies work together closely, far more than I think most people here realize.

This has been done since 1st Afghan war we know we will not get any thing special from US, its China who helped us build our defense industry, US always wanted Pakistan to be beggar for all kind military products. If they are so keen to help then why they never provide most important equipment to fight terror "the advance attack helicopters"? why all military sales had to be linked to WOT if US wanted military relation with Pakistan? People of Pakistan are not fools they clearly understand what we will get from US when it comes to defense equipment. If US is so sincere then why they did not offer F-16 rebuilt factory to Pakistan? Why no Hell fire missiles? Why no Javelin Missiles? Why no Aegis class systems on OHP? why sales are blocked again n again in our history?
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