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US footballer hits out at fan who yelled ‘Muslims suck!’

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Aaron Rodgers criticizes fan who yelled 'Muslims suck!' during moment of silence before Packers game

    • according to Deadspin, which was able to isolate the audio from the fans from Fox's broadcast. At the time, Rodgers was seen glaring in the direction of where the comment came from (see video below).

      After the game, Rodgers was asked about the moment of silence, saying, "It's important to do things like that." He went on, however, to comment about what the fan had yelled.

      "I must admit though I was very disappointed with whoever the fan was that made a comment that I thought was really inappropriate during the moment of silence," Rodgers said. "It's that kind of prejudicial ideology that puts us in the position that we're in today as a world."

      Here are Rodgers' comments:

Aaron Rodgers criticizes fan who yelled 'Muslims suck!' during moment of silence before Packers game

    • according to Deadspin, which was able to isolate the audio from the fans from Fox's broadcast. At the time, Rodgers was seen glaring in the direction of where the comment came from (see video below).

      After the game, Rodgers was asked about the moment of silence, saying, "It's important to do things like that." He went on, however, to comment about what the fan had yelled.

      "I must admit though I was very disappointed with whoever the fan was that made a comment that I thought was really inappropriate during the moment of silence," Rodgers said. "It's that kind of prejudicial ideology that puts us in the position that we're in today as a world."

      Here are Rodgers' comments:

Thankfully there are millions of people like him on both sides or else the world would have destroyed itself completely by now.
There are a few illiterates in America in regards to the world situation. People are too busy with the likes of Kim Kardashian and Justin Beiber to have a basic understanding to not generalize.

The anti-Muslim feeling is now close to mainstream and people in Muslim countries don't realise that their action adversely effect Muslims in western countries. Now people equate the Talebans, Al Qaeeda and Daesh but some in Pakistan and this forum people still don't realise it.
I'm not a fan of western liberalism, but there is strong core belief of tolerance.

There are many genuinely decent people here.
A dumb redneck prob did that what else can he say racist bastard with a bird brain and no knowledge .
ISIS created by US... A country like Syria now totally devastated?
Just see the Syria and Libya in 2010... That was paradise.. but now hell... it was not revolution but a conspiracy by western countries only to get whole access of Oil and Gas...
ISIS is a terrorist organisation no doubt.. it should be eliminated....

Brad Hoff
There are emotional people in each community, colour, culture and each part of the world. But action of one defames the whole community.
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