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US Fleeing From Afghanistan - then what?


May 24, 2011
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1.Grapevine says President Obama will declare Afghan War won; 20 of AQ's 30 top leaders have been killed. The President's camp argues the remainder are too scared to plan any more attacks. This is to see a faster withdrawal than planned. But Obama is keeping his eyes on the voter approval ratings for the re-election.

2. Apparently Americans don't care what artifice President uses as long as US gets out. If they can't win a war in 10 years, it's no use asking for another 10. This war is un-winnable. In fact, no one will say it openly, but all know very well the Afghans have kicked out yet another invader.

3. Now look at the article below:

The Future of Afghanistan

Major AH Amin (Pakistan Army, Retired)

• The USA has few cards in Afghanistan.

The Pakistanis/ISI are not the masters of Afghanistan's destiny, although one may state that the Taliban in Afghanistan south of line Wardak-Shindand are Pakistan dependent as are near-Pakistani proxies.
Kunnar, Laghman, Nuristan is a different game. It is Al Qaeda plus a combination of anti Pakistan Taliban groups with a heavy mixture of Swat. Dir, Bajaur, and Mohmand Talibans.
he north is to a large extent pro Russian groups controlled with exception of pockets of Taliban in Baghlan and Kunduz. The Northern Alliance, Dostum and some other commanders will definitely look towards Russia, India and Iran rather than Pakistan.
A new Northern Alliance is already being created with possible aerial fire support at Kulyab, Dehdadi, Kunduz and Herat Airfields. Russia will not allow the Taliban to have a clean run north of Hindu Kush; neither would Iran and India
In all probability the Taliban will have a clean run till line Kabul-Shindand but no further north.
US has already abandoned large parts of Kunnar, Laghman, and Nuristan where the anti Pakistan Taliban are based.
Note that 80 % of Taliban out of which 90 % are from Afghanistan regard Pakistan as a friend. There is no Pakistani regular army all along the 1500 Km stretch of Afghan border from Zhob to Taftan which is freely used for logistics by the 90 % of Taliban who are against USA and already pro Pakistan.
The result will be an Afghanistan again divided in north and south regardless of Pakistan or USA liking it.
That Pakistan has been using Pashtuns as its pawns in its wars is now even very clear to the Pashtuns. The greatest beneficiary of money from Afghan wars has been the North Punjab.
My fear is that Taliban backlash against Pakistan will be some kind of subconscious Pashtun backlash against Pakistan where Pashtuns will use religion to justify rebellion and even taking over Pakistan or some kind of secession. Here they would be aided by a simultaneous Baloch war of secession and a Punjab and Sindh paralyzed by inflation and unemployment.
Pakistan is a suicide bombers factory. India may not be ideal but at least a young man can hope something in India but not in Pakistan which is a bastion of corruption, nepotism and red tapism. Inflation, poverty and despondency makes Pakistanis kill themselves or aspiring to kill some one, if not physically then spiritually and morally.
A military coup in Pakistan can also not be ruled out. It has not succeeded before but it may next time.
A serious strategic imbalance of Pakistan is that all institutions have lost their coercive value. This includes the military, the ISI and everybody who once mattered.
The majority in Pakistan may be moderate but the extremists are the best organized and most ready to die. So Pakistan may be the worst nightmare of this world in next five to ten years.
The Pakistani military and intelligence and its security apparatus is just not capable of containing extremism. What can the omnipotent USA do about it if they cannot manage to make an Frontier Corps training centre worth 31 Million USD at Tank which was long planned, or bring 1000-MW electricity to Pakistan because of the closing down of the CASA 1000 project.
An Indo Pak showdown with nuclear weapons may become a reality within next five years.
With water resources decreasing and population rising an Indo-Pak conflict is a matter of few years unless Pakistan breaks down from within, not into Balkanization, but into a constant civil war bordering near breakdown.
The militarization of the Indo-Pak has to see a showdown unless one party breaks down without a war. Pakistan seems more likely and the last resort may be a nuclear exchange or a cold start war with India which further weakens Pakistan.
The US would not be able to make a dent with India over Pakistan as Pakistan is a solid Chinese concubine although its US relationship is a more temporary and fluctuating Mutaah or Sigheh (Temporary Marriage).

4. In short, we are back yo square one. Mulla Omar will be back. Mayor Karzai will either get Najibullah's treatment, or might be able to run away to USA to look after his Afghan Food chain restaurants. Who will be the reincarnation of Ahmed Shah Masood? Abdullah Abdullah? We have to wait to see - not very long though.
US should ask india to leave kashmir...if it wants peace in the region sincerely altought that is highly unlikely cause Ben Gurion swore to destroy Pakistan in 1948 when we had nothing and now we can hit Tel Aviv by just pressing one button:lol: and israel occupation is all about Tel aviv and Haifa....Jerusalem is holy and we will take it with fire fight...if india wants peace it should leave occupied kashmir cause when americans leave people will flock to occupied kashmir to save innocent Pakistanis who are being slained on daily basis in indian occupied kashmir
US should ask india to leave kashmir...if it wants peace in the region sincerely altought that is highly unlikely cause Ben Gurion swore to destroy Pakistan in 1948 when we had nothing and now we can hit Tel Aviv by just pressing one button:lol: and israel occupation is all about Tel aviv and Haifa....Jerusalem is holy and we will take it with fire fight...if india wants peace it should leave occupied kashmir cause when americans leave people will flock to occupied kashmir to save innocent Pakistanis who are being slained on daily basis in indian occupied kashmir

I agree with you. Kashmiri jihad will get another boost. Happened before. But there is a move by Russia-India-USA to keep the Pashtuns busy fighting the N Alliance. Because of the Shia factor Iran could also be drawn in. Pakistan needs to work out diplomatic contingencies beside boosting assistance to IEA.
if usa leaves, terrorism will stop.

It is too naive to think so. The taliban/mullah/wahabi brigade senses blood in the water and will stop at nothing to get control of Pakistan, unless they are stopped. The US can only help in fighting this scourge.
It is too naive to think so. The taliban/mullah/wahabi brigade senses blood in the water and will stop at nothing to get control of Pakistan, unless they are stopped. The US can only help in fighting this scourge.

The US is a non factor..
As Mrs clinton put it.. we Pakistani's have to decide what sort of nation we want to be.
Nutjob's promoting Ibn-Wahab's philosophy.. or pretending as preachers in its name. People wanted to impose draconian laws by calling them Sharia..
Executing innocents.. killing thousands.. where the victims dont know why they were killed , nor is the killer really sure why he wanted to do it.
That is Pakistan's choice to decide whether to tolerate them or not..
No USAID schoolbooks, cash.. VoA TV shows.. or the like will change that.
Nor will the perpetual fear of the Mullah due to the general lack of knowledge..
Where ordinary Mufti's are considered Scholars.. ( A mufti in case you are wondering, was regarded as a person who held a diploma in Islamic studies a few hundred years back.. not even a proper graduate, He cannot deduce anything.. can only present references from here and there.. like an oath commissioner is to a Judge). Where sms's with false or weak hadiath circulate all over and have people pouring their money into the pockets of cellphone subscribers. Where the people of daily facebook Islamic videos have so little faith that they accept anyone and everyone without first having their credentials checked out.

In such a society sir, A majority of Pakistani's first have to decide who they are.. before they can decide who is not one of them.
Till then.. no power save god himself can change our predicament.

In such a society sir, A majority of Pakistani's first have to decide who they are.. before they can decide who is not one of them.
Till then.. no power save god himself can change our predicament.

.... and even God helps only those who help themselves, please keep in mind.
And thus you have in a sentence.. a very profound philosophical answer for Pakistanis.

It may often not seem that way Sir, but I do speak the truth, with best interests of both Pakistan and US at heart.
It is too naive to think so. The taliban/mullah/wahabi brigade senses blood in the water and will stop at nothing to get control of Pakistan, unless they are stopped. The US can only help in fighting this scourge.

It is too naive to think so. The taliban/mullah/wahabi brigade senses blood in the water and will stop at nothing to get control of Pakistan, unless they are stopped. The US can only help in fighting this scourge.

Well did anyone bother reading this part:
Major AH Amin (Pakistan Army, Retired)

"That Pakistan has been using Pashtuns as its pawns in its wars is now even very clear to the Pashtuns. The greatest beneficiary of money from Afghan wars has been the North Punjab.
My fear is that Taliban backlash against Pakistan will be some kind of subconscious Pashtun backlash against Pakistan where Pashtuns will use religion to justify rebellion and even taking over Pakistan or some kind of secession. Here they would be aided by a simultaneous Baloch war of secession and a Punjab and Sindh paralyzed by inflation and unemployment."

It will be more to do with Pashtun/Baloch Nationalism and less to do with Wahabi/religious extremism, something on the lines of East Pakistan war. Mullah Omar himself is a ISI pawn but we all know that majority Taliban aren't even under his control, at least not anymore.
Well did anyone bother reading this part:

............................where Pashtuns will use religion to justify rebellion........................

It will be more to do with Pashtun/Baloch Nationalism and less to do with Wahabi/religious extremism, ...............

The "taliban/mullah/wahabi brigade" includes the Pashtuns using hardline religious ideology, just like the quote says. My point still stands.
It is interesting to note that the writer believes the Taliban will not be able to control all of Afghanistan once the Americans go.

If that is true, the only logical alternative is that the pakhtun part of Afghanistan will become a part of Pakistan, officially or de facto.
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