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US Exploring Deal to Limit Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal


May 17, 2015
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The talks are being held in advance of the arrival of Pakistan’s prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, in Washington next week. They focus on American concern that Pakistan might be on the verge of deploying a small tactical nuclear weapon — explicitly modeled on weapons the United States put in Europe during the Cold War to deter a Soviet invasion — that would be far harder to secure than the country’s arsenal of larger weapons.
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But outside experts familiar with the discussions, which have echoes of the Obama administration’s first approaches to Iran on its nuclear program three years ago, expressed deep skepticism that Pakistan is ready to put any limitations on a program that is the pride of the nation, and that it regards as its only real defense against India.

The discussions are being led by Peter R. Lavoy, a longtime intelligence expert on the Pakistani program who is now on the staff of the National Security Council. White House officials declined to comment on the talks ahead of Mr. Sharif’s visit.
But the central element of the proposal, according to other officials and outside experts, would be a relaxation of the strict controls imposed on Pakistan by the Nuclear Suppliers Group, a loose affiliation of nations that try to control the proliferation of weapons.
“If Pakistan would take the actions requested by the United States, it would essentially amount to recognition of rehabilitation and would essentially amount to parole,” said George Perkovich, vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, who has maintained contacts with the Pakistani nuclear establishment.
“I think it’s worth a try,” Mr. Perkovich said. “But I have my doubts that the Pakistanis are capable of doing this.”
David Ignatius, a columnist for The Washington Post, first disclosed the exploratory talks in a column a week ago. Since then, several other officials and outside experts have talked in more detail about the effort, although the White House has refused to comment.
The activity of Mr. Khan, who lives in retirement in a comfortable neighborhood in Islamabad after many years of house arrest, prompted more than a decade of American-led punishment of Pakistan’s nuclear enterprises. He ran what amounted to the world’s most sophisticated black market in the equipment needed to make nuclear fuel, and he did business with Iran, North Korea and Libya.
When Libya turned over the equipment it bought, in late 2003, it included a nearly complete design for one of China’s first nuclear weapons.
Pakistani officials denied that any of the country’s leaders knew of Mr. Khan’s black market activities, a story American officials did not believe because some of the equipment was shipped on Pakistani Air Force cargo planes. While Mr. Khan is not under formal restrictions today, he has not left Pakistan in years and has been prohibited from talking to most outsiders.

Even before entering office, President Obama was interested in addressing the Pakistani nuclear problem, considered by most proliferation experts to be the most dangerous in the world. But until now, most efforts to manage the problem have been covert.
During the Bush administration, the United States spent as much as $100 million on a highly classified program to help secure the country’s nuclear arsenal, helping with physical security and the training of Pakistani security personnel. Those efforts continued in the Obama years, with State Department, Energy Department and intelligence officials meeting secretly, in locales around the world, with senior Pakistani officials from the Strategic Plans Division that controls the arsenal.
They would use those sessions to argue to the Pakistanis that fielding the small, short-range nuclear weapons, which Pakistan designed to use against an invading Indian ground force, would be highly risky.
American officials have told Congress they are increasingly convinced that most of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal is under good safeguards, with warheads separated from delivery vehicles and a series of measures in place to guard against unauthorized use. But they fear the smaller weapons are easier to steal, or would be easier to use should they fall into the hands of a rogue commander.
“All it takes is one commander with secret radical sympathies, and you have a big problem,” said one former official who dealt with the issue.
The message appears to have resonated; an unknown number of the tactical weapons were built, but not deployed. It is that problem that Mr. Lavoy and others are trying to forestall, along with preventing Pakistan from deploying some long-range missiles that could reach well beyond India.
But American leverage has been hard to find. Unlike Iran, Pakistan never signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, the international agreement that prohibits nations, except for existing declared nuclear states like the United States, from possessing a nuclear arsenal. Pakistan is not alone in that distinction: India and Israel also have not signed.
(North Korea left the treaty two decades ago.)
Ordinarily, any country’s refusal to sign the treaty would preclude American nuclear cooperation. So Pakistani officials remain angry with the American decision to enter an agreement with India in 2005 allowing India to buy civil nuclear technology, even though it remains outside the treaty and put no limits on its nuclear program. Under that agreement, India’s nuclear infrastructure was split with a civilian program that is under international inspection, and a military program that is not.
Pakistani officials have demanded the same arrangement.
That does not appear to be on the table. Instead, the United States is exploring ways to relax restrictions on nuclear-related technology to Pakistan, perhaps with a long-term goal of allowing the country to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group, which regulates the sale of the technology. That would be largely symbolic: Pakistan manages to import or make what it needs for its nuclear arsenal, and China has already broken ground on a $9.6 billion nuclear power complex in Karachi. Mr. Sharif presided over the ceremony.

It's funny when a country which has worst record of security of nuclear weapons and experience of nuking innocent citizens worry so much about nuclear arsenal of a country which is secure and have clean history with zero accidents........
They need hot topics and fake dangers to keep their jobs running and to keep funds coming for full filling their so called peace full goals which have always created more violence and blood shed than establishment of peace.......:coffee:
Why don't I see these officials meeting Indians and telling them anything at all. There is simply no point in even having a discussion with the Americans over our nuclear program. Chinese are building new breed of reactors and we have enough fissile material to continue our minimum creditable deterrence. Its time we expand our missile range beyond India. Than we can talk about restrictions.
well world how much our nukes are secure.
If US did it they might loss confidence of his Friend
Will not happen


Would consider , the deal if it was maintain 400-500 Nukes arsenal , and ability to replace 25 per year

  • Reduction in number by 30% in next 20 years
  • Reduction in numbers by 50% in next 30 years

a) In return for 500 Billion liquid cash (DAM / power projects/ metro / hospitals)
b) Free trade agreement with USA
c) Access to NASA missions as an International space partner / share of rocket tech
Invite to Pakistani scientist to work in NASA, quota for scientist and students
Promotion of Civilian cooperation in space

d) 10 Civilian Nuclear plant deal
f) SAM batteries
g) Establishment of an US Aerospace/Engineering University Branch in Pakistan
h) Creation of 1 Major Saline water cleaning project to serve Drinkable water to Pakistan
i) Establishment of world class Medical University , with US cooporation

Return of benefits to US economy
> Pakistan would allocate project to General Electric , GE to redo whole railways in Pakistan
> Establishment of Ford Car plants in Pakistan, cars built in Pakistan would be sold locally
> Funds would be used to construct overhaul Textile industry, PIA and steeles mills
> Train metro in all 10 major cities of Pakistan built by USA companies
> Medical equipment would be bought from USA
> 50 Boeing planes would be bought from USA for PIA
> Purchase of heavy machinery for Industrial level farming again from US imported

If such a deal is in consideration , would cap the Nuclear Arsenal for Pakistan in return for Economic cooperation

* Nukes production over 400 is unnecessary for Pakistan
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Pakistani people and army are very found off nuclear bombs...they wont let it happen.
Pakistan needs the nuke out of need to the east , however otherwise Pakistan would prefer investment in trade and defensive weapons
Peter R Lavoy was the host of the Gen Kidwai's speech in America in march where he explained the purpose of Pakistani nukes. I think Lavoy has got this idea from there abt limiting the weapons of Pakistan. But yes we must not make our nuke deterrence a plaything.
You can get nuclear technology from China. Also there is now the Pak China economic corridor and increasing trade with Iran. There is simply nothing that usa can provide and secure israels nuclear first strike capability against all nations in mideast and south asia.

submarine second strike capability is vital as well as developing maneuvering ballistic missiles like iskandar.

You can willfully without signing anything and without risking sanctions or more by not mass producing and complete testing of icbms that can reach usa or europe as they can sacrifice india but not israel.
Will not happen


Would consider , the deal if it was maintain 400-500 Nukes arsenal , and ability to replace 25 per year

  • Reduction in number by 30% in next 20 years
  • Reduction in numbers by 50% in next 30 years

a) In return for 500 Billion liquid cash (DAM / power projects/ metro / hospitals)
b) Free trade agreement with USA
c) Access to NASA missions as an International space partner / share of rocket tech
Invite to Pakistani scientist to work in NASA, quota for scientist and students

d) 10 Civilian Nuclear plant deal
f) SAM batteries
g) Establishment of an US Aerospace/Engineering University Branch in Pakistan
h) Creation of 1 Major Saline water cleaning project to serve Drinkable water to Pakistan
i) Establishment of world class Medical University , with US cooporation

Return of benefits to US economy
> Pakistan would allocate project to General Electric , GE to redo whole railways in Pakistan
> Establishment of Ford Car plants in Pakistan, cars built in Pakistan would be sold locally
> Funds would be used to construct overhaul Textile industry, PIA and steeles mills
> Train metro in all 10 major cities of Pakistan built by USA companies
> Medical equipment would be bought from USA
> 50 Boeing planes would be bought from USA for PIA
> Purchase of heavy machinery for Industrial level farming

If such a deal is in consideration , would cap the Nuclear Arsenal for Pakistan in return for Economic cooperation

* Nukes production over 400 is unnecessary for Pakistan

It sound great but all this not gonna happen :D

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