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US deadbeat economy, Biden and Democrats face disaster

If you really think inflation will keep spiking next year, you will make a fortune on futures.

The futures contracts for almost every commodity is backwardated (aka, cheaper in the future than now).

I think the current inflation talk that seems to emerge from the propaganda only at the very moment that inflation is rolling over is very suspect.
Most of US wealth is on paper, but the military spending real. If you recall, after the US defeat in Vietnam, there was a major inflationary spike. But at that time, the US was a major manufacturing economy and also engaged in a cold war against a economically weak USSR. However, today China is in far superior economic situation and also has a mega manufacturing base, so the US simply can not outspend China militarily. The Americans and the west in general are dumb ego driven fucks who fail to realize that Economics 101 GUNS vs BUTTER. Having a mega military and a weak economy is a losing bet. The US is in a viscous downward spiral and its collapse will be faster than USSR. The lost wars should have been a warning, the Anglo-Zionist arrogance and ego is its own suicide.
Even with the colossal military and spending, there is endemic inefficiencies, cost overruns and corruption as the corporate contractors keep ripping off the government. So with a smaller budget, China is actually pushing ahead and advancing past the US in many key areas like hypersonic missile technology and naval procurement.
Even with the colossal military and spending, there is endemic inefficiencies, cost overruns and corruption as the corporate contractors keep ripping off the government. So with a smaller budget, China is actually pushing ahead and advancing past the US in many key areas like hypersonic missile technology and naval procurement.
As a mechanical and a industrial engineer I have seen the Chinese industry is quite lean now and utilize Sigma 6 and lean manufacturing in crucial sectors. The Chinese military spending is also very lean and focused while US military is totally corrupt. For instance in Afghanistan, the idiots were paying $150 a gallon shipped in via Pakistan and everyone taking a cut. The whole US military supply chain is corrupted and officers have become millionaires. In the PLA or any respectable military they would have been shot.
As a mechanical and a industrial engineer I have seen the Chinese industry is quite lean now and utilize Sigma 6 and lean manufacturing in crucial sectors. The Chinese military spending is also very lean and focused while US military is totally corrupt. For instance in Afghanistan, the idiots were paying $150 a gallon shipped in via Pakistan and everyone taking a cut. The whole US military supply chain is corrupted and officers have become millionaires. In the PLA or any respectable military they would have been shot.

Not only that, but the US defense department constantly hand out contractors to corporate contractors who are running the bill extremely high and enriching themselves. They can do that because they own the politicians.
Are you all losing your minds?

It would seem that very few people on this forum knows how economics works.

I spoonfed you guys in a few threads now and only got like 2 people who understood what I was saying.
Not only that, but the US defense department constantly hand out contractors to corporate contractors who are running the bill extremely high and enriching themselves. They can do that because they own the politicians.
Look up the published Pentagon expenses on "consultants" and "Contracts Administration". The U.S. government has also turned to contractors to provide analysts, developers, engineers, consultants and other personnel to work on major projects inflating costs and opportunties for corruption. The Pentagon's official budget for such outsourcing, sometimes without any competitive bidding or accountability now runs over $75 billion. This more than the entire defence budget of Russia or most nations.
Look up the published Pentagon expenses on "consultants" and "Contracts Administration". The U.S. government has also turned to contractors to provide analysts, developers, engineers, consultants and other personnel to work on major projects inflating costs and opportunties for corruption. The Pentagon's official budget for such outsourcing, sometimes without any competitive bidding or accountability now runs over $75 billion. This more than the entire defence budget of Russia or most nations.

Absolutely. The corporations are literally raping the government for their own bottom line.
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