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US considers options for strike in Pakistan: WP

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Regional dynamics change in days, you dont have idea , how much the Russians and Chinese are sniffing for an opportunity,If US commits such a mistake, it will only result in Pakistani anger and there Establishment will lean more towards Russia and China. The Indian card is though pivotal, but will have a little influence.Iranian card is catastrophic for the west, Any regional support for Iran will be like domsday for the West in its efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring Nukelear Technology.
No body closes its doors to anybody, there are opportunists every where.With a Rebelling Pakistan(Not to mention the only Muslim Nuclear Power) The US will certainly get into an uncomfortable seat regardless of how much India has to offer to US. They know it..:agree:

See the world runs on $$. The end benifit for China or Russia are much more less. They would never want to keep the client like India away from them and get into US camp. Their alignment with Pakistan will be a major setback reason being there is nothing to gain from Pakistan.

The influence of Indian card lies with the information technology influence within the west and the east. Media plays a very dominant role. India supported with US never ever chinese are going to like that nor the Russians. At the same time Chinese Russians and Indians in the same camp at the expense of Pakistan is good deal for them. No offence but they would love to use pakistan as a bait and then for the power projection in front of US by safeguarding Pakistani interest against US. But at the end of the day India will play its card. At max if Indians dont get involved then they will remain neutral because there non neutrality will result in loosing one of there major clients including China which has a huge trade with India.
It looks that we deserve what USA is doing to us. We are not screaming even when we are screwed with Cactus!! so it is tested, money is foremost for Pakistani Politicians and those in command. People are happy that they are being crucified by our sold leaders. The value of vote is now 500 Rs and a 3 times Biryani and the whole fate of the nation is decided on this cost. Why crying that USA is going to attack us! are people living in Northern Areas animals where US drones are cooking them with hellfire bombs and our nation sleeps well in the night watching Indian movies??? the screams of children dieing in northern areas due to perpetual bombings are not reaching the Nation. Our Airforce is sleeping in its cozy bases without caring much about when and how these drones fly and kill innocent people in the areas that were once called Pakistan's defense's backbone..We are having an alcoholic sleep and we damn care what is happening to our people living in northern areas.
Actually did you know that we sold 80% of the stingers and the only ones used were by the SSG commandoes and elite mujahideen.

Did you know that the money US gave went into our nuclear program, if you need references, just ask.
Oh please! Are you telling me you took down the Soviet military single-handedly? Whether Mujahideen or not, Had NATO not showered funds, arms, tactics and logistics there would have been a Afghan SSR today. I find it extremely amusing the way some Pakistani members here try to gloat that your country single-handedly took down Kremlin's forces.

It was always and always NATO's backing that saved Afghanistan and Pakistan possibly from the Communist clutches. Compare your then defense budget, ability to procure, manufacture, induct and specialize any weapon to that of Soviet Union. Do you actually think you could stand a chance one on one? Mujahideen were an important part of the conflict since no weapon can fire itself without a human input, but also if you remove NATO's blessings, the Mujahideen would have been cannon fodder for the GRU's Hinds and MiGs.

I might agree that some money might have possibly gone into your nuclear programme.

As for further reading, I humbly request you to post the sources that you are willing to provide.

Thank you.
See the world runs on $$. The end benifit for China or Russia are much more less. They would never want to keep the client like India away from them and get into US camp. Their alignment with Pakistan will be a major setback reason being there is nothing to gain from Pakistan.

The influence of Indian card lies with the information technology influence within the west and the east. Media plays a very dominant role. India supported with US never ever chinese are going to like that nor the Russians. At the same time Chinese Russians and Indians in the same camp at the expense of Pakistan is good deal for them. No offence but they would love to use pakistan as a bait and then for the power projection in front of US by safeguarding Pakistani interest against US. But at the end of the day India will play its card. At max if Indians dont get involved then they will remain neutral because there non neutrality will result in loosing one of there major clients including China which has a huge trade with India.

see the world runs on power and influence. The way US is carraying out its ops in afghanistan would be impossible for it, If Pakistan didnt supported it. See how much Alarm bells rang when the manas air base in Kazakstan was closed. The only gateway for US to central asia is through Turkey and Pakistan.
Though i agree India has much to offer, but interms of Influence generation in CAR india has very little to offer, US will never want Pakistan to be that friendly with Russia and China so that they could excersize there influence in CAR through Pakistan.All there 50 years of hardwork wil be lost if that happens.
IT,Media, Millitary Might and Economic Strenth can not shape Ground Realities of Regional Dynamics(If it did than US would not be defeated in Afghanistan).India has far more to loose than by getting blocked to do buisness in CAR through Pakistan and Afghanistan rather than Blocking Pakistan from benefiting from Russia and China . . . :agree:
Nopes we will sit there and watch sipping coffee and then we will condemn it. we are too good at condemnation.

If they give us some $$ we may give them some targets. At least in 60 years we would have knows the weak points and strong points of each other.

Make peace with us. We guarantee we will drag whole of Asia into it and make a villain out of US before they realize what happened. You know evil Indian minds and Evil Indian media.

:rofl::rofl::rofl:, Yeah we are aware of Indian Minds
:rofl::rofl::rofl:, Yeah we are aware of Indian Minds

No offence dude i just said that in lighter sense. we know how to screw each other and thats for sure US cannot screw us. Only Indians can screw up Pakistan and Pakistan can screw up India. Thats our birth right isint it. How the hell we can give that to US. :lol:
No offence dude i just said that in lighter sense. we know how to screw each other and thats for sure US cannot screw us. Only Indians can screw up Pakistan and Pakistan can screw up India. Thats our birth right isint it. How the hell we can give that to US. :lol:

Indeed but US can certainly help both side screwing eachother.. :rofl:
see the world runs on power and influence. The way US is carraying out its ops in afghanistan would be impossible for it, If Pakistan didnt supported it. See how much Alarm bells rang when the manas air base in Kazakstan was closed. The only gateway for US to central asia is through Turkey and Pakistan.
Though i agree India has much to offer, but interms of Influence generation in CAR india has very little to offer, US will never want Pakistan to be that friendly with Russia and China so that they could excersize there influence in CAR through Pakistan.All there 50 years of hardwork wil be lost if that happens.
IT,Media, Millitary Might and Economic Strenth can not shape Ground Realities of Regional Dynamics(If it did than US would not be defeated in Afghanistan).India has far more to loose than by getting blocked to do buisness in CAR through Pakistan and Afghanistan rather than Blocking Pakistan from benefiting from Russia and China . . . :agree:

Dude you are viewing it from the angle of Pakistan now look at the angle of China and Russia. Keeping aside the Pakistani nationalism whom do you think is better partner for them in terms of money might and influence including the middle east. If they exclude India then it will create more troubles for them.

They will never want a India supported by US right in their neighbour which already is a threat. On the other hand Pakistan is way far behind to become threats to China and Russia. So US backed India is more dangerous for them in comparison to Pakistan backed by US.. In case of US aggression into Pakistan just the Indo-chinese alliance not even on the scale of military operation just the diplomatic one will wet there pants.

As per my personal opinion is concerned i would say lets remain enemies but dont let the third party screw us. Lets kill each other or anything but when someone outside wants share of us. Phuck them hard.
Indeed but US can certainly help both side screwing eachother.. :rofl:

Thats what they do. They give u F16 some free and some at nominal price and then offer us F18.

Lol i applied the same strategy to one of my clients and guess what it worked. they are in die hard competition now :lol:
what type of strike will usa do

how will Pakistan react ???

do Pakistan use its air power against usa

---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 PM ----------

what type of strike will usa do

how will Pakistan react ???

do Pakistan use its air power against usa
Thats what they do. They give u F16 some free and some at nominal price and then offer us F18.

Lol i applied the same strategy to one of my clients and guess what it worked. they are in die hard competition now :lol:

The do it throughout this world.. F-15s to Arabs and F-16s and F-15s(high tech) to Israelis..
Economic ties with China and Red hot weapons to Taiwan Japan and North Korea.
No offence dude i just said that in lighter sense. we know how to screw each other and thats for sure US cannot screw us. Only Indians can screw up Pakistan and Pakistan can screw up India. Thats our birth right isint it. How the hell we can give that to US. :lol:

So lets unscrew the screw between us and screw US once and for all, and then screwup each other like before:lol:

pretty much of a mind twister isnt it :lol:
The do it throughout this world.. F-15s to Arabs and F-16s and F-15s(high tech) to Israelis..
Economic ties with China and Red hot weapons to Taiwan Japan and North Korea.

bando main akal to hai par jagah galat chun li asia. Things dont work the way things work in US. yaha kisi ka kya bharosa ek 10 saal ka bacha katta tamancha lekar ghum rhaa ho
Oh please! Are you telling me you took down the Soviet military single-handedly? Whether Mujahideen or not, Had NATO not showered funds, arms, tactics and logistics there would have been a Afghan SSR today. I find it extremely amusing the way some Pakistani members here try to gloat that your country single-handedly took down Kremlin's forces.

It was always and always NATO's backing that saved Afghanistan and Pakistan possibly from the Communist clutches. Compare your then defense budget, ability to procure, manufacture, induct and specialize any weapon to that of Soviet Union. Do you actually think you could stand a chance one on one? Mujahideen were an important part of the conflict since no weapon can fire itself without a human input, but also if you remove NATO's blessings, the Mujahideen would have been cannon fodder for the GRU's Hinds and MiGs.

I might agree that some money might have possibly gone into your nuclear programme.

As for further reading, I humbly request you to post the sources that you are willing to provide.

Thank you.

1980s: Much US and Saudi Aid Meant for Afghan Fighters Goes to ISI and A. Q. Khan Network

Much of the billions of dollars in aid from Saudi Arabia and the CIA to the Afghan mujaheddin actually gets siphoned off by the Pakistani ISI. Melvin Goodman, a CIA analyst in the 1980s, will later say, “They were funding the wrong groups, and had little idea where the money was going or how it was being spent.” Sarkis Soghanalian, a middleman profiting from the aid, will later say, “The US did not want to get its hands dirty. So the Saudis’ money and the US money was handled by the ISI. I can tell you that more than three quarters of the money was skimmed off the top. What went to buy weapons for the Afghan fighters was peanuts.” Sognhanalian claims that most of the money went through various accounts held at the notoriously corrupt BCCI bank, then was distributed to the ISI and the A. Q. Khan nuclear network. [TRENTO, 2005, PP. 318] Robert Crowley, a CIA associate director from the 1960s until the 1980s, will also refer to the aid money going to Khan’s network, commenting, “Unfortunately, the Pakistanis knew exactly where their cut of the money was to go.” An early 1990s congressional investigation led by Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) will also come to the same conclusion. [TRENTO, 2005, PP. 314, 384]

Unfortunately you underestimate the importance of Pakistan's ISI and Black Storks (SSG commandoes) who were the only ones allowed to enter, train and distribute funds. One of the conditions was that ISI alone handles all the logistics, training and finance. USA did not want to get caught red handed, neither they could enter Afghanistan on fear of getting caught.

Here is another article from Eric Margolis, perhaps the first to learn of the ISI operation.

I was one of the first western journalists invited into ISI HQ in 1986. ISI's then director, the fierce Lt. General Akhtar Rahman, personally briefed me on Pakistan's secret role in fighting Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. ISI's `boys' provided communications, logistics, training, heavy weapons, and direction in the Afghan War. I kept ISI's role in Afghanistan a secret until the war ended in 1989.

ISI was primarily responsible for the victory over the Soviets, which hastened the collapse of the USSR. At war's end, Gen. Akhtar and Pakistan's leader, Zia ul Haq, both died in a sabotaged C-130 transport aircraft. Unfortunately, most Pakistanis blame the United States for this assassination.

Eric Margolis: Blaming Pakistan's Spies For A War Gone Wrong

None of the NATO, not anyone was involved in direct preparation and development of the insurgents, they used to come and check the training methods, ask of the goals achieved and the future plans.

Look up Ojhri camp blast for the weapons depot used for Mujahideen.

The depot was blown up by the Pakistan military (example, there are at any given time 3000 or so soldiers inside the camp and no one died) to stop the Americans from auditting missing arms that were meant for the Afghans, armaments that were either supplied directly by the US (the famed Stinger missiles) or for which money had been sent but ended up somewhere else. Some of the US supplied weapons (Stingers) were being sold to Iran or/and Iraq (also at war at the time) by top military brass and their relatives (he mentions Zia’s son, Ijaz ul Haz and Akthar Abdul Rehman’s son being the main beneficiary).

Missiles supplied by CIA have turned up in Iran, Qatar and North Korea. Op turned into a fish market “CIA unable to recover most of the missiles.” One effort failed when Pakistani officials stormed into Afghanistan and seized the missiles—Afghan rebel chief so incensed his men kidnapped 2 (Chinese) engineers working with the Pakistani government and holds them for ransom. Foul-ups legendary in intelligence circles in Pakistan and tribal leaders in Afghanistan. Washington Post 3/7/94 a1,14

Ralph McGehee, A Background to Terrorism
USA cannot commit the mistake of striking inside Pakistan. If Army would think that USA is turning over smart and taking advantage of Pak's cooperation (unwilling), the recent advancement and successes in Afghanistan would wash like dirt once US will loose the cooperation of mighty ISI.
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