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US (CIA) removed Imran Khan govt: Former British Ambassador

Should we blame US/CIA ? Of course they will bring or try to bring govt who serve their interest, because Americans always do what's best for their interest even if it means supporting corrupt Dictators or support Genocide, but what is concerning how our Establishment and Top Military leadership is compromised, so blame them rather than CIA or USA, our own people are doing Khud Kuss Hamlay on Pakistan everyday, our own Army is busy in abduction Journalists or anyone criticizing them for having a small Pee Pee, we need to fix our own self first before we blame others, others will always have ill intention for you, but right now 95% of Pakistani's themselves have ill intention for their own country.
CIA was caught spying on US Senate intelligence committee

This what happened:

"The CIA officials penetrated the computer network when they came to suspect that the committee’s staff had gained unauthorized access to an internal CIA review of the detention program that the spy agency never intended to give to Congress. A CIA lawyer then referred the agency’s suspicions to the Justice Department to determine whether the committee staff broke the law when it obtained that document. The inspector general report said that there was no “factual basis” for this referral, which the Justice Department has declined to investigate, because the lawyer had been provided inaccurate information. The report said that the three information technology officers “demonstrated a lack of candor about their activities” during interviews with the inspector general."
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Blame yourselves, not others.

First part of recovery is to understand that you are unwell. Then we can start treatment.

It is Pakistanis that implemented the plan.

they generally are more honest say compared to Penthouse pirates.

Symptom of gora complex

Considering goras good and honest and superior as people. Everything they say must be true and credible because they’re honest and good people owing to their skin color and being from West

Jinnah gave us freedom but our mentality is still enslaved
Symptom of gora complex

no just a statistical fact.

ask Nawj to do a charity fund raiser... let us know how much he was able to raise?

Considering goras good and honest and superior as people. Everything they say must be true and credible because they’re honest and good people owing to their skin color and being from West

last I check every Pakistani with half a brain is desperately dying to settle in the west... the rest who remain cannot go there bcos lack of quality education or clean criminal record.
no just a statistical fact.

Gora complex is a fact and symptoms described.

last I check every Pakistani with half a brain is desperately dying to settle in the west... the rest who remain cannot go there bcos lack of quality education or clean criminal record.

Earth belongs to Allah ﷻ and Muslims have more right than anyone to inhabit it and conquer it and expand and spread the religion of Allah ﷻ

Islam also advises us to travel.

You desperately need to travel to rid yourself of the gora complex and see how vile goras actually are. But first step is admitting you’ve a problem
The cipher was enough evidence. Not sure why we need more validation.

The degree of interference in RCO can be argued. You’d be naive to expect the Americans to come in and do the RCO for you.

The local handlers within Pakistan did their job well. The cover story, however was not very good. Hence the Pakistanis, majority of them, saw through the game and here we are.
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