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US: “China bans purchase of US-made aircraft”. China holds a quarter of Boeing orders

I won't waste my time debating with a dishonorable character and troll in here unless they can conclusively post solid evidences such as an image of the summary prepared by CAAC in his so called press release that shows C919 has only complete 34 out of 276 required tests.

Otherwise IMO it is just another piece of half baked fake news.

The Director General of CAAC did that when announcing the progress of certification of ARJ21 and Boeing 737 Max. in the past.

My question is how come it is different this time around?

Shall we blamed in on the COVID pandemic like the West?

How come Reuter did not published it if it is true? Half truth and an added ingredient?

Go home and stop trolling.

With 34 test completed, the C919 will be making delivery this year or next is really a miracle and is lacking in both logic and commonsense.

It is also a well known fact that CAAC is much more stricter than FAA.
Tell us any European or American airliner operating domestic flights in China
Yes, it can be done. Bring it one. After Ukraine crisis, we know American are weakling. They can be push around easily. :enjoy:
Yes, it can be done. Bring it one. After Ukraine crisis, we know American are weakling. They can be push around easily. :enjoy:
you misunderstood the question
"Tell us any European or American airliner operating domestic flights in China"
Trade war, or China likes to promote her own C 919 jetliners in domestic market.

Whats its passenger capacity?
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