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US blasted for supplying cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia

Huh ? So where is my joke ? and who's laughing ? i think the shock is so strong you don't even know what to say...

u know what i meant....
thats whats important , if u ignore it and try to deviate your own self , nothings gonna change
My friend, you started to speak nonsense, i think you should call it a rest and just swallow it and move on.
tnx for the advice:omghaha:
let others decide who speaks non-sence my good muslim friend
Americans supplied Saddam with orange Gas then bomb the shi.t out of him for having and using orange gas. I welcome the move by Americans to supply clusters bombs to Saudis.:yay::yahoo:

Thanks a bunch. Be ware that comparing apples to oranges will never make you feel happy nor will it help your wishful thinking. The US did supply Sadam with Chemos, yet, you couldn't avenge the death of your own brothers :lol:
The truth is iran nd india callabarate not only in afghanistan but india made nd funded chabahar port in iran 2 counterweight gwadar port ontop of tht iran nd india r jointly destablising pakistan from afghanistan through their rented agents uzbek nd tajik terrorists nd fassaadis tht crossover from afghanistan into pakistan nd carryout attacks in pakistan by disguising as ttp. Ontop of tht iran has given india a consulate in zahidan in iranian balochistan which borders pakistan these iranians r also destablising pakistan nd pakistans balochistan hand in hand with india all the activities nd sabotage tht is done in pakistans balochistan r done by iranians nd indians hiding in iran nd it was iran which created bla so this is the true face of iran.
Iran has undercover dealings with america nd israel iran was part of the american game in iraq nd afghanistan nd now recently in lybia iran america nd israel callabarated together nd plotted against lybia nd qaddafi nd now in syria iranian double agents mko r fighting in syria against syrian government iranian made peshmerga nd pkk r openly fighting against the syrian government the so called nusra front r iranian agents nd hve links with iran iran created peshmerga nd pkk 2 break iraq nd destablise turkey iran is the biggest enemy of iraq turkey nd syria iran wants 2 break away kurdish areas of iraq turkey nd syria. Iran is xploding bombs in iraq nd killing iraqis. Iran is destablising almost all islamic countries iraq turkey syria bahrain lybia yemen pakistan nd now egypt for past 35 years america has been threatning iran but hve not attacked it yet but instead attacked iraq afghanistan lybia nd now in syria working with callabaration of iran nd now iran destablising egypt with britishers now this shows tht iran is nothing but a proxy of america nd israel in the region 2 destablise islamic countries iran is a proxy of america nd israel in the region 2 destablise islamic countries.
The Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) has denounced the United States for planning to supply 1,300 cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia.

“We are disappointed with the US decision to export cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia as both countries acknowledge the negative humanitarian impact of these weapons on civilians,” CMC Director Sarah Blakemore said on Thursday.

“Cluster munitions have been banned by more than half the world’s nations so any transfer goes against the international rejection of these weapons,” she added.

The US Defense Department announced on Tuesday that Textron Defense Systems won a contract valued at $641 million to build the bombs for the Persian Gulf state.

The contract, expected to be completed by 2015, formalizes the sale of CBU-105 cluster bombers. Congress was first notified about the deal in December 2010.

The company said the weapon, also known as a Sensor Fuzed Weapon, has "greater than 99 percent reliability," meaning less than 1 percent remain as unexploded ordnance.

The United States and its Middle Eastern ally have refused to sign the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which prohibits the production, transfer, use, and stockpiling of cluster munitions.

The US has previously announced sales of CBU-105 cluster bombers to India, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Saudi Arabia has used cluster munitions in the past and stockpiles the weapons, but it is not believed to produce or export cluster munitions.

“The US should acknowledge the treaty’s ban on cluster munition exports and reevaluate the criteria for its export moratorium so that no cluster munitions are transferred,” Blakemore said.

Meanwhile, London-based Action on Armed Violence warned about the consequences of the use of the cluster bombs.

“That cluster munitions continue to kill and injure civilians for many years is one of the many reasons why the international community saw fit to outlaw their future use or transfer. Sixty percent of cluster bomb casualties occur while the victim is undertaking their normal activities,” the group said.

Saudi Arabia and the US are amongst the twelve countries that have used cluster munitions in the past (US in multiple locations; Saudi Arabia against Iraq in 1991).

PressTV - US blasted for supplying cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia

Atlast this iranian false flagger changed his pakistani flag now this false flagger has changed his flag from a pakistani flag to an american flag this shows how much of a false flagger these iranians nd indians r now his agenda is 2 kissupto america for irans nefarious agenda.
Soon Pakistan will reply 2 iran with all its might nd then these iranians will start crying. ARABS BALOCHS ND AZERIS dont consider themselves as iranians. Turkey nd azerbaijan needs 2 attack south azerbaijan nd liberate south azerbaijan nd azeris from irans oppressive rule Iraq needs 2 take back arab areas of iran from ahvaz till khuzestan all this area r arab lands iraq needs 2 attack iran nd take back arab areas of iran from ahvaz till khuzestan nd pakistan needs 2 attack iranian balochistan nd free balochs from irans oppressive rule nd unite balochs of iran with their brothers from pakistan. nd U.A.E should attack 3 islands which iran robbed from U.A.E nd take back those 3 islands from iran PAKISTAN will help U.A.E in this great mission. thanks
u know what i meant....
thats whats important , if u ignore it and try to deviate your own self , nothings gonna change

Bro, I know how jolly you're, but please, let's just put it down for now, and be serious.
Provide these cluster bombs to FSA! They can use them well.
i thought i was the only one who noticed that:rofl:
barking for islam from israel is sth!!!!
no insult

Yep,in the real world people travel for business purposes,for pleasure,socialise,etc.Quite shocking for a medieval iranian huh?
Yep,in the real world people travel for business purposes,for pleasure,socialise,etc.Quite shocking for a medieval iranian huh?

business with zionist like u =haram
pleasure in israel for a muslim? is somewhat non-islamic
socialise with murderers and childkillers is again haram

anyways this is intra-islamic issue and has nothing to do with u:bounce:

medieval? seriously when people were building takhte-jamshid of iran and egypts pyramid and wall of china
u were ..............in eu!!!
fill in the blanks !!!!!:omghaha::rofl:

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