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US, Bangladesh hold talks on defence co-op


Dec 31, 2010
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Published on 12:00 AM, January 10, 2023

US, Bangladesh hold talks on defence co-op​

US delegation meets foreign secy; Washington keen to sign 2 defence deals with Dhaka


The diplomatic relations between the countries started on April 4, 1972, through the US’ recognition of the newly independent Bangladesh.


Dhaka and Washington yesterday discussed boosting defence cooperation, maritime security and strengthening the capacities of law enforcement agencies.

The issues came up during a meeting between a US delegation, led by US National Security Council's Senior Director for South Asia Rear Admiral Eileen Laubacher, and Bangladesh Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen at the state guesthouse Padma yesterday.

The US has been eager to sign two defence agreements with Bangladesh as Bangladesh wants to modernise the military by 2030.

The agreements are General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) and the Acquisition Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA), which the officials termed foundational agreements meant to strengthen the defence relationship between two countries.

As part of a security plan in the Indo-Pacific region, the US wants to boost maritime security cooperation with the regional countries.
A meeting source said the issue of sanctions imposed by the US on Rab and seven of its former and current officials in December 2021 was not discussed.

"Both sides, however, spoke of exchange of training and capacity building of Rab and other law enforces," he told this correspondent.
Laubacher, who visited Rohingya camps on Sunday, lauded Bangladesh for sheltering the Rohingyas and stressed on expanding education and livelihood options for them.

Foreign Secretary Masud told her that security situation in the Rohingya camps is deteriorating and it could turn out to be a security issue and so an urgent solution to this crisis is needed.
He appreciated the US for supporting the resolutions in the UN related to the Rohingyas and for recognising the Rohingya genocide.

The other members of the visiting US delegation include Colonel Brian Luti, director for South Asia Regional Affairs at the National Security Council; Scott Urbom, office director for Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka in the South-Central Asia Bureau; Helen LaFave, deputy chief of mission; and Arturo Hines, chief of political section of the US embassy in Dhaka.

They also attended a discussion with officials of the Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen said Dhaka welcomes constructive engagement of the US.

US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Donald Lu, will visit Dhaka this month. Two other officials, including a top official from USAID, are also likely to visit Dhaka.

"This is very positive. We have multifaceted relationship with the US. We want to advance our relations and these visits are part of it," he told journalists at the foreign ministry.

"If there is any weakness, they will tell us officially. We will resolve it," he said when journalists asked about US concerns about the human rights, calls for fair elections and freedom of the press.

Momen said Bangladesh and the US believe and pursue the same values and principles like democracy and respect for human rights.
He said there were US concerns over the Digital Security Act and measures were taken to rectify it.

He said there has been no excesses by the Rab for many years. Actions were taken duly in any case of excesses as the force matured over the years and they have an inbuilt accountability system. "We don't want to see any injustice anywhere."

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam said Bangladesh wants the US and their allies to disown the political parties that support militancy and terrorism.

He said Bangladesh has paid heavy price of the Holey Artisan terrorist attack and the response and reaction from the law enforcers were applauded by the US and its allies. They and their allies also disowned the political parties that shelter and promote militancy.

"We hope that the countries will continue that policy and would not shelter any killers,"

Shahriar told reporters at the foreign ministry.
He brushed away any possibility of sanctions when asked about the foreign secretary's December 31 letter to the Bangladesh missions abroad.

The letter asked the Bangladeshi diplomats to be highly alert to block any sanctions.

"Both sides, however, spoke of exchange of training and capacity building of Rab and other law enforces," he told this correspondent.
who visited Rohingya camps on Sunday, lauded Bangladesh for sheltering the Rohingyas and stressed on expanding education and livelihood options for them.

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam said Bangladesh wants the US and their allies to disown the political parties that support militancy and terrorism.

He said Bangladesh has paid heavy price of the Holey Artisan terrorist attack and the response and reaction from the law enforcers were applauded by the US and its allies. They and their allies also disowned the political parties that shelter and promote militancy.

Looks like Uncle Sam going to throw BNP under the bus and put BAL in their pocket permanently.
Looks like Uncle Sam going to throw BNP under the bus and put BAL in their pocket permanently.
BAL is trying to trade sanctions with defennce agreement. I doubt this will get any multi-role fighter jets as US keep saying such jets will destabilize balance in power.
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BAL will is trying to trade sanctions with defennce agreement. I doubt this will get any multi-role fighter jets as US keep saying such jets will destabilize balance in power.

No jets for sure. I don't even dare daydream about jets when it comes to BAF.

BAL will only aim to safeguard their power by being in Uncle's pocket.
As Bangladesh becomes a more relevant nation, engagement by the US will increase.

We are seeing this now.

What I would hope is Bangladesh would use this to further its own interests as a nation.

What unfortunately will happen is that the powers that be will use it to further THEIR OWN individual interests.

AND allow the US to establish a sphere of influence that it does everywhere else in the world to manipulate and influence nations to follow its diktat.


And then this:

China's new Foreign Minister Qin Gang landed in Dhaka at 2:00am today for a two-hour stopover on his way to five African countries.

Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen was supposed to pay a courtesy call on the Chinese minister at the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, foreign ministry officials told our diplomatic correspondent.

"The Chinese foreign minister will have the stopover from 1:00am as the plane crrying him will refuel at the Dhaka airport," a foreign ministry official said.

The time was later revised to 2:00am, foreign ministry officials who were at the airport told The Daily Star.

The meeting with the foreign minister will not be a formal one, but some issues of bilateral relations may come up, the official said.

Qin, who was Chinese ambassador to the US, will visit Ethiopia, Gabon, Angola, Benin and Egypt from January 9 to 16, China's foreign ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a daily media briefing on Monday.

This is Qin's first foreign trip.
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This is Qin's first foreign trip.
And technically speaking Bd will be his first foreign visit after taking over the office of the Chinese foreign ministry.

I will not be surprised if China wants a North Korean type of non-democratic govt in Bangladesh. Another BAKSHAL is in the coming.

Joy Bangla, Joy BAKSHAL, and Joy Hasina.
As Bangladesh becomes a more relevant nation, engagement by the US will increase.

We are seeing this now.

What I would hope is Bangladesh would use this to further its own interests as a nation.

What unfortunately will happen is that the powers that be will use it to further THEIR OWN individual interests.

AND allow the US to establish a sphere of influence that it does everywhere else in the world to manipulate and influence nations to follow its diktat.


And then this:

China's new Foreign Minister Qin Gang landed in Dhaka at 2:00am today for a two-hour stopover on his way to five African countries.

Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen was supposed to pay a courtesy call on the Chinese minister at the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, foreign ministry officials told our diplomatic correspondent.

"The Chinese foreign minister will have the stopover from 1:00am as the plane crrying him will refuel at the Dhaka airport," a foreign ministry official said.

The time was later revised to 2:00am, foreign ministry officials who were at the airport told The Daily Star.

The meeting with the foreign minister will not be a formal one, but some issues of bilateral relations may come up, the official said.

Qin, who was Chinese ambassador to the US, will visit Ethiopia, Gabon, Angola, Benin and Egypt from January 9 to 16, China's foreign ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a daily media briefing on Monday.

This is Qin's first foreign trip.

Bdesh needs a new model of governance modeled around Chinese system but incorporating civilian democracy. Or it may become like Pakistan if u.s stomps its feet to much.

Like I said, bdesh need to form greater ties with Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkey. Economically, military, military manufacturing.

Indonesia is making a joint fighter with the Korean and the Turks are making thier own.

For me Pakistan is a wild card, their elite are bunch of filth that stabbed their man in the back, in the 11th hr of countries need. When all they needed to was to support and finess him. Yet they brag about nukes - when their elite would even give their nukes for a couple of dollars.

Also for a couple of decades Pakistan elite and its people thought only a minority of the blame falls on..... I don't wanna go into history and look down the barrel.

For most in one way or another the mindset of the country and its people is a wild card.
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Bdesh needs a new model of governance modeled around Chinese system but incorporating civilian democracy. Or it may become like Pakistan if u.s stomps its feet to much.

Like I said, bdesh need to form greater ties with Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkey. Economically, military, military manufacturing.

Indonesia is making a joint fighter with the Korean and the Turks are making thier own.

For me Pakistan is a wild card, their elite are bunch of filth that stabbed their man in the back, in the 11th hr of countries need. When all they needed to was to support and finess him. Yet they brag about nukes - when their elite would even give their nukes for a couple of dollars.

Also for a couple of decades Pakistan elite and its people thought only a minority of the blame falls on..... I don't wanna go into history and look down the barrel.

For most in one way or another the mindset of the country and its people is a wild card.

To be more accurate I.k was the man for Pakistan at the 23rd hour, if we are going by a 24hr format system.

What did pak estb do? They shoot In the foot as a warning or they had actual intention of killing him on actual pak soil. Take it as you will
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