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US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier

:rofl: Let I put it in a simple english for you ...

“We would welcome any kind of bolognese that China would like to give for needing this kind of equipment” U.S. State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland.

But Everything You Say And Do Can And Will Be Used Against You ... later on :lol:

It depends on the response. Let us not forget that policies changes according to time and the environment. Not only is this publicity stunt not legally binding, more importantly is the natural need for growing powers to constantly increase its military capabilities. America is concerned because it's economy is in disarray and seeing its global influence slowly chipping away. :)

The only thing America managed to achieve so far, is to make the world think how stupid they are. Well, I guess for a country so paranoid yet supposedly superior to be this concerned is a form of compliment. :azn:
1.I know a lots of idioms around the world, so did I get you the right one!? :lol:

2.Yes, you are Flies and Mosquitoes ... and you think that China like to have a not trustworthy back-stabbing Vietnam to be her allies? :azn:

Let China deploys her armies into your country as shoulder-to-shoulder comrades to kich our behind .. okay! :rofl:

1.Of course it's the Wrong one to VietNam, you can call: Thailand, Malaysia, Phillipine etc are flies and mosquitoes bcz they dare not to fight with CHina or USA, but we're diffrent, don't forget how we kick the "COW" USA out of VIetNam in 1975 with CHina -USSR support :lol:

2.CHina can back-stabbing Vietnam , but they can not win, it's diffrent with USA, you have so many allies, it's very hard to fight with you and your allies :P.

btw: we will not go to Pacific war with any sides neither CHina nor USA, if USA worry about CHina carrier, so US should support VietNam more money, so if CHina beat you badly, we will try to convince her to stop hurting you more :lol:
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;2022082 said:
Why China need aircraft carrier? What a question. An idiot still know that China need carrier to scare its neighbors and maybe for some oversea invasions in the future.

Do you think we need 12 carrier battlegroups to scare a bunch of military weaklings?
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;2022082 said:
Why China need aircraft carrier? What a question. An idiot still know that China need carrier to scare its neighbors and maybe for some oversea invasions in the future.
Eh, we VN don't care about this Carrier, it's No use to fight against VN. Be quiet kid.:coffee:
Why dont the chinese ask the americans anything. Why dont chinese interfere in america
Do you think we need 12 carrier battlegroups to scare a bunch of military weaks?

Yes, and also for some oversea invasions in the future.

Eh, we VN don't care about this Carrier, it's No use to fight against VN. Be quiet kid.:coffee:

Of course not to fight with Vietnam. Aircraft-carrier is not only for the military, it also can be used as a political weapon.
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;2023345 said:
Yes, and also for some oversea invasions in the future..

Like the USA carrier battlegroups only for some oversea invasions ? but why do you also imagine the United States could help you? Obviously you want USA invasions your contry again!!
Like the United States carrier battlegroups only for some invasions ? but why do you also imagine the United States could help you? do you want they invasions your contry again?
What 'again'? Did the US 'invaded' Viet Nam once before? What were the reasons for that 'invasion'? Oil? Territory? Women? Did you know that China was in Viet Nam long before the US supposedly 'invaded'? Why was that presence not considered an 'invasion'?
What 'again'? Did the US 'invaded' Viet Nam once before? What were the reasons for that 'invasion'? Oil? Territory? Women? Did you know that China was in Viet Nam long before the US supposedly 'invaded'? Why was that presence not considered an 'invasion'?

You just not agree with “again”, it seems that you still agree with the point :you want they invasions your contry

BTW, you want they to help you, you want they to invade you, they really will not help you, will not invade you. Why should they help you and invade you ? Oil? Territory? Women?
What 'again'? Did the US 'invaded' Viet Nam once before? What were the reasons for that 'invasion'? Oil? Territory? Women? Did you know that China was in Viet Nam long before the US supposedly 'invaded'? Why was that presence not considered an 'invasion'?

The meaning of "invasion" has changed quite far from the old times, today "invasion" means "influences" or "controls", that what the U.S. has been attempting to reach around the World, don't drag the ancient history to accuse China since you got independence from separating from mainland and invading the Champa kingdom. Reasoning that way make you look too foolish, tell me wtf China has invaded Vietnam today??? Why they have to invade Vietnam for??? despite the seas and lands territories dispute, what else causes them to against each others??? "Invasion"???? How do you define "invasion" mean???? Someone is trying to occupy your seas and you fight back and being blamed an "invader"???? There are nothing belong only to Vietnam; yet the Viets are jealous with China growth and feel insecure by the powerful Chinese army, that is the main point forcing the Viets so hostile to its neighbor brother. And if you accuse China influences in Vietnam is an "invasion", you must just bite at your tail!!!

YOU once have declared yourself as an American because of your birth place, so every time you are trying to defense for your "home" country you must remember your original background, USA not Vietnam. Don't act like you are too kind to Vietnam meanwhile your ideology is prior serving for the USA interests. Don't use Vietnam as your card to defend for your USA, you have no right to criticize China for invading Vietnam while your great country USA has done the same to Vietnam.(and many other nations)

The destiny of Vietnam is so pitiful, the Viets fight against many people, they also fight at their own people either!!!
The meaning of "invasion" has changed quite far from the old times, today "invasion" means "influences" or "controls", that what the U.S. has been attempting to reach around the World, don't drag the ancient history to accuse China since you got independence from separating from mainland and invading the Champa kingdom. Reasoning that way make you look too foolish, tell me wtf China has invaded Vietnam today??? Why they have to invade Vietnam for??? despite the seas and lands territories dispute, what else causes them to against each others??? "Invasion"???? How do you define "invasion" mean???? Someone is trying to occupy your seas and you fight back and being blamed an "invader"???? There are nothing belong only to Vietnam; yet the Viets are jealous with China growth and feel insecure by the powerful Chinese army, that is the main point forcing the Viets so hostile to its neighbor brother. And if you accuse China influences in Vietnam is an "invasion", you must just bite at your tail!!!

YOU once have declared yourself as an American because of your birth place, so every time you are trying to defense for your "home" country you must remember your original background, USA not Vietnam. Don't act like you are too kind to Vietnam meanwhile your ideology is prior serving for the USA interests. Don't use Vietnam as your card to defend for your USA, you have no right to criticize China for invading Vietnam while your great country USA has done the same to Vietnam.(and many other nations)

The destiny of Vietnam is so pitiful, the Viets fight against many people, they also fight at their own people either!!!

I don't think Paracel is a "territories dispute" or something like that, coz China can't prove anything but offer a lot of ridiculous claim and then take it by force :rofl:
Vietnam invaded Champa, yes just as same as Champa invaded Vietnam in 14th Century. It's medieval, you know :rofl:
BTW, maybe gambit was born in US but he has Vietnamese father or mother. So he can use US as his country, do not accuse someone when you don't know exactly about them.
Something wrong with those VNese, you posting everywhere in those way like taunting everyone that don't share your point of view -or maybe only my feeling-, truly surprise if those aren't still in early 20, maybe even younger.
China can "prove" yes, but what point for individuals here to prove anything to you, they have not the time nor the need, in the chinese news, did they prove, certainly yes, and you assume that only you have something.
That way don't make those islands become you while in the past, that's your own inability to protect it cause your lost, and that's with US help by the way.
Well, it seems your govement too truly want to create an anti-china using your news too, that's not mention that your forums post (not here) include many comments want to kill of all chinese as a race.
Good job, soon your youth warth will backstab VN stability.
Something wrong with those VNese, you posting everywhere in those way like taunting everyone that don't share your point of view -or maybe only my feeling-, truly surprise if those aren't still in early 20, maybe even younger.
China can "prove" yes, but what point for individuals here to prove anything to you, they have not the time nor the need, in the chinese news, did they prove, certainly yes, and you assume that only you have something.
That way don't make those islands become you while in the past, that's your own inability to protect it cause your lost, and that's with US help by the way.
Well, it seems your govement too truly want to create an anti-china using your news too, that's not mention that your forums post (not here) include many comments want to kill of all chinese as a race.
Good job, soon your youth warth will backstab VN stability.

Only the weaklings need chest-thumping themselves in order to prove their worthiness.
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