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US arrests Afghan for Facebook threats


Jan 31, 2010
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US arrests Afghan for Facebook threats

WASHINGTON: US federal authorities have arrested an Afghan man for threatening to blow up Washington’s subway system on Facebook, the Justice Department said on Tuesday.

Awais Younis, also known as Sundullah “Sunny” Ghilzai and Mohannme Khan, allegedly described how to build a pipe bomb that could maximise casualties on the Washington Metrorail, according to a December 6 criminal affidavit.

During a chat last month Younis said the third and fifth cars on the Metro had the highest number of commuters on them and that he could place bombs there without being noticed, according to the affidavit.

“Complainant responded by saying ‘You wouldn’t do that,’ and (Younis) responded by saying ‘Watch me,’” the affidavit says, without providing further details on who turned Younis in.

Younis had also allegedly posted pictures from Afghanistan on Facebook in which he holds an AK-47 assault rifle and his uncle stands in front of a tent filled with explosives, with a caption reading “My family business.” He had also recently posted a message saying: “Christmas trees were going to go boom.”

Younis threatens the complainant in a chat included in the affidavit. “You are sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong into something bigger then you and I,” he said. “That is the problem with Americans they can’t leave well enough alone until something happens then they sit there wondering why we dropped the twin towers like a bad habit hahaha.” He goes on to warn the complainant to tell his father not to take the Metro to work.

Younis, who will appear in court on December 21, has been charged with “communicating threats using interstate communications” but not terrorism, the Justice Department said in a statement.

“The public should be reassured that his activities prior to his arrest were carefully monitored and that there is no threat against Metrorail or the general public in the Washington, DC area,” spokesman Dean Boyd said.

An FBI spokeswoman said Younis was in his early 20s. News of the arrest comes less than a week after FBI agents used Facebook to nab a young Muslim-American who believed he was about to set off a car bomb at a US military recruitment office north of Washington.

In October a Pakistani-American man was arrested for plotting a series of bomb attacks on Washington’s subway system with people he believed were tied to al Qaeda Farooque Ahmed, 34, had been allegedly observing, videotaping and photographing Metro stations in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, including near the Pentagon and Arlington National Cemetery.



This incident reminds me of one of the conversations between me and our General Imran khan(4 star general mind you).:lol:

Keeping jokes aside there are variety of people out there who just take it as fun but have got punishments for their deeds.

Similar was the case when last month the Web site of President Asif Ali Zardari was hacked by a young man from Lahore and he was later on shifted to Rawalpindi and interrogated.He said he did it just for fun.

‘Penetrator’ arrested on charges of hacking Zardari’s website – The Express Tribune
The website was restored later on and the criminal was punished.
I'm opening this thread for general awareness.
lolll... thats just funny.. he deserved itt.. too much living in delusional world.. making bad use of free speech given to him.. too bad gitmo is closed.. this guy deserved a tour of that place.. maybe would set his fanboy sences in place...
How funny is today only Arab, Pakistani and Afganistani are terrorist ...

not a single country and not a single terrorist in any 200 + countries xpct muslim

amazing amazing figure!!!
We need to be very very very careful while cracking even jokes on flights to US or other such foreign countries. Its sad but its a reality Americans and westerners have been made minnows by their own policy and war makers. They have been feed so much fear by their governments for vested interests that now if someone joke about even a fire cracker that person is in deep shyt specially if he is a Muslim or from Pakistan and Afghanistan.

On the other hand i feel seriously Pakistan and Afghanistan should start training programs for its public privately or state level making them aware how psychological traps are put against Muslims from this part and African region by intelligence agencies of West and US.

Many such young boys like this one (20) and even bit mature ones sometimes are trapped through deceptions deliberately making them acquaint and them forcing them to post and write emotional stuff.
At times even they send you such terrorism emails to your account themselves and keep monitoring.

The end result is CIA, FBI laying hand on him linking to terrorism

the cycle never ends. For heaven sake before jumping with glee going to US or West try having detailed study of everything.
The problem is that because the westerners have recently killed a lot of innocent Muslims in their on going wars, they are afraid someone will retaliate... thus a rediculous list of 300 000 or so Muslims as potential terrorists/supporters drawn by the FBI... I have half of my family living in the USA and one of my cousins when applying for an American passport was checked a zillion times against such a list...

Keeping watch against potential terrorists is fine, but the best is to reverse this sickening foreign policy so lunatics on the Muslim side have no excuse... and that FBI list should simply be shredded...
its a war... and they dooo happen to be in afghanistan.. but maybe to seem fair maybe they should start throwing japanese in interim camps again like they did during WW2.. or maybe start rounding up south americans for being FARC guerillas... or start discriminating against mexicans and treat them all as illegals and force them to carry ID on them 24/7 to prove their americanship.. oooo waittt they already do... racial profiling is a reality.. happens to all people... infact some more than others.. muslims may get discriminated yes.. ugly reality.. but sikhs who are confused as muslims by lotta dumb americans most often become targets all the time.. no matter where they go.. because muslims can easily blend in.. but sikhs with their turbans carry their identity with them.. it is subject to everyday racial attacks or discriminationn as no other.. soo yeaa its a bad thing.. but it existss.. has existed for a very long time.. even before the war in ME started.. nd will probably continue to exist in future also..
From the article it looked beyond an idle joke to me. The guy at least was apparently knowledgeable on where to maximize casualties on the train.
how dumb he should have played call of duty black ops to learn to be more covert
Its the internet , if you type it some one will read it, if you make a threat expect to be noticed.

If you say some thing incredibly stupid then expect to be arrested.

If you chose to go live in the US then spend your time planning to kill the very country men and women that have given you the chance to live amongst them then enjoy your jail time.

Seriously Jana not every thing is a conspiracy some people are capable of being a** holes with out any help from the FBI
he may be praying they take him to gitmo instead of bagram!!!!
He never took any steps to actually do anything so I don't think they can send him to Gitmo. Now, if he's charged as an enemy combatant, I do believe he'll lose his citizenship and pretty any rights, including the constitution and the Geneva Convention Treaty.
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