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US Arms Sales are propping up Pakistan as a Regional Challenger

Really, the Indian members on this forum should not try to defend an out of proportion hue and cry by India on anything that Pakistan tries to get a hand on in terms of its defense requirement. (Maybe the threat in 65' from the twenty odd F-104 (Badmash) is still embedded deep in the psyche of our Indian friends!)

This is 2010 India and Indians should grow up – a disproportionate level of firepower in favor of India exists today. Learn to depend upon your abilities and have faith in your soldiers and weapons – by this hue and cry it seems that something is amiss. I am afraid it seems like that you really do not believe in yourself and are afraid of any move that Pakistan makes!!! This not the hall mark of a “Regional Power” to say the least.

Dreaming and aspiring to become a regional power and acting like one are two different things – India needs a lot more maturity to start acting like one!!!!!

See the best way to fight over supremacy is diplomatically......THE BEST WON WAR IS WHEN U DONT HAVE TO FIRE A SINGLE BULLET, EVEN IF IT IS WON BY DECEPTION:devil:
Its not as black and white as you think, it maybe true that Pakistan did not got labeled a terrorist state, but at the same time it is true world impression about Pakistan being terrorist nation was created and it impacts you in lot of places, accept it or not. Some member here blamed India for some part of KL bill.

Instead of going in circles I would say, we will do what we feel good, you do what you like to do.

Agreed. Then don't ask this question,

" Also why does Pakistan tries to block India's entry in IOC?"

And i guess it's OIC, not IOC.
See the best way to fight over supremacy is diplomatically......THE BEST WON WAR IS WHEN U DONT HAVE TO FIRE A SINGLE BULLET, EVEN IF IT IS WON BY DECEPTION:devil:

Completely agree with you but take a look at this funny article.

Tricks to learn from Pakistan

By T J S George

Pakistan may be a failed state politically and socially. But it is demonstrably successful militarily and diplomatically. More successful than India, if you want to rub it in, for they have achieved what they set out to achieve. We have not.

Different types of dictators ruled Pakistan. All of them had one immutable objective: Make the world recognize Pakistan as a hyphenated equal of the unequally bigger ( in size, population, economy) India. Pakistan has achieved that objective - in the early days with the connivance of Britain which was an interested party in the India-Pakistan confrontation in the UN over Kashmir, and subsequently with the help of China which ensured that, as soon as India exploded a nuclear device, Pakistan did too.

The smartness with which Pakistan plays the diplomatic game is best reflected in the mileage it gains vis a vis America, and the mileage we do not gain. In the Cold War era, it was simple: Pakistan just joined the American bloc while India ploughed the non-alignment path and thereby incurred America's wrath.

More recently the game has been subtler. Yet, otherwise bankrupt establishments like Pervez Musharaff's and Ali Zardari's have been playing it very cleverly. A US-Israeli strike against Pakistan's nuclear assets was widely speculated after America expressed fears of the Pakistani bombs falling into Taliban's hands. Suddenly the Pakistan Government joined the American side and genuinely went to war against the Taliban. Domestically it was a risk, but it won America's appreciation.

America's appreciation meant that Pakistan's real game - making India run around in circles - could be played on Pakistan's terms. Consider, for example, the toing and froing Pakistan has been doing with great relish over the Mumbai terror attack. And consider America's all-words-and-no-action reactions to it.

More pointed from America's policy perspectives was the fact, revealed by the New York Times, that Pakistan had been illegally modifying anti-ship missiles and maritime surveillance aircraft for attacks on India. The US Government lodged a formal protest and Pakistan formally denied the charge. That, for all practical purposes, was that.

As India fumed in its characteristically vegetarian style, Musharaff rubbed salt into the wound saying publicly that arms provided by America to fight Islamic terrorists were instead used to bolster defence against India. Forget his subsequent retraction under pressure, for he was speaking the truth when he said he was "proud he did it for Pakistan". America said it took Musharaff's disclosure seriously. That, presumably, was that.

This is the same America that made such a fuss about the end-user clause in its nuclear deal with India. Unlike India, Pakistan uses the clause as a joke. Which seems all right with the US. Last March the Obama administration was reportedly considering increasing developmental aid to Pakistan three times ( current rate $ 450 m. a year) and boosting military aid as well (currently $ 300 m. a year). Obviously, Pakistan knows how to manipulate American yardsticks to its advantage and how to get away with it. Can we imagine a Manmohan Singh or an A.B.Vajpayee signing the end-user agreement as America wants and then twisting it " proudly for India".

Adding insult to injury, India paid nearly Rs 13 crores in three years to Barber Griffith and Rogers, a Washington lobbying company, to get the nuclear deal passed by the US Congress. Pakistan also must be employing lobbyists in Washington. But they get in return what they want. We get what the Americans want. As a bonus we also get American travel advisories asking its citizens to stay away from India. Now we know why Ali Zardari is always plastered cheek to cheek with a grin hearty and toothy at once.

About the author: TJS George is a well-known journalist, columnist and author. He began his career in Bombay's Free Press Journal in 1950 and moved through the International Press Institute, The Searchlight and the Far Eastern Economic Review to become the founding editor of Asiaweek (Hong Kong). He is currently the Editorial Advisor of The New Indian Express.

Comment: Tricks to learn from Pakistan - *National News ? News ? MSN India
Surprise surprise once again a thread been converted into Pak-indian fight .........:cheers:

Duhhhhhhhh how many times will we see it...every thread here is being spoiled by fights based upon totaly bogus claims
hahahahha i agree with you that we should not get ourselfes into any kind of fight but at the same time we have to tell the facts anyway the fact is india is playing mind games from behind the scened with pakistan and when pakistan does the same i must advice to all respected indian members dont cry on that tooo
Do your research before you speak. .

They will never do it lol coz they have made their own world of fiction in which india is a super power and their aircrafts are most powerful and Pak dun even hav a chance ,Pak economy is poor and everythng we get are paid from aid :blah: lol good keep going

Webmaster baseless to made them understand a fact ....coz u will keep argueing with them the whole day but at the end they will again come up with the same thng (i.e by the way based upon their personel perceptions not facts)

BTW u guys are coughing alot ...if u wana cure ur cough thn allow us to coz we have nuclear syrup for that :azn:
untilll we have nukes even india buys 200000 fighter jets they cant dare to attack pakistan not even in dreams
yes i agreee with you that we have nukes today becoz of ALMIGHTY ALLAH and if he be with us not even USA or hole world dare to touch pakistan
Its reading articles like these that makes me proud as a Pakistani.

I mean a few F-16, some weapon systems on ships, and some conventional artillery and India thinks that Pakistan will roll over its Military.

This article is utter nonsense written for Nationalistic Domestic consumption.

Pakistan has every right and will continue to acquire modern weaponry.

Whats next, Pakistan acquires 1 bullet and India will be complaining how it will tilt the balance of power in the region.

Why is India so scared of Pakistan?
Well USA dnt gicve a damn to indian pressure

they allowed further 14 f-16..

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