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US approves sale of Apache attack choppers to India

You can't count or get any lessons from The second gulf war not even the first one it was especially the second one where the army ruled by baathist while the generals the experienced men they were hand cuffed.

The Russians weapons Iraqi army had mostly belong to the sixties and the seventies even the most capable ones kept on the ground!

Saddam didn't fight simply he afraid the coalition forces over through him if his army make any significant casualties among the western forces.
Its a interesting read.
Thanks for the ebook
but if you read it as I assume was supporting what posted here few post above? thanks.
True. I always assert that soviet arms will always lose to western ones. And if the standing army is not fully committed to the fight , its a even worse position.
Western govts involve their complete nation , including the media , to first demonize its target country. A total dehumanization of the target country and its citizens is done and then the war planes roll in.
Defense against it cannot be half hearted.
Russia doesn't have a solution for top-of-the-line stealthy aircraft. Don't be naive.
Read my comments again... They do have solutions as said . May be noyin the form of jets but with other aid Stealth fighter can be targeted.

Ever heard about Russian Struna-1/Barrier-E bistatic radar system developed by NNIIRT
Read my comments again... They do have solutions as said . May be noyin the form of jets but with other aid Stealth fighter can be targeted.

Ever heard about Russian Struna-1/Barrier-E bistatic radar system developed by NNIIRT
There are a few solutions in theory but none is proven. Even if the target is picked somewhere, there isn't a reliable way to complete the kill chain.
There are a few solutions in theory but none is proven. Even if the target is picked somewhere, there isn't a reliable way to complete the kill chain.
Killer will be the missiles which will be fired from aircraft like su35 and PakFa or migs. Which recicesr the direction from these radars command . Russians have developed their missiles for long-range pricise engagement. ...

Russia America are enemies they also counter each others in their own ways . Super duper highly advanced jets of the the times was countered by cheap built migs in Vietnam wars .
And rusted mass produced tanks killed highly advanced German tanks in world wars . So untill actual war takesplatak u can't decide superiority man . Just history lesson we learnt from our past

India won 1965 war against Pakistan with Russian tanks and Russian jets which were inferior to the one used by Pakistan .supplied by US and west . So lots of things involved not just some technical aspects on paper
Western govts involve their complete nation , including the media , to first demonize its target country. A total dehumanization of the target country and its citizens is done and then the war planes roll in.
Defense against it cannot be half hearted.

Correct !!
India won 1965 war against Pakistan with Russian tanks and Russian jets

???:lol::coffee: is this the war where you took such a beating in Kashmir that you tried to attack a major populated city full of civilians only to be decimated by Pakistani forces

This is not some indian forum where you will be allowed to beat your chicken chest

FYI: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/f-35-russia-china-radar-counter-stealth-2017-5

And your analogies are incompatible. You cannot kill what you cannot see properly.

FYI: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fo...-the-f-35-fighter-story-you-havent-heard/amp/

We have seen how effective Russian technologies are against US in Iraq and Syria. Modern warfare is technology-intensive in nature. There are no super-easy counters to what US has been fielding since the 1980s.

Russia can no longer compete with the US in the matters of arms due to massive disparity in the R&D sector and economic output of the two countries. Stop living in the past and/or loads of propaganda they continue to feed you.
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Be it T90s, Su30s, Mig29s, Adm Gorshkov, Kilos, Antonovs, Illyushins and scores of other smaller weapons system they all had maintenance issues due to non-availabaility or defective spares.

A little correction. Su-30 programme was the best and its service has been beyond par. The hiccups came when HAL failed to delivery support services on time which is also one of the biggest painpoints of Army Aviation wrt Dhruv.
When is US officially acknowledging the transfer of nukes to India?
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