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US and Russia Teetering on the Brink of War: What You’re Not Being Told

Nothing to prepare for.

The only thing to do, is to hope that the inevitable nuclear exchange during a US-Russia conflict is limited in nature.

LOL! Things have been far worse in the past. There isn't any sudden rise in a nuclear threat.
USA thinks russia is bluffing and it is going CALL the bluff. Lets see if the russian threat is a real threat or just a bluff. USA is on a very dangerous course at the moment.
I abslolutely dislike the royal regime of Saudi Arabia, but to call for nuclear attacks on a country where the main victim would be innocent Saudi civilians is just needlessly hateful.
I don't have any patience left for their salafist garbage anymore, glass that rock.

You are not in your senses. Take some time off from the web.
Riyadh and Jeddah, not the holy cities, that would be too much of a provocation against people the world over.

It will happen, give it a couple of decades.

I wish for Pak to go more into China's orbit and prosper economically and away from toxic saudi salafism.
I don't have any patience left for their salafist garbage anymore, glass that rock.
I am also tired of their bs, nuking them is not the solution.
I am also tired of Iran supporting terrorgroups like Hezbollah, nuking them won't be a solution.
I am also tired of the many rape/murders that are happening in India, should India be nuked? Obviously not.

Innocents are obviously going to be the biggest victim of a nuclear attack, perhaps there's a more sublte solution?
I am also tired of their bs, nuking them is not the solution.
but we can try..

I am also tired of Iran supporting terrorgroups like Hezbollah, nuking them won't be a solution.
what have Hezbollah done lately (these past few decades) ? The only ones they're "terrorizing" are the scumbag FSA "rebels" and ISIS and saudis and israel etc.

I support hezbollah, they're far better than the saudi ideology groups like fsa, isis, boko haram, al qaeda etc

I am also tired of the many rape/murders that are happening in India, should India be nuked? Obviously not.
you won't be alone in wanting to nuke India, not on this forum :partay:

Innocents are obviously going to be the biggest victim of a nuclear attack, perhaps there's a more sublte solution?
They could mend their ways and stop spreading their vile ideology the world over but they probably won't do that..

glass that sandpit.
What exactly is the bluff we are supposedly calling?
"Russia has released a statement of its own, warning the U.S.-led coalition it will now treat coalition warplanes as targets."
This is the "bluff" which america is going to call bcz america is sure that russia will not respond as it hasn't responded many times before. Suppose america calls it again and it doesn't come out as a bluff this time. That is the dangerous situation i am talking about.
"Russia has released a statement of its own, warning the U.S.-led coalition it will now treat coalition warplanes as targets."
This is the "bluff" which america is going to call bcz america is sure that russia will not respond as it hasn't responded many times before. Suppose america calls it again and it doesn't come out as a bluff this time. That is the dangerous situation i am talking about.

Don't get so excited. The US and Russian military have been cooperating and buzzing planes by each other for a long time now in Syria otherwise things would have hit the fan a long time ago. Plus remember it was a Syrian plane shot down not a Russian one. They have to say something to appease the Syrians. Plus the Russians already deployed surface to air missiles to make sure the US doesn't get too close to their bases.

Turkey is the one who shot a Russian plane down not the US.
this is not zionist controlled soviet union this is russia under putin and by the way usa is the sacrificial lamb. just like germany, that got back stabbed. dollar is losing value.
usa is nothing but vassal state of zionist now usa has done it work time to get rid of it. mossad has been busy stealing usa technology and selling it what does that tell you.
this is not zionist controlled soviet union this is russia under putin and by the way usa is the sacrificial lamb. just like germany, that got back stabbed. dollar is losing value.
usa is nothing but vassal state of zionist now usa has done it work time to get rid of it. mossad has been busy stealing usa technology and selling it what does that tell you.

Well losing value is relative since it hit a 14 year high in December.
Things go around in circles, almost a hundred years since the first great war, we're overdue another big one.

My great hope is that someone nukes the saudis.

I hate the current Saudi governement. But i would much rather someone nuke you and your ilk.
saudi monarchs may be not be most loved. saudi civilians are like you and me
their sacrifice won't be in vain.

I hate the current Saudi governement. But i would much rather someone nuke you and your ilk.
Like I said earlier, pretty common sentiment around this forum, you're certainly not alone there. :D
So the "War" day clock rolls we are now at +2 Days Bluff
Ok, things are back to business in Syria as usual.


Australia lifts suspension on military air missions over Syria

Australia on Thursday lifted a suspension on military air missions over Syria imposed after the shooting down of a Syrian jet by US forces.

Canberra temporarily halted flights on Tuesday after a spike in tensions between the US and Russia, which warned it would track coalition aircraft in Syria as potential "targets".

Moscow also halted a military hotline with Washington over the incident, intended to prevent confrontations in Syria's crowded air space.

Australia defence ministry said in a statement the suspension was "a precautionary measure to allow the coalition to assess the operational risk".

"The suspension has since been lifted," it added. The United States moved quickly to contain an escalation of the situation after the jet was downed on Sunday evening when regime forces targeted the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, an alliance of Arab and Kurdish fighters battling IS.

A top US general said the country would work to relaunch the "deconfliction" hotline established in 2015, after Russia said Washington had failed to use the line -- a vital incident-prevention tool -- before targeting the plane near Raqa.

Australia is part of the coalition fighting the Islamic State group in Iraq and in late 2015 extended air operations into Syria, with a total of 780 defence personnel based in the Middle East.

The staunch US ally in September said it would widen the scope of targets in the air war against IS by allowing its pilots to strike jihadist support and logistics resources in Iraq and Syria.

Australia's Air Task Group consists of 300 personnel, six F/A-18 Hornets, an E-7A Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft, and a KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker and Transport plane.
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