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US and other world powers start ditching India, Know why

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And @Maarkhoor knows in detail how all countries are ditching India like @BHarwana knows how INR is falling rapidly. We should consider ourselves luck that we are discussing the topic where the experts like @Maarkhoor and @BHarwana are here to educate us.

Ha Ha ha Ha Ha ha Ha Ha ha Ha Ha ha Ha Ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are kam se kam chaera to koi Pakistani ka post karte. You are posting here the picture of Indian actress and saying that you are racial superior. Infat, you are slave of India who has to use Indian faces and Indian anti burn cream here. You can not post anything yours worth noticing. What you can post here your own is lots of B**t hurt and idiotic comment born out of your inferiority complex.
And @Maarkhoor knows in detail how all countries are ditching India like @BHarwana knows how INR is falling rapidly. We should consider ourselves luck that we are discussing the topic where the experts like @Maarkhoor and @BHarwana are here to educate us.

My friend I just state reality which may be different than what you want to hear but what ever I said about Indian economy was based on hard facts. If you don't want a debate about India economy that is your problem. I am educating no one here just expressing my own thinking and most of the time I am getting education my self here.
My friend I just state reality which may be different than what you want to hear but what ever I said about Indian economy was based on hard facts. If you don't want a debate about India economy that is your problem. I am educating no one here just expressing my own thinking and most of the time I am getting education my self here.

I am always willing unlike you who ran away from debate from his own thread.
So huge beneficial commercial market could not be ditched, they may consider to turn the tide in their favour by tweaking central setup.
My friend I just state reality which may be different than what you want to hear but what ever I said about Indian economy was based on hard facts. If you don't want a debate about India economy that is your problem. I am educating no one here just expressing my own thinking and most of the time I am getting education my self here.
Only that, Biraadar Bharwana future predictions went wrong on every front.:) Be it Pakistan or India.
Should I list them?

That's not listing the errors in your 'hard facts'. That'll be for another thread.
. . .
I think many nations are reducing their expectations of India as a hedge against China. India is obsessed with Pakistan. If PLAAF bombed New Delhi, India would blame and attack Pakistan, not China. It would come up with some fiction to justify it. This limits India's utility with the anti China crowd. Also a one sided approach will embolden India and increase the risk of a miscalculation. I don't think nations are abandoning India.... expectations have been reduced with Indias capacity and will to confront China.
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Confused sperm or not you still have not answered the question I posited to you earlier.
I have answered your all questions Sir but you want answer according to your liking.

Just go through my replies you will get it.
"US and other world powers start ditching India" yeah .. absolutely that is why we are begging at the door of Saudis,Emiraties and China , then again on IMF !! We are so left alone..
You are brutal in your counter argument...
Stop living in a fantasy world.
International Relations are never a zero sum game.
No country would in their right mind ditch India. They have more than one Billion people and that's a massive market. Every country needs India to sell their products and make money.
India doesn't get support because they are a counter to China. It was always about money and it's going to be about money in the future.

this is not true for the following reasons:
1. India cannot stop trading with her partners or India will go down to 60's India.
2. In order to keep developing India needs to import high tech products (dont believe make in India its just a gimmic)
3. China still veto Masood Azhar banning although India imports 3 times more from China than it exports but they cannot use that leverage on China...reason because only China can supply those imports.
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