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US and India are 'natural allies': PM Modi to TIME magazine

Good for India and the US. Thank God Pakistan is done being a natural ally of the US. No more allies, just plain interests.

Pakistan is no longer an ally, just a puppet LOL.....you have no real control of your country anymore. it will be broken up into factions controling bits and pieces in the future.
So America banned Modi from visiting for 10 years while lecturing him on "human rights" concerns for Gujarat...

Now Modi turns around and say US-India are natural allies?

Well, I guess what they did seems to have worked. :P
Doesn't work that way.

Modi cannot act against US because a lot of our interests are tied with US, especially considering that Indians have a massive lobby in US with Indian-Americans being sizeable in number and wealth and now becoming politically active.

Secondly, Modi in himself is nothing. He is now the PM of India, that means he will do whatever it takes to further Indian interests leaving behind his own biases or preferences.

Thirdly, Indians know how the game works. We will call them allies and partners and other such jazz but do exactly the opposite of what they want if it is in our interest. Our Govt knows full well that there are no allies, only interests.
So-called "non-allied" India under MMS and Nehru etc was only secretly bowing to his US master.

So-called "non-allied" India under "Nationalist" & "patriot"(see my signiture below from a year ago) Modi is now publicly kneeling before its US master for adoption, on the record.

"Storming" this square garden and "storming" that gym, lying and bragging around the world, hypocrite Modi's begging bowl truely has no bound :lol:
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Yep those are other too, these too are natural because both have worst record of minority rights violation, both are white and long lost brothers as per Vedic history, in fact white race started from india in Vedic times, btw major reason fro US not giving visa to Modi was that Obama wanted to come himself to hug his Vedic brother

Higher than the Himalayas, deeper than the deepest doodoo....oh wait those are 2 other allies.
LMAO The headline says it all beta. Obama proposes... Ever seen Obama propose anything to Pakistan? Where do you think this sudden love for Pakistan is coming from?

Goes to show how unreliable world politics is nowadays. Yesterday's enemy can become today's friend. I say it's a good thing though. The Americans can pretend to be the best friend of India. This will at least keep Pakistan to a safe distance as far a relations with the US are concerned.
Did you read that article dumb ***? :P You think its pakistan who demanded this in the name of WOT and Congress seeking approval.
Although USA have very Dubious And Selfish Foreign Policy but You Can't Deny Democratic DNA of both US And India IS Same.India is Next US in Making
NEXT US in making?well said. another version of superpower:rofl:,some ignorant people always dont know where they are
So America banned Modi from visiting for 10 years while lecturing him on "human rights" concerns for Gujarat...

Now Modi turns around and say US-India are natural allies?

Well, I guess what they did seems to have worked. :P
Any Indian PM would be an utter FOOL to turn their back on the US, their pockets are deeper than anyone else's on the planet and are the unparalleled military superpower and will be for decades to come. India has a $1 TN infrastructure bill that needs to be paid by 2020, has countless jobs that needs to be created so as to eradicate poverty and needs external funds and technology for this.

Despite all the mud the US slung at him he is showing MATURITY and doing what is best for his NATION.

Remember the audience for this piece- TIME magazine, the readership is overwhelmingly American and they can't get enough of this "natural allies, the oldest and largest democracies int he world blah blah blah". This is just what they want to hear, Modi is not an idiot and he has worded this just right for the audience he is trying to reach.

So-called "non-allied" India under MMS and Nehru etc was only secretly bowing to his US master.

So-called "non-allied" India under "Nationalist" & "patriot"(see my signiture below from a year ago) Modi is now publicly kneeling before its US master for adoption, on the record.
Utter horsesh!t. The same day this has been published the Indian president has gone to visit Russia and in the same week India has signed a MoU with Iran for developing the Chabar port!

India's strategic autonomy is more apparent than ever, sorry to burst your bubble.
So-called "non-allied" India under MMS and Nehru etc was only secretly bowing to his US master.

So-called "non-allied" India under "Nationalist" & "patriot"(see my signiture below from a year ago) Modi is now publicly kneeling before its US master for adoption, on the record.

"Storming" this square garden and "storming" that gym, lying and bragging around the world, hypocrite Modi's begging bowl truely has no bound :lol:
are you ok or your in full trolling mode ?

india is today also "non allied" had India been in US camp like UK , Australia or pakistan we would have given USA bases in himalyas and A & nislands long long back and for that USA was prepaired to give every kind of monitarry and militarry aid/help but did we did that .... listen wise guy india is a free and sovriegn nation and unlike other so called "US ALLIES & most Imp Non NATO allies" we dont change owr foriegn policy for USA

what modi is saying is just "media talk" what else would you expect from a PM to say to a US magzine ?

modi is way to smart and shrewd than most modi and india haters think he knows how to manage and manipulate media .

India knows it very well that we have no allies who we can "trust" every one owt there who is doing buisness with india is for their own profit not for love for india or indian people .... period
Anybody with even a basic understanding of politics will know that terms like "natural allies" do not exist in politics. Especially in the case of India and USA.

This Modi character is fast turning up as a failure.
LMAO You keep thinking that Indian. We know what our strengths are. There is a reason why Uncle Sam cannot let go Pakistan despite all the wildest of accusations and what not. Not even you can ever explain this fact. Obama proposes sums it up... Obama has to propose to make amends.

America needs you to pull out of Afghanistan
So-called "non-allied" India under MMS and Nehru etc was only secretly bowing to his US master.

So-called "non-allied" India under "Nationalist" & "patriot"(see my signiture below from a year ago) Modi is now publicly kneeling before its US master for adoption, on the record.

"Storming" this square garden and "storming" that gym, lying and bragging around the world, hypocrite Modi's begging bowl truely has no bound :lol:

India has less in the way of secret dealings with America than Pakistan or even China

Modi's job is to improve the Indian economy. As one wise leader of China put it does not matter what is the color of the cat that catches the mouse.
India is a strong power and form its own block.

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