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US Aid is Curse for Pakistan, We don't Need any Aid. - Imran Khan

I know being highest recipient of USAID you know much more about it than US we got AID in form of CSF to fight war while they gave you money just for giving them Blowjobs
on a per captia basis pakistani got 5x more money than an Indian
This wasn't aid, this was the money being paid due to providing them supply routes and bases. So if this 'aid', is Pakistan providing Nato supply routes for free? IK should had the presence of mind to say that.

Let IK come in center, he'll face the bitter reality of a few things and would retract some of his statements.
Spoke like a lion, but doesnt everyone when in opposition
Just like Trump spoke before election, now he is asking Congress for money to build wall
CNN were quick to cut him off :lol:

Americans are not used to this from Pakistan .... a COAS saying we don't need financial and military support and a prominent politician saying we don't need your aid.

no you didnt you cant explain why the money you received from US

On a per captia basis India received 1/5 of the money compared to Pakistan.

For the Why India was poor and we asked for help. A lot of countries including USA helped us.
Some of it was unconditional. There was a quid pro quo for some of it
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, ............................... .
I see it as a welcome step, the faster we do these operations, the faster we get rid of this cancer in our country. I think you will admit that before Zarb-e-Azb the country was in a state where we were immune to hearing of a attack. There have defiantly been scores and improvement in safety.
I see it as a welcome step, the faster we do these operations, the faster we get rid of this cancer in our country. I think you will admit that before Zarb-e-Azb the country was in a state where we were immune to hearing of a attack. There have defiantly been scores and improvement in safety.

Bla Bla Bla..
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