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US agrees to grant India waiver from Iran sanctions

That is a big fat fail for Uncle Sam LOL

So much for fake sanctions threats. The world will show a middle finger to Trumpland and conduct business as usual with Iran.

Pakistan must ASAP continue trade and pipeline project with Iran.
That is a big fat fail for Uncle Sam LOL

So much for fake sanctions threats. The world will show a middle finger to Trumpland and conduct business as usual with Iran.

Pakistan must ASAP continue trade and pipeline project with Iran.

NATIONAL INTEREST... it was never a priority in Pakistan... Hope, things change with IK...
I can remember people asking to BUY a SINGLE DROP of IRANIAN OIL... and WRATH of USA...
We are not Pakistan, who will give free access to bomb its own nationals...

US never asked India to stop buying oil from Iran at once (Nov 4 deadline). As like many counties, gradual decline in import from Iran, is what US seeking for and they are achieving their goal. No country immediately can put a halt on any trade deal in a blink unless it is directly sanctioned by UN. I don't care what Pakistanis were saying here but India to me, is fully complying with US directives especially when they are getting S-400s from Russians as well which India needs more than oil. Oil can be purchased by Saudi Arab or UAE but only Russians can provide state of art air defense system - S-400. India cannot piss off US on both the fronts.
.. which is a significant cut,”

this is important.
US can now sleep in peace that a significant cut is made and India can keep on getting Iranian Oil (albeit reduced quantities).
All three parties happy. India also gets S 400.

In the end each party has reason to believe they got the best deal and ego satisfied.
As someone said:

but have they taken the waiver from Biradar @BHarwana ??

if not . . this waiver is pure hogwash !!!
Well Said. Thats why most Indian members have already said its #FakeNews

Who else feels like this :cheers:
this is important.
US can now sleep in peace that a significant cut is made and India can keep on getting Iranian Oil (albeit reduced quantities).
All three parties happy. India also gets S 400.

In the end each party has reason to believe they got the best deal and ego satisfied.
As someone said:
View attachment 511185

Who else feels like this :cheers:
View attachment 511151

"In the end each party has reason to believe they got the best deal and ego satisfied."
That summed it up quite accurately.
New Delhi: The US has broadly agreed to grant India a waiver from Iran sanctions after the Indian side decided to cut oil imports from Tehran by about a third in 2018-19, sources familiar with the matter said, adding that an official announcement could be made over the next few days.

The US plans to re-impose oil-related sanctions on Iran on November 4 to choke the Islamic Republic’s biggest source of income and pressure it to renegotiate a new nuclear deal.

Any country, or company, trading with Iran without US consent after sanctions kick off risks getting cut off from the American financial system.

The US has insisted all along that it wanted every country to reduce oil imports from Iran to zero eventually, but was open to country-specific waivers that would allow limited imports by those pledging ‘significant’ cut.

India and other key importing countries have been engaged for months with the US for a waiver.

“India and the US have broadly agreed on waiver. India will cut import by about 35% from last year (2017-18), which is a significant cut,” a source said.

India had imported about 22 million tonnes of crude oil from Iran in 2017-18 and initially planned to raise that to about 30 million tonnes in 2018-19. But, as a condition of waiver, Indian oil firms will reduce their imports to 14-15 million tonnes, the source said.

This would mean 1.25 million tonnes a month up to March 2019, the same as companies ordered for October and November, the source said. State oil firms are yet to decide on how this quantum will be split between them.

A waiver will come as a big relief to Indian Oil and MRPL, the two largest Iranian oil consumers.

How companies will pay for Iranian oil is still being negotiated between India and Iran, sources said, adding that it’s likely that the two countries will stick to the existing mechanism under which 55% of payment is made in euro and 45% in rupee through UCO Bank. Under this, rupee is used for import of rice, drugs, and other products from India while the balance proceeds in rupee is used for import of rice, drugs, and other products from India while the balance proceeds in rupee and euro sit idle in the Indian bank waiting for sanctions to go.

The Indian side, while building its case for a waiver, assured the US that this payment mechanism ensures Iran can’t use oil money from India for any terror-related activity, a key American concern.

During the negotiations, India also told the US that it would like to import more American oil if it came on competitive terms, sources said. India and Iran still have to figure out shipping and insurance details for a smooth trade. Currently, Iran provides its tankers as well as insurance for oil cargoes to India. The US sanctions have driven away Indian and international shippers and insurers from extending their services for Iranian oil imports.

Refineries using Iranian oil have also faced insurance issues during renewals in recent months.

Indian and the US officials have been negotiating for months on terms of waiver from sanctions.

India prefers Iranian oil as it comes cheap and suits many refineries' technical configuration.

Read more at:

Another day, another fake news by some miserable indians. You should be ashamed of yourselves for posting an indian media news and portray it as some official news from the USA.


The Economic Times is an English-language, Indian daily newspaper published by the Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd..

Bennett Coleman and Company Limited, commonly known as The Times Group,[3][4] is India’s largest media conglomerate,
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After S400 deal if India still gets waiver, its a big success of Indian diplomacy and negotiation skills.

That's right.

But I have a feeling someone in US got a big contract coming. Defence or civil; it could be anything.
That's right.

But I have a feeling someone in US got a big contract coming. Defence or civil; it could be anything.
some give and take is acceptable once you achieve your goal. in any case Bharat mata is not a corruption free country. what matters is packing not the contents when dealing with diplomatic affairs.8-)
Another day, another fake news by some miserable indians. You should be ashamed on yourselves for posting an indian media news and portray it as some official news from the USA.


The Economic Times is an English-language, Indian daily newspaper published by the Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd..

Bennett Coleman and Company Limited, commonly known as The Times Group,[3][4] is India’s largest media conglomerate,

Good catch, a news about India should have been published in a Pakistani newspaper and not a Indian newspaper.
US sanctions don't work on @BHarwana

Good for Iran as well and lots of pleasure for millions of people in between.
My friend you quote me and after some times news become fake do you even know why?

Just tell me why is USA putting sanctions on Iran if USA is going to give india waiver? There is no point in sanctioning Iranian oil the if they will give india waiver. China is not going to stop buying Iranian oil so these sanctions are only meant for India and no one else if USA gives india waiver then there is no point sanctioning Iran. In few months USA will surpass Russia as the world's biggest oil producer and they need india to buy oil from USA so India is getting no waiver. It technically don't fits the reality. India will have to become totally dependent on USA and the war between India and China has to start so that India stops importing from China and shifts to USA. Indian population is growing and it is a huge market and USA wants this market. Please understand the dynamics of situation at play and then comment but your brain is consumed in other directions so you cannot think in the right direction. The target here is India not Iran. USA will never ever fully cripple Iran because a functioning Iran is more important for USA to keep Saudis in their court. Try to see every prospect instead of just sectarian point scoring. Plz lose this habit and become a better human being.

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