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US aggression on Salala: First Media Report Comes Out.

Salala Check post attacks, attacks on PNS Mahran base, attacks on PAF base & attacks on Pak Army are all done, planned & organized by US & allies.

If this so called TTP & Al Qaeda were truly Muslims (which they are not) then they would had stood up & spoken against Israeli aggression in Palestine, Gaza today & attacked Israel. But nothing came from these corrupt, evil & rented bastar*s terrorists because they work for US, India, Afghanistan & allies. This solves everything & makes it clear for whom they truly work for.

So everything happening to Pakistan today US, India, Afghanistan & her allies are directly involved in harming & damaging Pakistan.
Absolutely . All problems in the Pakistan is from outside , from military intervention in civilian government to sectarian killings in quetta or Karachi assassinations to the cases you mentioned.

All this is Amreeka-Jews-Hindus Conspiracy . TTP does not even Exist . I fail to understand why world cant see . Whole world is wrong .

Keep having this line of thought . Great Work .

While Aeronaut's Video was Something Related to Salala you completely diverted it to your Amreeka-Jews-Hindus Conspiracy rants .

Cool it.....
Absolutely . All problems in the Pakistan is from outside , from military intervention in civilian government to sectarian killings in quetta or Karachi assassinations to the cases you mentioned.

All this is Amreeka-Jews-Hindus Conspiracy . TTP does not even Exist . I fail to understand why world cant see . Whole world is wrong .

Keep having this line of thought . Great Work .

While Aeronaut's Video was Something Related to Salala you completely diverted it to your Amreeka-Jews-Hindus Conspiracy rants .

Then again, one often hears that ISI are the first words in Hindi syllabus. !!
Salala Check post attacks, attacks on PNS Mahran base, attacks on PAF base & attacks on Pak Army are all done, planned & organized by US & allies.

If this so called TTP & Al Qaeda were truly Muslims (which they are not) then they would had stood up & spoken against Israeli aggression in Palestine, Gaza today & attacked Israel. But nothing came from these corrupt, evil & rented bastar*s terrorists because they work for US, India, Afghanistan & allies. This solves everything & makes it clear for whom they truly work for.

So everything happening to Pakistan today US, India, Afghanistan & her allies are directly involved in harming & damaging Pakistan.

I wrote a big analysis on this today in a different topic. Please find that and read it. The Americans need to be left out of this. This is between India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The US has supported Pakistan for over 6 decades, in those decades, even Pakistani at points hated each other due to political and religious issues. BUT the US kept providing assistance that never made it to the common Pakistani. THAT isn't US's fault. The problem exists in Pakistan.
If the US was really after Pakistan or its nukes....I don't see why things would last for 14 years (since Pakistan detonated the blasts till date). The US could have gotten some stuff done on this issue. Similarly, if the American agencies had nothing else to do but to destroy Pakistan, I don't see why they couldn't make some serious efforts. I hope the point is taken. The US DOES have national interests. However, they haven't been at the cost of Pakistan or as a replacement of Pakistan. But as a friend, the US needs confidence from Pakistan as well. The biggest scare is its nukes and that threat to the world isn't just he-said-she-said threat, its a threat because Pakistan isn't achieving political stability. The inside of the country's so divided between parties owned by illiterate people that they can't formulate a national security strategy. Due to that, there are gaps everywhere and that concerns and threatens the world's financial system directly due to the nukes. EVEN THEN the US didn't try to 'snatch' the nukes or anything, unlike the conspiracy theories suggest. So please understand that there can be a mutually beneficial relationship with the US.

So please open your eyes and use a friend of over 6 decades to your country's best interests. Get political stability going so that THE SAME US can help Pakistan become a prosperous and respectful nation where education and investments happen and common person enjoys a much better lifestyle!!
Here's the reality
Salala Check post attacks, attacks on PNS Mahran base, attacks on PAF base & attacks on Pak Army are all done, planned & organized by US & allies.

If this so called TTP & Al Qaeda were truly Muslims (which they are not) then they would had stood up & spoken against Israeli aggression in Palestine, Gaza today & attacked Israel. But nothing came from these corrupt, evil & rented bastar*s terrorists because they work for US, India, Afghanistan & allies. This solves everything & makes it clear for whom they truly work for.

So everything happening to Pakistan today US, India, Afghanistan & her allies are directly involved in harming & damaging Pakistan.

Have to agree with you. You sum up it all.
I thought Al Qaeda attacked the U.S. previous years as well as on 9/11 because of our support of Israel? Am I wrong? Guess they aren't truly Muslims then.
The problem with the whole Argument that USA is an ally is very flawed

CIA is involed and its very simple that they are if we look back history and look back CIA`s involvement
The way they infiltrate another nation is very simple

a) As Embassy workers
b) Moving in cash , weapons , and communication devices in and out of another nation
c) Building a network of people who share certain interest, and CIA agents promise cooperation in return for favours
d) Buying up reporters(proven), politicians (certain visitation proven), doctors (proven) , gangs, special groups
e) Setting up dark alliances with Sepratist movements , and promise them freedom or support if they conduct disruptive
operations (Jundalla, Balouch Sepratist etc )
f) Providing intelligence to certain groups on location of strategic assets of Pakistan
g) Flying out people who support CIA operations out of Pakistan when needed

Let us look moden examples,
CIA involvement in Afghanistan in 70`s money , weapons and support classic CIA its on record
CIA involvement in Beirut in all spy movies of old , Beirut/libya were always mentioned

Another point to note is only after US presidents openly stated they will conduct war inside Pakistan did we started to hear about this so called TTP ?

The Whole Emergence of TPP:
The biggest Flaw in TPP being a Pakistani Taliban is that any religious fanatic will never kill in a mosque or disrespect Quran by bombing a Quran

Apparrantly TPP was born out of need , to create this entity that would keep Pakistani Military busy
inside Pakistan so Pakistan would not think about taking actions on US drones.

The one time , Pakistan did wanted to take Actions

a) India incident happen a calculated Terrorist activity and Pakistan backed down
from taking a aggressive stance on drones

b) Another time when Musharraf government wanted to take a stance , the issue of red mosque
was used , by who (Reporters paid for by CIA again going back to building networks)

c) Blowing up of Gas Pipelines , again recently proven that USA wanted to support Balouch
sepratist movements, as we know how they used it like a weapon in Libya or Iraq

-> Arm up few gangsters and then provide support to their cause
-> This is a very old tactic , going back to world war 1 (Reference see Arab Revolt in wiki)

Recent Evidence of USA CIA involvement:

> Ramond Davis case, a clear cut proof of US dirty hand
> Doctors collecting DNS samples of Pakistani citizens for god knows what purpose
they use DNA samples in bombings to blame guilt on people , imagine
a bombing happens in USA , and then they bring these samples of DNA collected
blaming guilt on some General or Colonel of Pakistan
> Many reporters routinelly are invited to US embassies parties and events

So ..... in end ... why does Terrorism only Happens in Pakistan why not in Iran , Central Asian Nations or even China which borders Afghan border

Answer: Because Pakistan has given USA free hand to let US embassies to import and export
CIA agents , they have been constructing this network of influence since 80's

We need to close down US embassy and our Problem with terrorism will end no Money equals no Terrorism

Ex CIA agent confirms USA was training terrorist with in the video

Video that documents CIA operations from old 50's government interference ,
supporting illegal activities

Exaples: in Africa, South America , Asia Combodia, Iran
On record , that USA was teaching Afghans how to make improvised explosives

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if attacked next time how Pakistan army post in salala will defend its self he did not ask that question can some body on this forum answer that orr seen any report in the past please share
I wrote a big analysis on this today in a different topic. Please find that and read it. The Americans need to be left out of this. This is between India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The US has supported Pakistan for over 6 decades, in those decades, even Pakistani at points hated each other due to political and religious issues. BUT the US kept providing assistance that never made it to the common Pakistani. THAT isn't US's fault. The problem exists in Pakistan.
If the US was really after Pakistan or its nukes....I don't see why things would last for 14 years (since Pakistan detonated the blasts till date). The US could have gotten some stuff done on this issue. Similarly, if the American agencies had nothing else to do but to destroy Pakistan, I don't see why they couldn't make some serious efforts. I hope the point is taken. The US DOES have national interests. However, they haven't been at the cost of Pakistan or as a replacement of Pakistan. But as a friend, the US needs confidence from Pakistan as well. The biggest scare is its nukes and that threat to the world isn't just he-said-she-said threat, its a threat because Pakistan isn't achieving political stability. The inside of the country's so divided between parties owned by illiterate people that they can't formulate a national security strategy. Due to that, there are gaps everywhere and that concerns and threatens the world's financial system directly due to the nukes. EVEN THEN the US didn't try to 'snatch' the nukes or anything, unlike the conspiracy theories suggest. So please understand that there can be a mutually beneficial relationship with the US.

So please open your eyes and use a friend of over 6 decades to your country's best interests. Get political stability going so that THE SAME US can help Pakistan become a prosperous and respectful nation where education and investments happen and common person enjoys a much better lifestyle!!
Here's the reality

I have to agree with you on most of your points. One critical thing missed here is the national interest of Pakistan. Pakistan joined SEATO & Cento (originally Baghdad pact) not to fight or contain communists but to get cheap arms to fight India. USA tolerated it as long as it suited their interests.

US has always had reservations re-Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions. In the 1970’s Jimmy Carter had offered ZA Bhutto 100 A-7 attack aircrafts if Pakistan gave up on French Fuel Processing plant. ZAB refused, we did not get A-7’s and under the US pressure, French cancelled the plant as well. The reason why USA did not make much fuss about our nukes is that most of the work was done at the time Soviet-Afghan war was going on and US needed Pakistan. As soon Afghan war was over sanction were imposed on Pakistan.

Reasons why US is hated by a lot of Pakistanis are mainly four.

1. US unconditional continuous support for the Israelis which sometimes is so one-sided that it goes beyond reason.
2. Pakistan’s petulant insistence that US treat Pakistan at par with India.
3. General Pakistani thinking that if you are our friend, you should support us in our wars with India even if it is against your national interests.
4. Pakistan’s irrational presumption that we are the fort of Islam and regardless of the real causes, wherever Muslims are hurt, USA & Israel are behind it, thus the conspiracy theories.

On a personal note; IMO Pakistanis are too presumptuous about their importance in the Islamic world as well as had unrealistic expectations from the US & the West. On the other hand continued unstinting support of Israel by the US defies logic. Because of this reality, Pakistan will remain a dubious ally from the US point of view and Pakistan will continue to consider US as friend and foe combined into one.
On a personal note; IMO Pakistanis have are too presumptuous about their importance in the Islamic world as well as had unrealistic expectations from the US & the West. On the other hand continued unstinting support of Israel by the US defies logic. Because of this reality, Pakistan will remain a dubious ally from the US point of view and Pakistan will continue to consider US as friend and foe combined into one.

Pakistanis are of course free to presume whatever they wish, and only they can correct their presumptions, no one else.
Just one quick question.

If any such attack happens again for what ever reasons. What will be Pakistan's response? What are your available options?
they will be sitting ducks ----again ----notice no MANPADS issued even now........the generals are @$^$#^@#$^# sold out
they will be sitting ducks ----again ----notice no MANPADS issued even now........the generals are @$^$#^@#$^# sold out

It is not a matter of equipment. Safety will be improved by better communication so that the chances of the mistakes on both sides that led to Salala are not repeated again.
This should give a brief insight to anti-army bashers how tough a soldiers life is. LOL these guys are breathless just 1/3 the way on a 50 minute journey, imagine about the soldiers who not only travel all the way with 25/30 kg of gear while under threat of attack/ambush, and there is no rest on reaching the destination, work starts after that........

Salute to all brave sons and daughters of Paksitan who are fighting and sacrificing

LOL at his questions......Col. Sahib how much we have covered?.........."One third" ....how much more we have to go further?........"two third........"
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