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US administration moves for approval of aid increase bill


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US administration moves for approval of aid increase bill
February 05, 2009 Thursday Safar 09, 1430

By Anwar Iqbal

WASHINGTON, Feb 4: The Obama Administration is seeking early congressional action on a proposal for a three-fold increase in US economic assistance to Pakistan, diplomatic sources told Dawn.:eek::D;)

The proposal, if approved, could bring $1.5 billion of annual assistance for Pakistan for a period of 10 years. Introduced in the Senate last summer by then-Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr and co-sponsored by then-Senator Barack Obama, the bill will also condition military assistance to Pakistan with benchmarks for progress in combating extremists.

Although the proposal, known as the Biden-Lugar bill, expired with the 110th Congress, it was automatically placed on the agenda of the 111th Congress.

The Obama administration’s intention to seek an early approval, also reported by The Washington Post on Wednesday, has started hectic activities on Capitol Hill where both pro- and anti-Pakistan lobbies are busy campaigning for and against the bill, now known as the Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act.

While Pakistani diplomats have contacted almost all key senators to lobby for the bill, Indian-American organisations have formed a new ‘task force’ to advocate a tougher US stance. They not only oppose the bill but are also seeking economic sanctions on Pakistan.:tsk::P

But diplomatic sources told Dawn that the authorisation process of the proposed act would start soon. The appropriation process starts soon after.

The move is part of the Obama administration’s new strategy which treats Afghanistan and Pakistan as a single theatre of war but also seeks to deepen and expand its relationship with Pakistan.

In this new strategy, in Afghanistan stability takes precedence over democracy while in Pakistan the US will work with the new democratic set-up to strengthen democracy.

The plan also advocates a diplomatic outreach to Iran and other neighbouring nations for bringing stability to Afghanistan.

Senior officials of the Obama administration told the Post that they saw Pakistan as a major US partner under serious threat of internal collapse.

This is fundamentally different from the Bush administration’s focus on the country as a Taliban and Al Qaeda “platform” for attacks in Afghanistan and beyond.

Meanwhile, US officials interviewed in Pakistan told the

Post that they were seeing militants moving eastward from the country’s border with Afghanistan towards major population areas.
While Pakistani diplomats have contacted almost all key senators to lobby for the bill said:
Indian-American organisations have formed a new ‘task force’ to advocate a tougher US stance. They not only oppose the bill but are also seeking economic sanctions on Pakistan.[/U]:tsk::P

Does indians have something better to do except wining like a Baby in every matter ( why india and indian are obsessed with Pakistan and ISI) lmao
Does indians have something better to do except wining like a Baby in every matter ( why india and indian are obsessed with Pakistan and ISI) lmao

everyone 'whines', but only some are in a position to be heard. indians and its foreign diaspora have come to a position where their 'whining' is heard by the world.:P
everyone 'whines', but only some are in a position to be heard. indians and its foreign diaspora have come to a position where their 'whining' is heard by the world.:P

so, thts is the reason, why USA decided to "approve of aid increase bill"?:p:P:p:tsk::lol:
so, thts is the reason, why USA decided to "approve of aid increase bill"?:p:P:p:tsk::lol:

rightnow, they are only HEARD, they are not in a position to dictate. but seeing the improvement, that time will come sooner than later.:cool:
rightnow, they are only HEARD, they are not in a position to dictate. but seeing the improvement, that time will come sooner than later.:cool:

that time will appear just on your rist watch, when you would be sleeping!;):lol:
Looks like the US demands from Pakistan in terms of cooperation are going to see an increase as well.
Looks like the US demands from Pakistan in terms of cooperation are going to see an increase as well.

dear sir,
you are right, but plz keep in mind OBAMMA's no experince in world affairs would going to come in play, & also pakistan's existing support from REBUBLICANS will going to play , a huge role?;):azn:
everyone 'whines', but only some are in a position to be heard. indians and its foreign diaspora have come to a position where their 'whining' is heard by the world.:P

Indians whines more there is a saying live and let live get a new hobby one that should be called hands in friendship and peace not a bad idea huh ?? i hope Obama does help us more!

* Report says Obama unlikely to encounter resistance on goals for Pak-Afghan region
* US government auditors say no result from money spent on Afghanistan​

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: Unlike the Bush administration, which focused on Pakistan as a Taliban and Al Qaeda “platform” for terror attacks, senior Obama administration officials say they see the country as a major US ally under serious threat.

A Washington Post report said on Wednesday the administration sought early congressional action on an assistance programme introduced in the Senate last summer by then-Senators Biden and Obama. It said the new president was unlikely to encounter resistance on his goals as a recent review by the Joint Chiefs of Staff also called for a broader approach to the region. The officials acknowledged, however, that a comprehensive Pakistan policy would take some time and money. Richard Holbrooke, the new Afghanistan-Pakistan envoy, expects to spend weeks gathering information before offering advice. Obama’s 60-day deadline for a new overall strategy, meanwhile, coincides with the NATO summit.

However, officials would not comment on whether Obama has reissued a covert action ‘finding’, signed by former President Bush, which authorised SO-CIA ground raids within Pakistan.

No coherence: In Afghanistan, nearly $60 billion has already been spent on reconstruction – more than in Iraq - but efforts remain ‘fragmented’ and “lack coherence,” according to US government auditors. The approach of the warm weather “fighting season” imposes its own deadlines. “I worry a great deal about how much time we have,” says Joint Chiefs chairman Admiral Mullen.
I just sent the following message to my two US Senators:

Dear Senators Warner and Webb,
Please give favorable consideration to prompt action and approval of the Biden-Lugar Bill (S.3263) introduced last year to extend non-military aid to Pakistan in the amount of $1.5B/year for a decade. News reports say that the Bill expired with the 110th Congress but will be, or has been, re-introduced in the 111th Congress. Pakistan is struggling with multiple internal security and development problems. Non-military aid is critical to Pakistan's progress as an Islamic and democratic State. The US must do all it can muster to help the Pakistani people with economic, health services and educational development needs. Please put Virginia on the side of the Pakistani people and vote for swift passage of this much needed US assistance. Please vote for the the Biden-Lugar Bill for Non-Military Aid to Pakistan (S. 3263).

I just sent the following message to my two US Senators:

Dear Senators Warner and Webb,
Please give favorable consideration to prompt action and approval of the Biden-Lugar Bill (S.3263) introduced last year to extend non-military aid to Pakistan in the amount of $1.5B/year for a decade. News reports say that the Bill expired with the 110th Congress but will be, or has been, re-introduced in the 111th Congress. Pakistan is struggling with multiple internal security and development problems. Non-military aid is critical to Pakistan's progress as an Islamic and democratic State. The US must do all it can muster to help the Pakistani people with economic, health services and educational development needs. Please put Virginia on the side of the Pakistani people and vote for swift passage of this much needed US assistance. Please vote for the the Biden-Lugar Bill for Non-Military Aid to Pakistan (S. 3263).


Now why didn't I think about writing to my Senator. Thanks TruthSeeker you helped Pakistan more than I did :usflag:
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