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US accepts Shahab-3s in Iran’s missile arsenal, but not long-range ICBMs


Mar 20, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
US accepts Shahab-3s in Iran’s missile arsenal, but not long-range ICBMs. Deep resentment in Jerusalem

DEBKAfile Special Report May 18, 2014, 9:16 AM (IDT)
Two high-ranking US visitors to Israel, National Security Adviser Susan Rice and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, publicly assured Israel this month that the Obama administration “would do what it must” to prevent Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon. Yet at the same time, the same administration informed Tehran that the demand to restrict Iran’s missile arsenal did not apply to the Shahab-3 ballistic missile, whose range of 2,100km covers any point in the Middle East, including Israel. This missile carries warheads weighing 760 kg, to 1.1 tons, which may also be nuclear.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon challenged both Rice and Hagel on this omission. It came to light from Washington’s demand, in its direct dialogue with Tehran outside the framework of the six-power talks in Vienna, to place restrictions on Iran’s arsenal of ICBMs whose 4,000 km range places Europe and the United States at risk.

The Obama administration said it was not demanding restrictions on the medium-range missiles capable “only” of striking Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf. But the comprehensive nuclear accord when it is finally negotiated must apply restrictions on the Sajjil1, Safir, Simorg (satellite launcher), Ashura1 and Ashura2 (other versions of the Sajjil class).
But this US “concession” did not placate Tehran. Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei burst out on May 11: “They expect us to limit our missile program while they constantly threaten Iran with military action. So this is a stupid idiotic expectation.” He thereupon ordered missile plants to shift to mass production.
Hagel was not just queried in Israel on this point, but also by Saudi Arabia and the Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (An incomplete reference was completed) when he attended their defense ministers’ meeting in Jeddah Wednesday, May 14. Saudi Crown Prince Salman was in the chair.

When Hagel assured those present that their countries had nothing to fear from the rapprochement between Washington and Tehran, he was asked to fully explain President Obama’s policy on Iran’s missile arsenal. He replied that the plan was to establish a common anti-missile defense network for the region.

In Jerusalem, the defense secretary assured Netanyahu and Ya’alon that the close US-Israeli collaboration in maintaining one of the most sophisticated anti-missile shields in the world was sufficient security against Iranian Shahab-3 ballistic missiles.

A joint US-Israeli exercise against missile attack, Cobra Juniper, which takes place every two years, began Sunday, May 18, with the participation of 1,000 US servicemen.
However, neither Jerusalem nor the Gulf leaders accepted Washington’s explanations. Their disquiet was further exacerbated by the failure of latest round of nuclear negotiations with the six powers, which took place in Vienna Thursday, May 15, to bridge gaps between the sides and so prevented a start on the drafting of a final accord.

These widening gaps reflect the growing controversy over nuclear diplomacy in Tehran.

Saturday night, May 17, President Hassan Rouhani speaking to associates at a private meeting voiced his frustration with Khamenei: “That person thinks he knows everything and lays down policy without considering all the facts,” he complained.

Rouhani understands that tactical compromises will not bring about substantial relief from economic sanctions that at preying on his country. He is urging substantial concessions of Iran’s nuclear aspirations, enough to convince the world that his country is not after a nuclear weapon.

Khamenei and the Revolutionary Guards have rejected this approach. They are not open to real concessions either on their nuclear program or missile arsenal. This intransigence shows no sign of softening under the Obama administration’s willingness for compromise at the expense of Iran’s potential targets.

US accepts Shahab-3s in Iran’s missile arsenal, but not long-range ICBMs. Deep resentment in Jerusalem

Just look how fuked up Iran is that others decide what missiles we should or shouldn't have .

This country will be the same old sh1t as long as we have such poor management .
Just look how fuked up Iran is that others decide what missiles we should or shouldn't have .

This country will be the same old sh1t as long as we have such poor management .

It's U.S request, but it doesn't mean it's going to be accepted. If it was up to them, they would want to see Iran cease to exist.

This ridiculous demand (if true) is never going to see the light of the day.
It's U.S request, but it doesn't mean it's going to be accepted. If it was up to them, they would want to see Iran cease to exist.

This ridiculous demand (if true) is never going to see the light of the day.

Hi .

To be honest , I don't trust our current governors . They might sacrifice everything for lifting the sanctions the same way they gave up everything in the last 6 months mentioning that they somehow have majority support in these days .

I guess missiles will be west's next step after paralyzing nuclear program . What do you think ?
Hi .

To be honest , I don't trust our current governors . They might sacrifice everything for lifting the sanctions the same way they gave up everything in the last 6 months mentioning that they somehow have majority support in these days .

I guess missiles will be west's next step after paralyzing nuclear program . What do you think ?
No, that's not going to happen, because government and Rouhani are not the only ones deciding here, and especially about the missiles, it's just too ridiculous.
If it was up to them, they would want to see Iran cease to exist.
What a dumb, uneducated childish comment. Mullah mullah needs to behave, if they behave they will get rewarded with economic,political and military partnership. If they still carry on and build their crappy 60's missile tech then the US will have no choice but to disband Mullah mullah's suicidal decisions.

Really, i thought you were one of the more sane on the board but it seems that you like your economy to collapse but pockets of Hezbollah and Palestinians getting fatter and fatter each day.
What a dumb, uneducated childish comment. Mullah mullah needs to behave, if they behave they will get rewarded with economic,political and military partnership. If they still carry on and build their crappy 60's missile tech then the US will have no choice but to disband Mullah mullah's suicidal decisions.

Really, i thought you were one of the more sane on the board but it seems that you like your economy to collapse but pockets of Hezbollah and Palestinians getting fatter and fatter each day.

Calling a post dumb without providing a logical explanation is what? A symbol of wisdom? You should learn to deal with posts you don't like here without any insult, I don't know how much it will take for you to learn that and behave.

1. When I say they want Iran to cease to exist, I don't mean the people, but the system that is ruling. It's natural. For example U.S may wish that Russian and Chinese governments cease to exist right now, but they don't have the power to do it by force.

2.U.S can not and should not tell other countries what conventional weapons they should or shouldn't have, no matter how much power it has.

3. If they are 'crappy' 60s missiles, then why on earth are they insisting on handing them over by Iran? Isn't that stupid? After all, the superpower of the world should not be scared of any crappy 60s missile.

4.Asking Iran to hand over its missiles has nothing to do with Hezbollah and Palestinians. Not everything in this world is about them. It's a stupid demand that will never see light of the day, you can be sure of that. What else do they want next? The G3 rifles in ground forces hands? or our hand grenades?

PS: All of the above will be true if U.S actually has made such a demand. First, the source is Debka which is rubbish, second, Iran doesn't intend to develop ICBMs now, actually we don't need any ICBMs when we don't have a nuclear weapon, it's stupid and useless. All of our 'potential' enemies in the region are already within the range of ballistic missiles.
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Calling a post dumb without providing a logical explanation is what? A symbol of wisdom? You should learn to deal with posts you don't like here without any insult, I don't know how much it will take for you to learn that and behave.

1. When I say they want Iran to cease to exist, I don't mean the people, but the system that is ruling. It's natural. For example U.S may wish that even Russian and Chinese governments cease to exist, but they don't have the power to do it themselves.

2.U.S can not and should not tell other countries what conventional weapons they should or shouldn't have, no matter how much power it has.

3. If they are 'crappy' 60s missiles, then why on earth are they insisting on handing them over by Iran? Isn't that stupid? After all, the superpower of the world should not be scared of any crappy 60s missile.

4.Asking Iran to hand over its missiles has nothing to do with Hezbollah and Palestinians? It's a stupid demand that will never see light of the day, you can be sure of that. What else do they want next? The G3 rifles in ground forces hands? or our hand grenades?

1.Why would the US wish the Chinese gov cease to exist ? Chinese government doesnt sponsor terrorist Arab groups in the world, Chinese gov. doesnt hang its people in the name of some Arab religion.
Chinese are actually playing a positive role through their huge economy with the US. Cant say the same with Mullah Mullah.

2.Your logic would make sense in a country with competent and a professional government. Not in a country where the state officials call for appearance of some hidden imam. Face it, our country isnt in a position to build up its military because we lack the proper foundation.

3.Those crappy 60's missiles will most likely miss their targets and hit some civilian center and kill civilians. Thats what US is concerned about. I as a Iranian dont see such a need for such crappy missiles when our own population cant buy simple things like chicken.

4.Go back to nr.3
Irans military is a joke, US military can f#ck up Iranian military within just 1 or 2 weeks with extreme massive bombardments. US is just worried that those crappy North korean tech missiles might hit some civilian population centers.

Come back to the world buddy, lets kick out the mullah mullahs and build up a strong and economy oriented Iran.
1.Why would the US wish the Chinese gov cease to exist ? Chinese government doesnt sponsor terrorist Arab groups in the world, Chinese gov. doesnt hang its people in the name of some Arab religion.
Chinese are actually playing a positive role through their huge economy with the US. Cant say the same with Mullah Mullah.

2.Your logic would make sense in a country with competent and a professional government. Not in a country where the state officials call for appearance of some hidden imam. Face it, our country isnt in a position to build up its military because we lack the proper foundation.

3.Those crappy 60's missiles will most likely miss their targets and hit some civilian center and kill civilians. Thats what US is concerned about. I as a Iranian dont see such a need for such crappy missiles when our own population cant buy simple things like chicken.

4.Go back to nr.3
Irans military is a joke, US military can f#ck up Iranian military within just 1 or 2 weeks with extreme massive bombardments. US is just worried that those crappy North korean tech missiles might hit some civilian population centers.

Come back to the world buddy, lets kick out the mullah mullahs and build up a strong and economy oriented Iran.

Reading the above comment, I'm just sure of one thing: I'm not the one who should come back to the world. I'm sorry, but at least for me, you are out of touch and hence, I consider a discussion about this useless. So let's give it a rest.
Reading the above comment, I'm just sure of one thing: I'm not the one who should come back to the world. I'm sorry, but at least for me, you are out of touch and hence, I consider a discussion about this useless. So let's give it a rest.
Typical Mullah mullah behaviour. Time between my post and yours was just 2,3 minutes. So you are going to tell me you read everything carefully and understood everything in that short time ? :lol:
Actually you and the Mullah Mullahs are out of touch. Come back to the world and fix your economy :lol:
Typical Mullah mullah behaviour. Time between my post and yours was just 2,3 minutes. So you are going to tell me you read everything carefully and understood everything in that short time ? :lol:
Actually you and the Mullah Mullahs are out of touch. Come back to the world and fix your economy :lol:

I don't know about you, but reading 8-9 lines in 3 minutes is nothing extraordinary. And yes, I read all of your post before answering.
they can blow it up in next step !

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I don't know about you, but reading 8-9 lines in 3 minutes is nothing extraordinary. And yes, I read all of your post before answering.
Reading, everyone can do it, even a 4 year old kid can read. Point is here understanding, which you did not do.
if US will have no choice but to disband Mullah mullah's suicidal decisions..
when do you think that going to happen ?? i mean the U.S disband Iran and military attack ?? can you please give us time time ?? i mean you really think that all option are on table will happen ??
when do you think that going to happen ?? mean the U.S disband Iran ?? can you please give us time time ?? i mean you really think that will happen ??

Not Iran, but Mullah mullah's toys.
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