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US 99ers back Iran nuclear program


Dec 8, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
US 99ers back Iran nuclear program


Ramsey Clark (R) and Sara Flounders (L), prominent US 99ers, launch a petition in support for Iran’s nuclear energy program.

Anti-war activists affiliated with the Occupy Movement in the US have lent their support to Iran’s nuclear energy program.

Prominent activists Ramsey Clark and Sara Flounders, the co-founders of International Action Center (IAC), launched a petition titled "Hands off Iran” on Sunday, on the occasion of the 85th birthday of Ramsey Clark, former US Attorney-General at Riverside Church in New York.

As we approach the new round of negotiations between the countries of 5+1 i.e. US, UK, France, Russia, China plus Germany with Iran to discuss the so called “Iran’s nuclear issue”, we the undersigned declare our stand on this issue, as follows:

There are two sides in this dispute, one composed of US and its allies in the European Union who accuse Iran for trying to develop nuclear weapons – without presenting even an iota of credible facts and supporting documents – and the other, Iran, which is striving to protect its right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes based on provisions of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Using an unfounded accusation as a pretext for acts of aggressions, one side of the dispute headed by the US empire is currently punishing the other side, Iran, with the genocidal sanctions, an inhuman act that has endangered the life of 10s of millions of innocent Iranian citizens for their “crime” of deciding to live independent and free from the yoke of hegemonic powers. The excuse for these aggressions is an allegation that has strongly been denied by Iranian officials and international organizations such as the Non-aligned Movement representing 120 countries. Furthermore, the charge against Iran on intending to develop nuclear weapons has even been refuted by the intelligent agencies of the US itself.

One side to this dispute has continuously shown its imperial arrogance through war crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria and by fully backing the repeated Israeli mass killings of the Palestinian people, and the other, Iran, has not initiated any war against any nation since its people overthrow the US puppet regime of Shah back in 1979. That record matched with the current position of Iran on opposing wars elsewhere in the world indicates the fact that Iran wishes to live in peace with other nations.

Knowing the facts and the real stands of each party to this dispute, how could a freedom-lover keep silence and be impartial on the “negotiations” among these two opposing camps? In these negotiations one side is the oppressor and the other side is oppressed. One side is after domination, exploitation and plunder and the other side is looking to preserve its right to self-determination and sovereignty. One side represents the privileged interests of the big capitalist forces which constitute only %1 of the world population and the other is struggling for peace, independence and justice, causes in common with the interests of 99ers. That is why we take side with Iran and we urge all activists in the international peace movement to join us by signing this petition and demand:

  1. Lift immediately all sanctions and stop threats of war against Iran.
  2. Fair deal with Iran, recognize the right of Iranian people to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
  3. Hands off Iran

They can not fight state dept.
And lets not talk about Israel.
If the war has to happen, it will.
These couple of people can not do a shik.
They can not fight state dept.
And lets not talk about Israel.
If the war has to happen, it will.
These couple of people can not do a shik.

Hold on.... what happened to "by the people for the people", I thought America was all about democracy, and minorities (political minorities) have rights? oh wait yeah it's the banks and the media that rule the people and the government... the people only THINK that they have freedom...

All America does is preach democracy with bombs and terrorism...
They can not fight state dept.
And lets not talk about Israel.
If the war has to happen, it will.
These couple of people can not do a shik.

Unfortunately you are right, as it seems oil and weapons cartels and israel lobby in the USA weigh heavily against them, but the plus side is, at least they've tried to make their voice heard to defend justice and peace on this planet.
Hold on.... what happened to "by the people for the people", I thought America was all about democracy, and minorities (political minorities) have rights? oh wait yeah it's the banks and the media that rule the people and the government... the people only THINK that they have freedom...

All America does is preach democracy with bombs and terrorism...

At least they are allowing those Syrian imams to visit those gullible black prisonors and convert them right there......Something never heard of in a Islamic country. Well thats democracy part 1 to begin with.

Unfortunately you are right, as it seems oil and weapons cartels and israel lobby in the USA weigh heavily against them, but the plus side is, at least they've tried to make their voice heard to defend justice and peace on this planet.

To stop a country such as Iran to bomb Israel out of its existence would be the peaceful way forward for Americans and others.....
Before 1979, the U.S. strongly supported Iran's nuclear energy programs. Mainstream media is helping sell another illegal war. The way they do this is mainly by not reporting things or under-reporting things.

"Introduction of nuclear power will both provide for the growing needs of Iran's economy and free remaining oil reserves for export or conversion to petrochemicals" - Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State for President Ford

"the IAEA report made no firm conclusion that Iran had a nuclear weapons program, and noted that its inspections of Iran's facilities continue to show no diversion of uranium for military purposes."

We have no indication that the Iranians have made a decision to develop a nuclear weapon

“George Little, the Pentagon press secretary, said Mr. Panetta’s comments should not be taken as a prediction that Iran would have a nuclear weapon within a year.

“The secretary was clear that we have no indication that the Iranians have made a decision to develop a nuclear weapon,” Mr. Little said. “He was asked to comment on prospective and aggressive timelines on Iran’s possible production of nuclear weapons — and he said if, and only if, they made such a decision. He didn’t say that Iran would, in fact, have a nuclear weapon in 2012.”

Mr. Little said inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency remained in Iran and had “good access to Iran’s continuing production of low-enriched uranium.”Should Iran choose to “break out” — diverting low-enriched uranium to produce weapons-grade highly enriched uranium — the inspectors could detect it, Mr. Little said.

“We would retain sufficient time under any such scenario to take appropriate action,” he said.” - Aides Qualify Panetta’s Comments on Iran By THOM SHANKER Published: December 20, 2011

Damn Jingoist is ruining this world...
To stop a country such as Iran to bomb Israel out of its existence would be the peaceful way forward for Americans and others.....

First of all, dude can you remember Iraq? once upon time there was a dictator who'd been supported by western countries and USA, who'd been given weapons to be used by him against his neighbor Iran, then 2 decades later and all those made-up fabricated allegations by USA and her alliances to invade Iraq, WMD, Al-Qaede and so on? where are those WMDs?

Chuck Hagel, current U.S. secretary of defense, September 2007:

"People say we're not fighting for oil. Of course we are," said the Republican Senator from Nebraska Chuck Hagel to law students of Catholic University last September. "They talk about America's national interest. What the hell do you think they're talking about? We're not there for figs."​


Secondly, Where is Iran's bomb? can you prove that Iran is making a bomb? while America’s 16 intelligence agencies have said in 2007 and 2011 there is no hard evidence that Iran has decided to build a nuclear bomb.

And a long ludicrous story:

1992: Israeli member of parliament Binyamin Netanyahu predicts that Iran was “3 to 5 years” from having a nuclear weapon.

1992: Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres predicts an Iranian nuclear warhead by 1999 to French TV.

1995: The New York Times quotes US and Israeli officials saying that Iran would have the bomb by 2000.

1998: Donald Rumsfeld tells Congress that Iran could have an intercontinental ballistic missile that could hit the US by 2003.

2013: Benjamin Netanyahu vows to halt Iran's nuclear ambitions


2040: Iran is trying to require a nuclear weapon.

Why he's been keep lying? why ?

Then, Who's got bomb? Iran? Israel? USA?
One side is Iran without one single bomb, other side is 5 countries which possess 95 percent of all nukes on the earth.

Besides USA could have shown her willing towards peace when she used nuke in WW2 against civilians in Japan, agent orange in Vietnam, or when they were backing Sadam who utilized chemical weapons against Iranian folks, or depleted uranium in Iraq against Iraqi people, or when they decided to punish Sadam because he wasn't a good boy any more:

or now when civilians are being killed by their drones in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and ....

about Iran stand:

Although the report is the work of The Project on US Middle East Nonproliferation Strategy – and is supposedly about nonproliferation – its authors have concentrated on punitive measures against Iran, and none against Israel. However, Iran has been fairly compliant: it has ratified the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and has given the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) more than 4,000 man-days' worth of inspections in recent years. According to the US National Intelligence Estimate's assessment in 2007 and 2011, Iran does not have an active nuclear-weapons programme.

There is no conclusive evidence that Iran has made any effort to build the bomb since 2003, and Iran's leadership has not yet made a political decision to do so. In contrast, Israel is not a signatory to the NPT, has not permitted the IAEA even a single inspection and possesses hundreds of nuclear weapons. The reasons that international efforts to realise a "nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East" have made no progress since Iran proposed the idea almost 40 years ago must therefore be clear.


Furthermore, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei's own website has had, for some time now, an entire page specifically dedicated to Iran's official policy on nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. It states clearly, "According to our logic, it is not right for a country to use its knowledge to produce such weapons as nuclear bombs which annihilate armed soldiers, innocent civilians, children, babies and oppressed people indiscriminately once they are dropped somewhere," adding, "Iran is not after an atomic bomb, and it is even opposed to possession of chemical weapons. Even when Iraq used chemical weapons against Iran, we did not try to manufacture chemical weapons. Such things are not in line with the principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Goldberg ignores decades of consistent Iranian statements on nuclear weapons for the sake of propaganda

They're scaring people of an Iranian hypothetical nuke which might be made by Iran in a hypothetical time in a hypothetical future while their nukes are ready to be fired and turn our planet to an atomic mushroom.


USA looks like a drunk criminal who standing in middle of city and shouting: crime is bad.

But we feel quite confident we could deal a serious blow to the Iranians. But number two, the Iranians are — the Israelis and the United States — our military and intelligence communities are absolutely the same exact place in terms of how close — how close the Iranians are to getting a nuclear weapon. They are a good way away. There is no difference between our view and theirs.

When my friend talks about fissile material, they have to take this highly enriched uranium, get it from 20 percent up. Then they have to be able to have something to put it in. There is no weapon that the Iranians have at this point. Both the Israelis and we know we'll know if they start the process of building a weapon. So all this bluster I keep hearing, all this loose talk — what are they talking about?

Vice Presidential Debate "They are a good way away"
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First of all, dude can you remember Iraq? once upon time there was a dictator who'd been supported by western countries and USA, who'd been given weapons to be used by him against his neighbor Iran, then 2 decades later and all those made-up fabricated allegations by USA and her alliances to invade Iraq, WMD, Al-Qaede and so on? where are those WMDs?

First of all, can you remember Iran, your own country?
Once upon a time there was a dictator called Shah Pahlavi who had been supported by western countries and the USA, who had been given weapons to be used by him against his own enemy. And later what happened is an open source.

Oh please dont teach a old dog a trick....

Agha chethori?
hale shuma khoob?
First of all, can you remember Iran, your own country?
Once upon a time there was a dictator called Shah Pahlavi who had been supported by western countries and the USA, who had been given weapons to be used by him against his own enemy. And later what happened is an open source.

Oh please dont teach a old dog a trick....

Agha chethori?
hale shuma khoob?

I didn't get it, by the way you just answered 2 lines of my post.

Mamnoon shoma khobi? Farsi baladi shoma?
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