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Mar 8, 2019
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Highly Concerned Individuals Around the World started this petition to Government of Pakistan
As a group of highly concerned academic scholars, students, Pakistanis (local and overseas) and even non-Pakistanis, we are CALLING FOR ACTION over the dire state of affairs and recent events related to higher education in Pakistan - higher education is in imminent danger.
There has been a violation of constitutional due process of law by the Government of Pakistan, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI); violation of autonomy of a regulatory authority which directly results in a violation of right to education as declared in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and we believe that Pakistan urgently and immediately needs our attention.

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) was established in 2002 as an autonomous, regulatory body to oversee higher education.
In June 2018, Dr. Tariq Banuri, an award-winning, internationally recognized Economist and Educationist, a Lead Author of the 2007 Nobel peace prize winning IPCC Report and an Economics PhD from Harvard University, was appointed as Chairman. On March 26, 2021, he was unlawfully removed from the position following his persistent refusal to engage in or authorize corrupt practices at the behest of PTI - he was simply following the mandate of HEC to be an unbiased regulator.
PTI has violated its platform of anti-corruption and adhering to rule of law by:

  1. Pushing for ongoing funding with exemptions from accountabilities for select institutions (that are in fact heavily criticized, underperforming and supervised by a close confidant of the PM) - these are attempts to undermine the regulatory mandate of HEC and threatens the quality of higher education
  2. Violating the principle of security of tenure - following continuous resistance from the HEC Chairman, 2018, to engage in corrupt practices antithetical to the mandate of HEC, the PTI government issued an ordinance on March 26, 2021, to reduce the tenure for this role, to apply immediately and retroactively - to find a way to remove the Chairman. This violation is a major RED FLAG that the government's respect for law is under question.
  3. Removing the autonomy of the HEC altogether as of April 8th, 2021 after the Chairman's wrongful removal was contested - this is a very dangerous threat to regulatory independence
It is evident that the PTI government has enacted legislation with mala fide intent to undermine the autonomy of a regulatory body and target an individual. Following the unjustifiable action to remove the HEC Chairman, the government has organized a media campaign to justify itself, layered with unverified allegations against the Chairman. However, if any of these could have been proven to be true, the government could have removed him legally rather than passing an ordinance to curtail his term - no charge sheet was present, meaning there were no legal grounds for removal.
We are appealing to the Prime Minister to reconsider and reverse these recent unjustifiable decisions that wreak havoc on the future of higher education in Pakistan and which will remain a blot on PTI's performance as well as its claims to integrity, equity, and justice. These decisions will also undo the desperately needed reforms that were brought forth by the most recent Chairman, in-line with PTI's supposed vision; and designed to increase quality of education through accountabilities, standards and performance criteria.
The world is watching you.

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Highly Concerned Individuals Around the World started this petition to Government of Pakistan
As a group of highly concerned academic scholars, students, Pakistanis (local and overseas) and even non-Pakistanis, we are CALLING FOR ACTION over the dire state of affairs and recent events related to higher education in Pakistan - higher education is in imminent danger.
There has been a violation of constitutional due process of law by the Government of Pakistan, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI); violation of autonomy of a regulatory authority which directly results in a violation of right to education as declared in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and we believe that Pakistan urgently and immediately needs our attention.

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) was established in 2002 as an autonomous, regulatory body to oversee higher education.
In June 2018, Dr. Tariq Banuri, an award-winning, internationally recognized Economist and Educationist, a Lead Author of the 2007 Nobel peace prize winning IPCC Report and an Economics PhD from Harvard University, was appointed as Chairman. On March 26, 2021, he was unlawfully removed from the position following his persistent refusal to engage in or authorize corrupt practices at the behest of PTI - he was simply following the mandate of HEC to be an unbiased regulator.
PTI has violated its platform of anti-corruption and adhering to rule of law by:

  1. Pushing for ongoing funding with exemptions from accountabilities for select institutions (that are in fact heavily criticized, underperforming and supervised by a close confidant of the PM) - these are attempts to undermine the regulatory mandate of HEC and threatens the quality of higher education
  2. Violating the principle of security of tenure - following continuous resistance from the HEC Chairman, 2018, to engage in corrupt practices antithetical to the mandate of HEC, the PTI government issued an ordinance on March 26, 2021, to reduce the tenure for this role, to apply immediately and retroactively - to find a way to remove the Chairman. This violation is a major RED FLAG that the government's respect for law is under question.
  3. Removing the autonomy of the HEC altogether as of April 8th, 2021 after the Chairman's wrongful removal was contested - this is a very dangerous threat to regulatory independence
It is evident that the PTI government has enacted legislation with mala fide intent to undermine the autonomy of a regulatory body and target an individual. Following the unjustifiable action to remove the HEC Chairman, the government has organized a media campaign to justify itself, layered with unverified allegations against the Chairman. However, if any of these could have been proven to be true, the government could have removed him legally rather than passing an ordinance to curtail his term - no charge sheet was present, meaning there were no legal grounds for removal.
We are appealing to the Prime Minister to reconsider and reverse these recent unjustifiable decisions that wreak havoc on the future of higher education in Pakistan and which will remain a blot on PTI's performance as well as its claims to integrity, equity, and justice. These decisions will also undo the desperately needed reforms that were brought forth by the most recent Chairman, in-line with PTI's supposed vision; and designed to increase quality of education through accountabilities, standards and performance criteria.
The world is watching you.

Lmao we need to change primary secondary education before moving towards Higher.. we need to move from Ratta maar to actual knowledge..

10 Apr 2021 —

This letter, sent from the Government of Pakistan is “desiring” accountability exemption from three particular institutions in Pakistan, supervised by Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman while continuing to avail the budget/funds unabated (reportedly having received 40 billion PKR to date- taken away from funding for grants/scholarships needed for low-income students as well as other educational institutions/programs). The outputs of these centers despite the heavy funding, is widely regarded to be below satisfactory by critics, raising question on the reasoning for requiring this funding.
The purpose of the accountability measures is to evaluate the funding requirements based on a provided plan, in order to make funding allocation decisions for higher education institutions.


10 Apr 2021 —

This letter, sent from the Government of Pakistan is “desiring” accountability exemption from three particular institutions in Pakistan, supervised by Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman while continuing to avail the budget/funds unabated (reportedly having received 40 billion PKR to date- taken away from funding for grants/scholarships needed for low-income students as well as other educational institutions/programs). The outputs of these centers despite the heavy funding, is widely regarded to be below satisfactory by critics, raising question on the reasoning for requiring this funding.
The purpose of the accountability measures is to evaluate the funding requirements based on a provided plan, in order to make funding allocation decisions for higher education institutions.

I have been to AUR centers and visited with Dr. The work he is doing is phenomenal, however I cannot validate the efficacy of his work. Can it be better sure it can and he'll be the first to tell you so. This whole thing smacks of some bureaucratic interference in AUR's labs, which might be important but perhaps not in the way it is being done (purpose vs tact). Bring the Dr along, not come over the top, and establish a trusted smaller group to provide independent oversight (grab coffee/tea and have a sit down). Exclusion requested can be for National Security, and is rightfully warranted given some of the projects. Try getting some DC bureaucrat to pry open the Sandia or Lawerance Livermore National Lab projects and he'll find himself auditing an Arctic weather station very quickly. However HEJ should still try and work with HEC and give them some mechanics where they are held to accountability.
people can watch HEC chairman interview for more details.

Also Mr Banuri surely understands that in the US the most critical funding for universities comes from Private sector research funding, where IP is often developed and co-shared. Banuri maybe right in his criticism but he is not a watch-dog institution and hence should tred a bit lightly. Sometimes perfection becomes the enemy of getting things done. Put in controls, put in as he himself says monitoring mechanics, establish redlines around property etc., but facilitate PPP (public private partnership). One major point of contention regarding this Chair is that he has been sitting on a large level of funding and has only authorized a very small number of projects basically making HEC ineffective. Though he maybe right in not approving many of the projects given they are poorly designed, it is still his responsibility to effectively make the investments. It is almost like my sales team saying "we could not meet our goals because X,Y, and Z customers did not renew at last year's level". That is not the way the world works and they would find themselves without a job. What they need to do is hustle and find alternative lines when some lines extinguish. I think overall this is a tragedy - both Atta UR Rehman and Tariq B., are good people. Hoping this is not a question of large egos clashing and I wish TB was still head of HEC. He may not have tact but he is asking legitimate questions that AR and HEJ should not run away from.
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Exclusion requested can be for National Security

the reply from them was
"we only talk with noble prize winners"

according to HEC chairman and he also said if it is a matter of national security it can done in a secure way.
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Does he have time to teach or just make videos complaining about everything. Also does Mr Banuri ex. Harvard person understand that in the US the most critical funding for universities comes from Private sector research funding, where IP is often developed and co-shared. Banuri maybe right in his criticism but he is not a watch-dog institution. Sometimes perfection becomes the enemy of getting things done. Put in controls, put in as he himself says monitoring mechanics, establish redlines around property etc., but facilitate PPP (public private partnership). One major point against this Chair is that he has been sitting on a large level of funding and has only authorized a very small number of projects basically making HEC ineffective. Though he maybe right in not approving many of the projects given they are poorly designed, it is still his responsibility to effectively make the investments. It is almost my sales team saying "we could not meet our goals because X,Y, and Z customers did not renew at last year's level". That is not the way the world works and they would find themselves without a job. What they need to do is hustle and find alternative lines when some lines extinguish.
Debate is continuing over Dr Banuri’s performance. A former HEC chairman,
Dr Atta ur Rehman, who was instrumental in
Dr Banuri’s removal, has also penned an article… the tone and thrust of this article leaves one in no doubt that he is again pining for the job while also securing his other funding interests

The argument I have italicised is what can be safely described as nonsense masquerading as eminent sense. How can numbers in and of themselves ensure quality? Dr Rehman then goes on to talk about scholarships and funding et cetera and blames Dr Banuri for axing much of the good work. In reality, Dr Banuri, after taking over, evaluated the various programmes run by HEC and found that this benighted republic was not getting any value for the money that was being spent and had been wasted since HEC’s inception.

Since it’s in the public domain, Dr Ilhan Niaz, an eminent historian, tweeted on April 4: “the 3 centers of which Atta ur Rehman is the patron have consumed Rs40 billion since their inception, got 40 patents, and earned Rs10 million in intellectual property returns. = Rs1 billion/patent & about 2 patents/year figures for research output were quoted by Atta ur Rehman.”

If what these figures indicate is Dr Rehman’s idea of money spent versus output, one doesn’t need any further argument. This is not called work or research. The English language has a term for this: gravy train.

This gravy train is exactly what Dr Banuri wanted to put the brakes on. Nothing makes people more vicious than when their gravy train is threatened. Dr Rehman has not responded to why he got the Prime Minister’s Office to tell Dr Banuri that his centres should be left out of any accountability. Are those centres sacred? Why did the PMO consistently intercede for Dr Rehman’s centres? Surely, Dr Rehman should have had nothing to fear if those centres were producing excellent work.

Final nail in the coffin for me. From PMDC to HEC, they rekt everything. What has PMC done? Nothing. Bc inka har banda paisa bana raha hai, mulk ko farigh kardiya hai
Tariq banuri was no good either, he was a pawn of leftists and did nothing on the higher education end. I think its good he was removed.
Government Reserves Right to Appoint necessary changes in any position
HEC , has to continue to improve standards

I support mandate by Education Minister / Government to make necessary upgrades to HEC to bring it alignment with modern standards

The Higher Education Commission (colloquially known as HEC) is a statutory body formed by the government of Pakistan.

It has been 20 years and every thing get revised as Time passes

State of Pakistan
> Constitution / Law
> Government
> Institutes

State & Government can bring reforms to any Institution
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