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Upper Dir (khyber pakhtunkhwa)

This lake is not in Dir its Chitta Katha Lake (Neelum valley), Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan

Not chitta katta lake dear its Jahaz Dand Lake Dir

Chitta katta is having huge mountain like Hari parbat second highest peak of Azad Kashmir and having no trees around while Jahaz Dand lake have trees and normal sized peaks around both lakes looks similar but they are different lakes ...

This pic is the latest Pic of Chitta katta lake our 2 groups attempted this lake this july we found a bad weather so couldnt make up to this lake while our next group in a week later successfully made up to it and such elevation of chitta katta there is no trees found
Yaar Pakwheels is also a forum and flicker is just a site where pictures r shared.

And about Google link.

Well go to google write the Chitta Katha Lake ,Shounter Valley, in neelum valley,Azad Kashmir, Pakistan n it will show the exact pictures u have shared.

Chitta Katha Lake - Google Search

Yara the peaks are visibly different in both. The basic layout is very similar (and hence the confusion) but I'm pretty sure the pictures are of two different places. You'll find this happening with many of our lakes.

Chitta Katta:




Jahaz Dand:




You can see that Chitta Katta has taller and steeper disjoint spires but Jahaz Dand has one continues rock wall with low profile summits.
Just asking, imagining an indian gets visa for pakistan and wants to visit these heavenly valleys (like me :) ) what are the chances that he can safely visit these valleys of dir and chitral?
anyways beautiful pics.
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