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Upgraded Tu-95 Strategic Bomber Joins Russian Air Force


Apr 28, 2011
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Tupolev Tu-95

Russia's Aviakor aviation factory has delivered the first modernized Tu-95MSM strategic bomber, equipped with an advanced radar and expanded weapons carrying capability, to the Russian Aerospace Forces.

The latest Tu-95MSM is also equipped with target-acquiring or navigation system based on the GLONASS satellite system, Sputnik news reported Saturday.

The upgrade of the aircraft, known as Dubna, is being boosted with improved combat capabilities and cockpit systems. The 'adjustment' of the Tu-95 for the new armament and new military requirements took three months, the news site reported.

The second aircraft, which is currently being upgraded by Aviakor, will be delivered to the Defense Ministry later next month even as a third bomber will commence its modernization at the Aviator factory.

The modernized aircraft can carry up to eight Kh-101 cruise missiles or Kh-102 nuclear-tipped missiles on the wing’s external mountings.

The previous Tu-95 was armed with six Kh-55 cruise missiles on a rotary launching mechanism in the bay. The Kh-101 is bigger than the Kh-55, and cannot be carried in the bay of the aircraft.

The Kh-101 has an operation range of up to 5,500 kilometers, with a complex trajectory. It can travel at an altitude of 30 meters above the ground.

The Kh-101 is invisible to radar and has an accuracy of five meters. The missile is guided with a combined navigation system, inertial and GLONASS. It hits the target with a 400-kg warhead or 250-kiloton nuclear warhead.

The Tupolev Tu-95 (Bear) long-range strategic bomber entered service with the Soviet Air Force in 1956.

Upgraded Tu-95 Strategic Bomber Joins Russian Air Force
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