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Updates Regarding Aafia Siddiqui's Treatment

Come clean, there is still time
By Kamran Shafi

Tuesday, 13 Apr, 2010


[Maryam Saddiqui, the missing daughter of Aafia Siddiqui, has been identified after mysteriously reappearing on her family's doorstep, a top Pakistani official said. The 12-year-old is one of three children of Aafia Siddiqui.

It’s official: according to none other than this journal of record, the 12-year old child “left outside a house in Karachi [on Sunday, April 4, 2008] is the missing daughter of Dr Aafia Siddiqui, the neuroscientist who was convicted in a US court for shooting at her US interrogators in Afghanistan.”
The child was left at Dr Aafia Siddiqui’s house by an American the child referred to as ‘Uncle John’ and who has since disappeared into thin air.

I have long held that Dr Siddiqui’s case was/is a very curious one indeed. Let us recap from the time that she disappeared from Karachi in the company of her three children in March 2003 until the time (July 17, 2008) that she was found loitering outside the Ghazni governor’s compound in Afghanistan in the company of a young lad said to be her son and both were taken into custody by the Afghan police.

She was alleged to be carrying inflammable materials and maps of potential targets in the United States “in jars” in her handbag. How big these ‘jars’ were, and how many kilogrammes of explosives were being transported in them was not mentioned to astounded readers.

We were not told either what in the world Dr Siddiqui was doing in Ghazni, Afghanistan, right outside the governor’s compound and under the very noses of American and Afghan forces and police. I wrote at the time that mayhap she had gone to Ghazni to catch the United Airlines early evening flight to JFK.

We were also informed that the next day, Dr Siddiqui had been shot in the abdomen “at least once” by an American soldier in self-defence after coming under fire from Dr Siddiqui who had come rushing out from behind a curtain where she was being held “unrestrained” for questioning, and picking up an M4 service rifle that had been left “at his feet” by an American warrant officer, had fired at him. And that but for the timely deflection of her shot by an Afghan interpreter she should have killed the American.

Whilst her son was arrested with her in Ghazni we were also told in a letter penned to the press by the US ambassador to Pakistan H.E. Anne Patterson that the American authorities had absolutely no idea about what had happened to her three children who had disappeared with her in March 2003. And now this young child turns up at her grandparents home in Karachi in the company of ‘Uncle John’. Curiouser and curiouser.

This story was beyond belief then, it is beyond belief now. It defied credibility then, it defies credibility now. There are holes the size of the Titanic in this ‘official’ version of events and at the time that this seeming poppycock was being rolled out, I had written a riposte to the US ambassador’s letter on several aspects.

For example as someone who has handled small arms as a soldier in the infantry; has taught them, and therefore has fired thousands of rounds from all types of small arms, I couldn’t for the life of me imagine even a first-class shooter pick up a rifle he/she did not know, kock it, find the safety catch and flip it, and fire it in under the three seconds that it probably took the alleged Afghan translator to allegedly lunge at Siddiqui and allegedly deflect her alleged shot.

I also asked why Siddiqui had been shot at after she had been overpowered by the Afghan translator and had probably been well and truly subdued, for she is no Samson.

To prove the point that it was highly unlikely for this frail woman to do what she was alleged to have done, I suggested to the ambassador who seems to have the same dimensions as Dr Siddiqui to get one of her Marines at the embassy to place a loaded M4 service rifle (on ‘safe’ as is the standard operating procedure) on the ground near her. She should then pick it up, kock it, flip the safety catch and fire it. I had suggested that she may well fail to even kock the seven-pound heavy rifle in 10 seconds, let alone fire it in three.

I had reminded the ambassador of the embarrassment, nay disgrace, his handlers brought her former boss, the good Gen Colin Powell, when they made him tell white lies on live TV about Iraq’s so-called weapons of mass destruction.

I had said that whilst America had its Sarah ‘Barracuda’ Palins also, who can shoot and skin (and eat?) a moose in under 17 minutes, what we Pakistanis must do is to pray with all our might that Barack Obama and Joe Biden beat the living daylights out of McCain and the Barracuda. And that we are rid of the neocon madmen and women who not only hold America the Beautiful by the jugular, but the rest of the world by the throat too.

Well, friends, we are rid of the mindless ‘Dubya’ and his keepers; the intelligent and compassionate Barack Obama is now the president of the mightiest country on the face of the planet. Now then Excellency, who is this Maryam girl; and who is her Uncle John? And where is Dr Siddiqui’s third child please?

As I have said earlier, if some foolish official has messed up on the Afia Siddiqui case please do not exacerbate the matter by covering up for him/her and bringing America the Beautiful into more disrepute. Tell the whole truth even now; put the matter right even now. Dr Afia Siddiqui is accused of crimes ranging from buying blood diamonds to planning terrorist attacks to being the vilest person on earth. Yet, she was charged in court with what can only be called an impossible crime.

Please act now, if only for the reason that America is home to some of the kindest hearted and generous and warm and disarmingly simple people anywhere on this planet.
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This Video is labeled:

Pakistans government not interested in getting Aafia released​

Listen to what brother Amir Liaqat Hussain has to say


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Here is another of a series of three videos labled :

The farce trial of Sister Aafia - REVISITED 1 of 3​

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Pay attention again.... as this KAAFIR takes up the banner we should be carrying and writes in support of sister Aafia Sidduiqi in this piece from one of his articles. The Article is a summary and commentry of an interview with Luara Bush

it can be found here: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/04/28/gordon-duff-the-laura-bush-confession-far-from-harmless/



By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

April 28, 2010

......There is so much more to confess than a very edited version of a teenage error. There are the threats and lives ruined covering it up and the years spent as the wife of the “Fortunate Son.” Was Laura a “beard” for “W,” long suspected of being a homosexual?

What is it like being married to a torturer and war criminal? Are these harsh terms? Whenever I hear from a member of Dr. Aafia’s family, I think of Laura Bush.

Dr. Aafia is Pakistani national, PhD from MIT in microbiology, a scientist of some real esteem who, at the “secret orders” of George W. Bush, was kidnapped with her small children, bought from a criminal gang in Pakistan to spend years of torture in an illegal prison. After 5 years of rape and torture, Aafia is put on trial, not for any crime, but for trying to murder those who were torturing and raping her, 7 of them. Do you think Laura woke up every morning feeling guilt because of rape and torture ordered by her husband, written off by the two of them as though it were all a college prank.

Laura Bush was silent on this and the fate of over a million Iraqis killed by her husband. I wonder if she ever asked him where he spent his time in the military during the Vietnam War? Records show Bush failing a drug test and simply disappearing. Those records will never be released but the math is simple, not AWOL, but deserter. “Daddy, what did you do during the war?”

Aafia, the 100 pound, wheelchair bound hellion who had to be shot twice in the abdomen by her “translator” to keep her from murdering her “interrogators”….

Now wait a second. They speak English in Pakistan. Aafia lived in the US for years and has a doctorate from MIT. I would bet any amount that she speaks English much better than George W. Bush, in fact so much better it isn’t funny. In fact, this isn’t speculation, but a fact. How many innocent Muslims were kidnapped and thrown into the Gulag when President Bush sent out a “casting call” for dupes to be thrown into the CIA gulag, nobody in particular, just “numbers” so Ashcroft and Gonzales could claim “terrorist suspect” arrests.....

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and a regular contributor to Veterans Today. He specializes in political and social issues. You can see a large collection of Gordon's published articles at this link: http://www.VeteransToday.com. He is an outspoken advocate for veterans and his powerful words have brought about change.

You can send Gordon Duff an email at this address: Gpduf@aol.com

Here is second of a series of three videos labled :

The farce trial of Sister Aafia - REVISITED 2 of 3​

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I sent this letter to sister Aafia in the hope that she will receive it from her captures - Insha'allah

I posted it on youtube in the hope that others may benefit from it, if there is any good at all in it.

Allahu 'alam

slamu 'alay kum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu

Abdullah khan
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Pakistan's government leading it people on the road of becoming slave to America

The Obama administration has seized on the failed car bombing in New York’s Times Square on May 1 to insist that the Pakistani military step up its war on Islamic militants and extend its operations into North Waziristan. The US demand is being backed by thinly disguised warnings of economic reprisals and military intervention.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made an explicit public threat during a CBS interview last Sunday. After accusing some Pakistani officials of knowing the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar, she insisted on more Pakistani cooperation and warned: “We’ve made it very clear that if, heaven forbid, an attack like this that we can trace back to Pakistan were to have been successful, there would be very severe consequences.”

Speaking to ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday, Attorney General Eric Holder accused the Pakistani Taliban, known as Tehrik-e-Taliban, of being behind the Times Square incident. He claimed that the Taliban directed the suspected bomber, Faisal Shahzad, a naturalised American citizen of Pakistani descent. Under interrogation, Shahzad has allegedly admitted training in Taliban camps in North Waziristan, although the amateurish character of the bombing attempt indicates otherwise. A Tehrik-e-Taliban spokesman has denied any involvement.

Publicly, the Obama administration has been cautious, not wanting to further destabilise the already fragile Pakistani government. Under US pressure, the Pakistani military has already launched major offensives over the past year into the Swat Valley, Bajaur and South Waziristan, in which thousands of civilians were killed and hundreds of thousands driven from their homes. In the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) along the border with Afghanistan, US drone attacks have killed hundreds of civilians and reinforced anger toward what many Pakistanis regard as a US puppet government in Islamabad.

Behind closed doors, however, the “very severe consequences” have been spelled out in no uncertain terms. An article in the New York Times last Friday described “the new pressure from Washington” over the Times Square incident as “a sharp turnabout from the [previous] relatively polite encouragement”. “And it comes amid increasing debate within the administration about how to expand American military influence—and even a boots-on-the-ground presence—on Pakistani soil,” the article added.

The Times reported that the US commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, met with Pakistan’s military chief, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, on Friday to urge Pakistan to begin a military offensive into North Waziristan, which is part of the FATA territory. The Pakistani military has previously resisted such pressure, saying its forces were already overstretched. While McChrystal denied pressing Kayani, an American official explained to theTimes that the Pakistani general was told: “We are saying you have got to go into North Waziristan.”

In an article on Sunday, the Washington Post described the debate in the Obama administration in similar terms, stating that some officials “see the Times Square incident as weighing in favor of a far more muscular and unilateral US policy. It would include a geographically expanded use of drone missile attacks in Pakistan and pressure for a stronger US military presence there.”

Such measures would be highly provocative and deeply destabilising. At least 36 US drone attacks have taken place inside Pakistan so far this year, including two in the past week inside North Waziristan. The figure compares to 53 for all of last year and 30 during the final year of the Bush administration. In the latest strike yesterday, 12 missiles were fired at an alleged training camp, killing at least 14 people. More than 900 people, mostly civilians, have died in US drone strikes.

What the Washington Post article suggests is that US drone attacks would take place deeper inside Pakistan and beyond the FATA border areas. American military officials have previously described areas of Baluchistan, including the city of Quetta, as hotbeds of “terrorist” activity. As for “a stronger US military presence,” the Pakistani military has previously opposed any increase in US “trainers” and “advisers,” as well as the direct intrusion of US troops from Afghanistan in “hot pursuit” of Islamist fighters. An attack by US special forces on a village in South Waziristan and the death of civilians in September 2008 provoked widespread opposition in Pakistan.

According to the Washington Post, those Obama officials that oppose a more aggressive military policy insist that the Pakistan government has no option but to do Washington’s bidding. “Pakistan’s economy is on the verge of collapse, with gross domestic product falling from more than 8 percent growth in 2005 to under 3 percent last year. More than $3.5 billion in US economic and military assistance is in the pipeline, and a nearly $8 billion International Monetary Fund agreement and a $3.5 billion World Bank financing package are pending.”

Whether directly through an increased US military presence or indirectly by compelling the Pakistani military to go on the offensive in North Waziristan and other areas, the Obama administration is drawing Pakistan into the broader American quagmire in the region. It is no accident that increased pressure on Islamabad comes as the US military is preparing to launch a major offensive to stamp its control over the southeastern Afghan city of Kandahar. The Times Square incident is simply a convenient pretext to demand parallel action on the Pakistani side of the border.

Under the banner of the “war on terrorism,” President Obama has escalated his so-called AfPak war, which, along with the occupation of Iraq, is aimed at securing American economic and strategic dominance in the key energy-rich regions of Central Asia and the Middle East. In pursuing these reckless and predatory wars over the past eight years, the US has steadily undermined the economic and political stability of Pakistan and encroached on its national sovereignty, and exacerbated wider regional tensions, particularly with India.

The disaster unfolding in Pakistan, along with Afghanistan and Iraq, must be opposed through the demand for the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of all US and foreign troops from all three countries.

As for what we have done to Aafia and what we fail to do for her now, what do you expect

US means to spread propaganda in Pakistan about Aafia Siddiqui in order to sway support for her cause​

Dr Aafia case

US seeks Pak NGOs help

Washington—The United States has made contacts to NGOs on Human Rights aimed to stop strong reaction in Pakistan on the result of expected sentence to Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.

According to sources, the US Officials, through their allies Britain, not only contacted to two important Pakistan’s NGOs on Human Rights but met with heads of these two NGOs in Karachi and Lahore.

Sources further said that the Intelligence Agencies have sent a report to high Pakistani officials in this regard which stated that Britain Chief Inspector Police given a detail briefing to head of an NGO at his office and tried to prove that Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was working against the interests of the United States and allegations against her have been proved.

According to the report, hatred against US and Western would be increased in Pakistan on every level at the result of sentence to Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.

The responsible officials of US and Britain have also assured that the children of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui would be handed over to her families.

Sources said that the US and Britain would provide financial assistance to these two NGOs secretly and documents have been signed in this regard. —Online

Point number 1: Aafia was not accused of anything terrorist related. In fact the judge at her trial emphasized to the jury that Aafia had no ties with any terrorist organization, despite the prosecutors constant insinuations.

Point number 2: The US has denied holding Aafia and her children captive since 2003, yet the now promise to return the remaining child to her family


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