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Updates Regarding Aafia Siddiqui's Treatment



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Mar 26, 2010
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Updates Regarding Aafia Siddiqui's Treatment

The intention of my posting this topic is only to "spread the word" regarding our sister Aafia's plight. I realize that many of us are not in a position to help her directly or even indirectly, but the hope is that if word spreads, it will reach those Muslim in and out of Pakistan with the will and opportunity to help her cause.

The American government, spy agencies and military forces are beasts and history testifies to this fact. Thus, therefore, hence and ergo I detest to see their savagery unleashed upon the Ummah of Muhammad (salallahu 'alayhi wa salam). That said I am not anti-American and I do not subscribe to raising the flag of any nation. There are only two recognizable flags: the flag of Allah and the flag of shaytaan, and the people of Pakistan are under the flag of Allah ta ‘ala.

Please, please do not keep your anger bottle up inside about Aafias situation, discuss it, rant about it, debate it, cry about it and spread the word about it. Our best chance for Aafia is that the people of Pakistan pressure the government of Pakistan to ACTUALLY act on Aafia’s behalf. Lay siege on them, until they act in the best interest of Pakistan and its people rather than America its people.

What America has done to Aafia, it has been doing to Muslims men for so long now, including the rape. And Although I have always sympathized for their male victims, as far as I have been concerned, they were MEN. But now our women are not spare their tender touch and this can absolutely not be tolerated. Sister Aafia Siddiqui is not the first, but she is the first with a face and I cannot sleep soundly at night with her visage in my mind and nor should any Muslim.

It Maybe Allah subhanahu wa ta ala’s test for Aafia to endure what she has endured. To endure being handed over to an enemy, by her own Muslim brothers and countrymen. To endure dirty American soldiers & interrogators force themselves upon her one after another or at the same time. To endure their skin contact on her belly and back, while they exercising their lusts upon her. To endure constant threatening of the same fate happening with her children if she dare resists or refuses to cooperate. To endure the false promises of freedom, only to be snatch away as a means of manipulation by sadistic minds. To endure being brought out of the darkness of American dungeons, only to emerge into the light of kangaroo courts and a kangaroo justice system. To endure returning to the confinement from which she hope to escape only to be violated further and OFFICIALLY with daily body cavity searches.

Yes! Allah maybe testing Aafia with these harsh conditions, But it is most assuredly our test to free Aafia.
“By any means necessary” Malcolm X

So please brother and sister in Islam, spread the word. Allah says in Quran:

فَقَاتِلْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ لَا تُكَلَّفُ إِلَّا نَفْسَكَ ۚ وَحَرِّضِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ۖ عَسَى اللَّهُ أَنْ يَكُفَّ بَأْسَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا ۚ وَاللَّهُ أَشَدُّ بَأْسًا وَأَشَدُّ تَنْكِيلًا [٤:٨٤]

Then fight in Allah's cause - Thou art held responsible only for thyself - and incite the believers ( to fight with you). It may be that Allah will restrain the fury of the Unbelievers; for Allah is the strongest in might and in punishment. An-nisaa 3:84

Although this is not jihad, as it were, I am relying heavily on the same principles. It is a legitimate struggle and I intend to incite you (the believers) to help in this struggle. It maybe that Allah will restrain America’s audacity to lay its hands open our Lady folk again.

I also hope that it has more far reaching consequence. Like Pakistan realizing the true ugliness and threat that America poses and handling them accordingly.

Insha’allah and Allahu ‘alam

Listen to this radio broadcast from America

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I got this email from peace for justice foundation... This case is so upsetting

11006 Veirs Mill Rd, STE L-15, PMB 298
Silver Spring, MD. 20902​

March 9, 2010


AN EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION FOR DR. AAFIA SIDDIQUI HAS BEEN CALLED FOR MARCH 20 IN WASHINGTON, DC - in concert with the nationwide anti-war mobilization led by the ANSWER Coalition - for reasons stated below.
(Logistical details for this mobilization will soon be forthcoming, insha'Allah.)

Aafia's "Privileges" Suspended Indefinitely

The government has once again clamped down on Dr. Aafia Siddiqui's ability to communicate with the outside world. She presently has no visitation from family or friends, no access to the 15-minute telephone call she was previously allowed to make to her family once per month; Aafia's mail "privileges" have been rescinded, and even access to reading material has reportedly been cut.

Please write the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York (at the address below) to express your concern over this latest deliberate assault on the mental health of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.

These punitive measures were imposed on Aafia after the US Attorneys Office contacted the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) on February 3, 2010, to express the following concern:

"Immediately following her February 3, 2010 conviction, Inmate Siddiqui made statements that could jeopardize the safety, security, or good order of the institution , or the protection of the public (in other words, they are affraid of the Pakistan's public reaction if detail of her torture come to light)."

With this lame justification we are reminded of the words of the French philosopher Voltaire: "Those who can make us believe absurdities can also cause us to commit atrocities."

Plan to join us at the U.S. Department of Justice for a one hour mobilization on Saturday, March 20. Insha'Allah, we will deliver a petition to the office of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, regarding Dr. Aafia Siddiqui and a host of other Muslim political prisoners who are being held under draconian conditions in different parts of America.

you can send your own personal letter of protest regarding Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, to the following:
US Attorney's Office, Southern District of New York
ATTN: Preet Bharara
1 Street Andrews Plaza
New York City, NY 10007​

But of course the Americans are not listening - we are only Pakistanis

They are probably raping her or abusing her in prison, only time when these son's of satan do such things. Pakistani people need to stand up for her cause.

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They are probably raping her or abusing her in prison, only time when these son's of satan do such things. Pakistani people need to stand up for her cause.

No doubt

The American nation has a lot of sexually deviants. Sex and fornication with strangers is truly not a big deal or an explosive topic for them (No personal offense intended)- Now is you leave an American male alone with a defenseless Muslim women, tantalizing evil ideas mold plans and justifications for any type treatment. They would use and abuse because they KNOW that no one will EVERY come to her aid. Thus is the case of our sister Aafia

America will just keep doing what it wants, After all Muslims are just terrorist

I will tell you now brother, i am deeply disturb by Aafia sidduiqi's situation
No doubt

The American nation has a lot of sexually deviants. Sex and fornication with strangers is truly not a big deal or an explosive topic for them (No personal offense intended)- Now is you leave an American male alone with a defenseless Muslim women, tantalizing evil ideas mold plans and justifications for any type treatment. They would use and abuse because they KNOW that no one will EVERY come to her aid. Thus is the case of our sister Aafia

America will just keep doing what it wants, After all Muslims are just terrorist

I will tell you now brother, i am deeply disturb by Aafia sidduiqi's situation

I think every muslim except the corrupt ones are disturbed by this. But what is to be done, we are what we do :~(
I think every muslim except the corrupt ones are disturbed by this. But what is to be done, we are what we do :~(

I think there are many things we CAN do but are unwilling, afraid or in doubt to do... Now, i have always considered organized protest a waste of time... however this time i think it is the most effective way to help Aafia. The American and Pakistan government are hope that this issue will die down. If we let them know that this is unacceptable, and we threaten America's plans for Pakistan by creating a PUBLIC environment for hostility toward them, "they may give the dog a bone" ie. release aafia to calm things down for them in Pakistan where there only hope lays in defeating the Taliban. They desperately need to be perceived as the good guys.

So the hope would be the Government ACTUALLY demands it's citizens return. or else? of course this is assuming that the current government is not an entire puppet.

In the least we will give Pakistan government hesitation, with regarding to kidnapping Pakistani women and handed them over to hostile nations.
I think there are many things we CAN do but are unwilling, afraid or in doubt to do... Now, i have always considered organized protest a waste of time... however this time i think it is the most effective way to help Aafia. The American and Pakistan government are hope that this issue will die down. If we let them know that this is unacceptable, and we threaten America's plans for Pakistan by creating a PUBLIC environment for hostility toward them, "they may give the dog a bone" ie. release aafia to calm things down for them in Pakistan where there only hope lays in defeating the Taliban. They desperately need to be perceived as the good guys.

So the hope would be the Government ACTUALLY demands it's citizens return. or else? of course this is assuming that the current government is not an entire puppet.

In the least we will give Pakistan government hesitation, with regarding to kidnapping Pakistani women and handed them over to hostile nations.

In summary if we threaten the establishment / the Status-Quo with our sincere outrage and a little public disorder (i am not talking about burning bazars and killing each other) then maybe, JUST MAYBE the government will feel fear Pakistan's people and act in conjunction with our wish, rather than fearing America and acting for them.
But it would be better for them to fear Allah

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny"
Papers of Thomas Jefferson
Deputy high commisioner in London was given a tough time in this matter by students at LSE (London School of Economics) when he gave a speech there. maybe we should spread this to every university and make it a global issue as a prisoner of conscious.

In summary if we threaten the establishment / the Status-Quo with our sincere outrage and a little public disorder (i am not talking about burning bazars and killing each other) then maybe, JUST MAYBE the government will feel fear Pakistan's people and act in conjunction with our wish, rather than fearing America and acting for them.
But it would be better for them to fear Allah

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny"
Papers of Thomas Jefferson
Deputy high commisioner in London was given a tough time in this matter by students at LSE (London School of Economics) when he gave a speech there. maybe we should spread this to every university and make it a global issue as a prisoner of conscious.

yes - but unfortunately too many people are content in grumbling about this issue in private circles, rather than public platforms. I mean consider the fact of a topic about bollywood and lollywood stars would get more hits and replies in Pakistani forums. Yet day by day sister Aafia AND those like her are condemned to a box for life.

and even now it is only me and you going back and forth on the matter- where are Pakistan patriots - where are the secular activists - where are the "fundamentalists"?
yes - but unfortunately too many people are content in grumbling about this issue in private circles, rather than public platforms. I mean consider the fact of a topic about bollywood and lollywood stars would get more hits and replies in Pakistani forums. Yet day by day sister Aafia AND those like her are condemned to a box for life.

and even now it is only me and you going back and forth on the matter- where are Pakistan patriots - where are the secular activists - where are the "fundamentalists"?

Brother let me tell you what the secular activists are doing in Dr Afia case.

1. The most favourit of Indians and many Neo liberal Pakistani sold out people Mr NFP has written articles in dawn website criticising Dr Afia and defending the injustices done to her by US.

he stooped too low to the level that he said oh why Pakistanis are proptetsing in favour of Afia.

2. Under the US funds these papers have totaly blocked opinion/opinion letters which condemned the injustice to Dr Afia.

3. Our so-called religious mullas from different organisations have a plenty of time to create their accounts on Facebook but never had the balls to come on street and protest for Dr Afia.
the government and our "religious leaders" need to wake up and do their jobs - protect the people of Pakistan and their interest is paramount ... instead they are siiting on thrones of prestige. reaping what ever crums of "benefit" fall from the palte of America.

Brother, like abdullah said, just spread the word... insha'allah the citerzens of pakistan can force change.

Brother let me tell you what the secular activists are doing in Dr Afia case.

1. The most favourit of Indians and many Neo liberal Pakistani sold out people Mr NFP has written articles in dawn website criticising Dr Afia and defending the injustices done to her by US.

he stooped too low to the level that he said oh why Pakistanis are proptetsing in favour of Afia.

2. Under the US funds these papers have totaly blocked opinion/opinion letters which condemned the injustice to Dr Afia.

3. Our so-called religious mullas from different organisations have a plenty of time to create their accounts on Facebook but never had the balls to come on street and protest for Dr Afia.
I have used this as a chain mail and I hope you don't mind Abdullah! May allah reward you for your goodness!


Updates Regarding Aafia Siddiqui's Treatment

The intention of my posting this topic is only to "spread the word" regarding our sister Aafia's plight. I realize that many of us are not in a position to help her directly or even indirectly, but the hope is that if word spreads, it will reach those Muslim in and out of Pakistan with the will and opportunity to help her cause.

The American government, spy agencies and military forces are beasts and history testifies to this fact. Thus, therefore, hence and ergo I detest to see their savagery unleashed upon the Ummah of Muhammad (salallahu 'alayhi wa salam). That said I am not anti-American and I do not subscribe to raising the flag of any nation. There are only two recognizable flags: the flag of Allah and the flag of shaytaan, and the people of Pakistan are under the flag of Allah ta ‘ala.

Please, please do not keep your anger bottle up inside about Aafias situation, discuss it, rant about it, debate it, cry about it and spread the word about it. Our best chance for Aafia is that the people of Pakistan pressure the government of Pakistan to ACTUALLY act on Aafia’s behalf. Lay siege on them, until they act in the best interest of Pakistan and its people rather than America its people.

What America has done to Aafia, it has been doing to Muslims men for so long now, including the rape. And Although I have always sympathized for their male victims, as far as I have been concerned, they were MEN. But now our women are not spare their tender touch and this can absolutely not be tolerated. Sister Aafia Siddiqui is not the first, but she is the first with a face and I cannot sleep soundly at night with her visage in my mind and nor should any Muslim.

It Maybe Allah subhanahu wa ta ala’s test for Aafia to endure what she has endured. To endure being handed over to an enemy, by her own Muslim brothers and countrymen. To endure dirty American soldiers & interrogators force themselves upon her one after another or at the same time. To endure their skin contact on her belly and back, while they exercising their lusts upon her. To endure constant threatening of the same fate happening with her children if she dare resists or refuses to cooperate. To endure the false promises of freedom, only to be snatch away as a means of manipulation by sadistic minds. To endure being brought out of the darkness of American dungeons, only to emerge into the light of kangaroo courts and a kangaroo justice system. To endure returning to the confinement from which she hope to escape only to be violated further and OFFICIALLY with daily body cavity searches.

Yes! Allah maybe testing Aafia with these harsh conditions, But it is most assuredly our test to free Aafia.
“By any means necessary” Malcolm X

So please brother and sister in Islam, spread the word. Allah says in Quran:

فَقَاتِلْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ لَا تُكَلَّفُ إِلَّا نَفْسَكَ ۚ وَحَرِّضِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ۖ عَسَى اللَّهُ أَنْ يَكُفَّ بَأْسَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا ۚ وَاللَّهُ أَشَدُّ بَأْسًا وَأَشَدُّ تَنْكِيلًا [٤:٨٤]

Then fight in Allah's cause - Thou art held responsible only for thyself - and incite the believers ( to fight with you). It may be that Allah will restrain the fury of the Unbelievers; for Allah is the strongest in might and in punishment. An-nisaa 3:84

Although this is not jihad, as it were, I am relying heavily on the same principles. It is a legitimate struggle and I intend to incite you (the believers) to help in this struggle. It maybe that Allah will restrain America’s audacity to lay its hands open our Lady folk again.

I also hope that it has more far reaching consequence. Like Pakistan realizing the true ugliness and threat that America poses and handling them accordingly.

Insha’allah and Allahu ‘alam

Check this out

Search for Dr Aafia’s daughter yields startling results

Source: The Daily Times


  • International NGOs stumble upon a dozen incarcerated non-Afghan girls
  • DNA tests fail to turn up missing Mariam
  • Pak govt asks Afghan, US authorities to aid search
  • Govt trying to ensure Aafia serves out sentence back home

By Saeed Minhas

ISLAMABAD: During efforts to trace Dr Aafia Siddiqui’s missing 11-year-old daughter Mariam, international organisations have stumbled upon nearly a dozen juvenile girls who have been languishing in several Afghan jails, sources privy to the search told Daily Times on Tuesday.

Not much is known about these girls, and most are referred to by the numbers allotted to them, just like Dr Aafia was. Sources said that during their visits to some of the jails, they requested the authorities to transfer these girls out of captivity to a safer place because the harsh environment in these prisons might “ruin their lives”.

Daily Times also learnt that DNA tests of three girls aged between 11 and 12 – who did not appear to be Afghans – were conducted in an attempt to find Mariam, but the tests came back negative.

However, sources said a number of international NGOs working on child trafficking and human rights, have been contacted by the Pakistani government to try and locate Mariam in other jails in Afghanistan. Islamabad has also contacted the Afghan government and the US CENTCOM to cooperate with the NGOs in this regard.

Mariam is the second child of Dr Aafia and was only three-and-a-half-years old when she, her five-year-old brother Ahmed, six-month-old baby brother Suleman and their mother were picked up from outside their Karachi home by US Marines and local police in 2003, according to Dr Aafia’s friends and family members.

Following the verdict of a US jury in the Dr Aafia’s case, Hussain Haqqani, Pakistan’s ambassador to US, has personally apologised to the family for the unfortunate decision and has promised to recover the missing child, family sources said. They also revealed that Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani had also said that he would see to it that Dr Aafia spent her prison time in Pakistan.

But various legal experts and officials of the foreign and interior ministries have now confirmed that in the absence of a prisoner exchange treaty between the US and Pakistan, bringing Dr Aafia back would only be possible on ‘humanitarian grounds’, provided the US agreed to the request.

Diplomatic sources have also told Daily Times that her repatriation would only be possible if Dr Aafia agreed to maintain her silence and issue no statements regarding her arrest and subsequent treatment during captivity in Afghanistan and US. They held that since the issue had become very sensitive for both the US and Pakistan, certain UK lobbyists had stepped in to ask the US to repatriate Dr Aafia to serve out the rest of her prison term in Pakistan. These mediators have also assured that she will maintain her silence while in Pakistan and there would be no cause for embarrassment for any concerned party. Ironically, these sources also revealed that throughout the Dr Aafia Siddiqui’s trial, Pakistan never officially asked for her release or repatriation to Pakistan, and that even now, Pakistan has to officially seek her repatriation before the current US administration starts thinking about it.

By Saeed Minhas

This is absolutely disgusting, what good is life, if the Ummah of Muhammad (saw) and it's children are to live their lives as play things for America. They used to treat Vietnam as their personal whore house. Now they are using the honorable Islamic emirate of Afghanistan for this purpose, while shipping in Muslim women like Aafia and her children from Pakistan and elsewhere to practice their torture techniques and provide pleasurable entertainment for their troops. When will this stop. when will our government grow a back bone and tell the American kuffaar: "enough, is enough, Pakistan cannot and will tolerate your agenda".

Unfortunately most likely it will be my mother or sister or daughter next. Or maybe yours.


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