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Update: Two soldiers killed, eight others injured following a wild fire at a sniper firing range

Were snipers wearing petrol soaked grass??? How can such flames be so deadly that snipers did not even got time to do the counter measures? :tsk:
Not really, not everything that your soldier are facing on the LOC is being revealed by ispr, its going the kargil way, 10 years after they admitted thousands of casualties.

Kargil? Sure, i d take the ground results of Kargil minus the air battle and political environment of those days. If theres one thing that has changed in our favor since Kargil, its the capability of PAF and your IAF knows it. Our ground forces, inspite of the overwhelming numerical superiority have always been traditionally more than capable of whooping some banya ***. That i am more than confident about. So yeah, why not.
Kargil? Sure, i d take the ground results of Kargil minus the air battle and political environment of those days. If theres one thing that has changed in our favor since Kargil, its the capability of PAF and your IAF knows it. Our ground forces, inspite of the overwhelming numerical superiority have always been traditionally more than capable of whooping some banya ***. That i am more than confident about. So yeah, why not.

They were holding advantageous heights still went down like a bunch of you know what:lol: had it been the Indian army holding them the pakistani army couldn't have recaptured those post even in her dreams, remember siachin ops of 84? just a handful of our infantrymen were too much for the number one in the world ssg. Kargil was nothing but an attempt to do what Indian army did in 84 by the pakistani army. But there was just one problem, to do such ops you need an army like India's, anything lesser just wont do.
They were holding advantageous heights still went down like a bunch of you know what:lol: had it been the Indian army holding them the pakistani army couldn't have recaptured those post even in her dreams, remember siachin ops of 84? just a handful of our infantrymen were too much for the number one in the world ssg. Kargil was nothing but an attempt to do what Indian army did in 84 by the pakistani army. But there was just one problem, to do such ops you need an army like India's, anything lesser just wont do.

Hahaha ! You lost me at the 'you need an army like india' :rofl::rofl::rofl: seriously?! SEEIOUSLY?! Are you sure you are not intoxicated?! You mean the same army which keeps killing 'itself' ;) ? You are a cute little baniya :no: boi, more than HALF your army is in Kashmir yet PA has been pounding it AT WILL. But hey, by 'bollogic' anything is possible :-).
Update: Two soldiers killed, eight others injured following a wild fire at a sniper firing range. Dry leaves and grass near muzzle caught fire due to spark. —Indian Media
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