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Untouchability Came To India From Outside: RSS Leader

Yes !!! The gods of Hinduism, are derived from mythologies, although the Vedic Aryans god (Abrahamic cousins) is the monotheistic Brahman (Universal Being) - all the upanisads speak of Brahman e.g Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 5.1 (Yajur Veda) gives the definition of Brahman. Veda based philosophies such as advaita and dvaita are monotheistic


Brahman is without any Characteristics

But not the Abrahamic God..The Abrahamic God loves, gets angry, sends his wrath ..It has a Personality eventhough it has no form

Brahman has neither personality nor form

Brahman is more like inert ...It is there, all encompassing but it is not personal...It of the Nature of Consciousness

That is our only link to Brahman--Our Underlying Consciousness

The best way to define Brahman is that it is that what you experience in dreamless sleep

Absolutely Nothing

Of course Buddha thought that's a faulty approach and modified Brahman as the 3rd and 4th Arupa Jhanas of deep Meditation

3rd Arupa Jhana: Realm of Nothingness
4th Arupa Jhana: Realm of Neither Perception nor Non Perception
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Now who is going to expound Hinduism to people at that level of lack of knowledge?

It is probable, as @manlion has phrased it rather summarily, that most of India spoke a set of Dravidian languages. The new Indo-Aryan language replaced it, moving from the north-west to the east, along the Indus and the Ganges river basins, unable to cross the Vindhya mountains in the first instance, and leaving large swathes of Tibeto-Burmese languages in the hills. interleaved with variations of the Indo-Aryan language group.

That left the whole stretch of the Deccan and of the deep south still speaking Dravidian.

We have the group consisting of Telugu and Kannada, in those stretches now formed as political states as Seemandhra, Telangana and Karnataka, and the group consisting of Tamil, and its recent break-away, Malayalam, in Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry and Kerala and the other former French enclaves in Kerala. There are others, for instance, Tulu, but I am deliberately not reproducing the language tree for this group of languages in this brief note.

Underlying all of these, the descendants of Indo-Aryan in the north, descended from eastern and western Prakrit in terms of the current modern languages, and the formal language formed by placing Indo-Aryan from Vedic times in strict grammatical order and named Sanskrit, and the descendants of the Dravidian languages represented by the languages listed for the south (there are several more, but these are the significant ones), there is a layer of an even older stratum, of Mundari.

Basically ....




Fair to olive outsiders


Wheatish to dark to very dark insiders

Even more basically

Indians are not a single ace if people as the Hindutva nuts would have us believe who populated central Asia to Europe.

No human migration happens from fertike alluvial valleys and plains criss crossed by major river systems and dense I forests to barren steppes and icy cold mountains and deserts. Especially not when you first need to cross massive mountain ranges to first get out.

Cheers, Doc

You should try fasting like a Muslim one of these days. It's not that hard ... Lol

I eat with Muslims religiously each year when they are fasting.

Does that count?

Cheers, Doc
What is your opinion about Krishna and Mother kali? They are as dark as they come, darkness of their skin is highly appreciated, celebrated and revered by Hindus. I am sorry to say but what you are insinuating here is completely wrong, don't believe anything propagated by semi-educated wannabe leftists and btw I am no Hindu, you can ask any older member here even Joe sir.

How are you doing sir?

Over time Hinduism assimilated native forest tribal and Dravid deities and Gods, as Vedic deities and Gods started being worshipped across the south as well.

It's quite obvious when you look at murtis of northern and southern deities in temples that are more regional than generic pan Hindu.

Cheers, Doc
Over time Hinduism assimilated native forest tribal and Dravid deities and Gods, as Vedic deities and Gods started being worshipped across the south as well.

It's quite obvious when you look at murtis of northern and southern deities in temples that are more regional than generic pan Hindu.

Cheers, Doc
You sir perhaps did not get my point, I am not denying the assimilation. Today Hinduism is an umbrella term for hundreds of native religions, hence you see striking differences in Hindu rituals in different regions. I completely agree with you on that.

However in your previous post, the one I quoted, you hinted that Vedic Hindus were some kind of early white supremacist, which is a complete falsehood and ridiculous on so many levels. You being such a highly educated person should refrain from making straw man arguments like this which you can not backup with proper source and evidence.
You sir perhaps did not get my point, I am not denying the assimilation. Today Hinduism is an umbrella term for hundreds of native religions, hence you see striking differences in Hindu rituals in different regions. I completely agree with you on that.

However in your previous post, the one I quoted, you hinted that Vedic Hindus were some kind of early white supremacist, which is a complete falsehood and ridiculous on so many levels. You being such a highly educated person should refrain from making straw man arguments like this which you can not backup with proper source and evidence.

I'm afraid I am not wrong.

The brahmins and their sword arms the Kshatriya (both the originals well as the later day assimilated Agni Kula imports).

You think northies are not racist towards darker southies? You think southies do not recognise that at a basic level, even though today Hindutva nuts will mouth platitudes of Hindu oneness?

Come on ....

Cheers, Doc
The only true fasting is complete water fasting for anything between 3 to 28 days..The way how modern vegans, health freaks and New Agers do...

Every other kind of religious fasting is a joke

I personally can pull off 3.5-4 days
28 days o_O
death in 5-10 days without water
I'm afraid I am not wrong.

The brahmins and their sword arms the Kshatriya (both the originals well as the later day assimilated Agni Kula imports).

You think northies are not racist towards darker southies? You think southies do not recognise that at a basic level, even though today Hindutva nuts will mouth platitudes of Hindu oneness?

Come on ....

Cheers, Doc
Good lord!! racism is everywhere, from Alaska to Russia from Chili to Papua new Guinia, So India is no exception. I am seriously not getting where you are going with this. Racism comes from assimilation, Iranians today are extremely racist towards Arabs, I am sure you know the names they use to call Arabs, does that mean they somehow inherited that racism from Zoroastrianism or early Zoroastrians ? You get it now how ludicrous it sounds?

PS: I did not mean to offend you by bringing your religion into this debate, my sincere apologies if you find it offensive.
As 2019 election is inching along, you people will hear many such lies of BJP and its allied forces.
I'm really shocked how they making things up and lying. And their hypocrisy is unprecedented. If that was the case, then why do they not ban this practice legally. That's just political stunt but in that they fooling the foolish people even more.
Good lord!! racism is everywhere, from Alaska to Russia from Chili to Papua new Guinia, So India is no exception. I am seriously not getting where you are going with this. Racism comes from assimilation, Iranians today are extremely racist towards Arabs, I am sure you know the names they use to call Arabs, does that mean they somehow inherited that racism from Zoroastrianism or early Zoroastrians ? You get it now how ludicrous it sounds?

PS: I did not mean to offend you by bringing your religion into this debate, my sincere apologies if you find it offensive.

No offense felt at all.

Persians (Zorastrian and pre Zoroastrian Mithraic) have always been extremely racist towards Semitic people (both Jews and Arabs) for thousands of years.

It is not a recent phenomenon.

They've ruled lands and peoples across large parts of Asia up till Europe. But this racism was reserved mainly for the Arabs, who have always been seen as lesser people, primitive, savage.

Not much has changed there racially.

Cheers, Doc
I'm really shocked how they making things up and lying. And their hypocrisy is unprecedented. If that was the case, then why do they not ban this practice legally. That's just political stunt but in that they fooling the foolish people even more.

India is a land of sheeple. Dont you find many here on PDF? How many of them love and follow Modi blindly, despite he being a dishonest and a crook?

These kind of people can never propel India to newer heights:

Look at them:

No offense felt at all.

Persians (Zorastrian and pre Zoroastrian Mithraic) have always been extremely racist towards Semitic people (both Jews and Arabs) for thousands of years.

It is not a recent phenomenon.

They've ruled lands and peoples across large parts of Asia up till Europe. But this racism was reserved mainly for the Arabs, who have always been seen as lesser people, primitive, savage.

Not much has changed there racially.

Cheers, Doc

Please shed light on pre-Zoroastrian Mithraic religion...Is the name of Mazda car company related to Ahura Mazda? Mazda is the only Japanese car company to ever win the 24 hours of Le Mans..that too with an unusual rotary engine
HYDERABAD: Senior Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leader Krishna Gopal today claimed the practice of untouchability didn't exist in ancient India and it came from outside over the last thousand years.

"Jab maine maana insan mein Brahma, Vishnu aur Shiv hain (When I believe (as a Hindu) that there is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv in humans), then why discriminate? This (tradition of) discrimination came in the last thousand years. There was no such thing as the untouchability in this country (before that)," he said.

"Our Vedic rishis never mentioned this. Where did it come from? It came from outside," Mr Gopal claimed.

Addressing Sangh volunteers here on the Vijayadashmi Utsav organised by the Sangh, the joint general secretary of RSS said no person living in "our streets, our towns can be untouchable".

"A Hindu thinks of the well-being of everyone. We never say if you do not listen to us you will go to the hell. We follow 'Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah' (let everybody be happy)," he said.

"No person is small...All are equal."

Mr Gopal called on the RSS volunteers to reach out to all sections of the society and eradicate all forms of discrimination.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, when he was the chairman of Minorities Commission, had opposed religion-based reservations, he claimed.

The RSS leader also said that due to the relentless work of Sangh volunteers "today we see Independence Day and Republic Day being celebrated openly in the Northeastern states that have been suffering violence of separatists forces for long".

RSS members have sacrificed their lives in the face of anti-national forces, he said.

In Kerala, over 400 RSS volunteers have been killed, he said, adding that in the last one year alone, over 35 volunteers were killed in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnatak


I think the noble Hindutva means Mars ... it came from Mars.
What's next? Rape Culture came from outside too?
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