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Unprecedented: Gov’t to allow Muslims from West Bank, Gaza to observe Ramadan on Temple Mount!


Aug 19, 2014
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Unprecedented: Gov’t to allow Muslims from West Bank, Gaza to observe Ramadan on Temple Mount

As part of policy to improve Palestinians' quality of life, hundreds permitted to visit families in territories, overseas, and attend Friday prayers at Al-Aksa Mosque.


Muslims pray at Temple Mount. (photo credit:REUTERS)

In an unprecedented move, the Defense Ministry announced on Tuesday that it will permit hundreds of Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip to visit family members, and enter Jerusalem to observe Friday prayers on the Temple Mount during the month of Ramadan.

The decision was made based on the recommendation of IDF Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot as part of the policy to improve the quality of life for the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the ministry said.

In a statement issued one day before the holiday commences – and after weeks of security preparations by the IDF and government officers – the Defense Ministry’s Spokesman’s Unit announced a series of historic steps to ease restrictive traveling policies for Ramadan.

“For the first time, the arrival of worshipers will be allowed via bus directly from the city centers to the Temple Mount,” said Major-General Yoav Mordechai. “The IDF will allow the entry of all Palestinians, men and women without a special permit, with the exception of men between the ages of 30 to 40.

“The departure of 500 residents from Judea and Samaria abroad via Ben Gurion Airport has been confirmed, and 500 families from the Gaza Strip have been approved to visit residents of Judea and Samaria,” he added.

Moreover, Mordechai announced extended hours of operation for border crossings.

“For the first time, 200 families from Gaza have been approved to visit residents in the West Bank during Ramadan and the Eid-al-Fitr holiday,” the statement said, adding that 800 Palestinians from Gaza have been approved to attend Friday prayers on the Temple Mount.

“In addition, the entry of 300 Palestinians living abroad to visit relatives living in the Gaza Strip has been approved,” the statement continued.
Unprecedented: Gov’t to allow Muslims from West Bank, Gaza to observe Ramadan on Temple Mount - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post

So once again we have these "evil" and "bad" Zionists trying to ease travel restrictions for Palestinians during the Holy Month of Ramadan. This unprecedented move is frustrating enough for the far-right religious element of the Jewish society which itself is barred from entering the Mount (holiest site in Judaism) due to fear of excessive violence by the Palestinians!
Now all we have to do is just wait and see how these peaceful Palestinians respond to easing of travel restrictions on the Mount. I wouldn't be surprised if more calls for violent Jihad and martyrdom against the Jews are issued from Al-Aqsa Mosque during Friday Sermons in this summer heat. Hawkish Muslim clerics would then deem such appeasing moves by the Israeli government as a sign of "weakness" and historic opportunity to "liberate" stolen land. This would thus result in confrontation with the IDF, more violence and deaths of Palestinians, which obviously would be blamed again on Israel by the international community! So no matter what Israeli government does, good or bad for the Palestinians, its always at fault. LOL! :D :D :D

@Derolo @Archdemon @Natan @500 @MarkovChain @Solomon2 @F-15I @Cohen1984 @LeveragedBuyout @TankMan @Akheilos @Zarvan @ResurgentIran @The SiLent crY @Akheilos @Umair Nawaz @scythian500 @raptor22 @Bamxa @mohsen @Hussein @haman10 @Albatross @libertad @rahi2357 @Malik Alashter @Tridibans @Kiarash
Good step. Lets hope the trouble makers don't ruin it.
few days earlier:
PressTV-Netanyahu approves allocation of funds for settlement activities
During his cabinet’s weekly meeting, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has allocated around 26 million dollars for the settlement activities in the compound of al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem al-Quds. The Palestinian Liberation Organization has demanded immediate interference by the EU countries to force Israel stop settlement activities. Our correspondent Mona Kandil has the story.

a thief who occupies and stoles Palestinian's properties and then wants to let them have a visit there. such a generous thief.
Firstly, there's no such thing called Temple Mount. It doesn't exist. It's imaginary temple that they claim lies right over several mosques there. At the time of Solomon or something like that. Secondly, few hundred means couple hundred from West Bank(people who live there not allowed to go even though east jerusalem is occuipped Palestinian territory). And then few dozen from Gaza out of 2 million plus population. This isn't gesture, this is controlled occupation.

Which is why article states it's move done to 'improve Palestinian quality of life'. This statement implies Israeli control which it enforces military. We don't need them to 'improve our quality of life', trust me our life will be improved by us on our own once they end the occupation of our territories and withdraw to their borders.
You can believe what you want but reality is starkly different.
Doesn't matter what US says. Israel exercises complete sovereignty over entire Jerusalem since 6-day war and there is nothing whining Muslims can do anything about it :D :D :D

Firstly, there's no such thing called Temple Mount. It doesn't exist. It's imaginary temple that they claim lies right over several mosques there
Right and Palestinians like yourself also do not EXIST. ALL your claims to Palestine are false as well. Thank Goodness!!! :D :D :D
Doesn't matter what US says. Israel exercises complete sovereignty over entire Jerusalem since 6-day war and there is nothing whining Muslims can do anything about it :D :D :D

Right and Palestinians like yourself also do not EXIST. ALL your claims to Palestine are false as well. Thank Goodness!!! :D :D :D
Exactly when you don't have legal rights why you exercise power something.

Temple mount is already underr Muslim control so no special favor by israel every year Muslim were used to overcome all obstacles and gather there during Ramadan this year IDF may not put up obstacles etc that's that nothing specially nice of israel.
Insight #175 -- Temple Mount Control
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Temple mount is already underr Muslim control
Moshe Dayan, that stupid Israeli General that captured Al-Quds from Jordanian occupation, gave Temple Mount "back" to those who lost it in the first place. So Israeli flag flew only a couple of hours on the Mount before it was taken down as a "goodwill" gesture. Since then, Israel has been practicing these measures without any success. Here is his historic address upon reaching the Holiest Site in Judaism:
To our Arab neighbors we extend, especially at this hour, the hand of peace. To members of the other religions, Christians and Muslims, I hereby promise faithfully that their full freedom and all their religious rights will be preserved. We did not come to Jerusalem to conquer the Holy Places of others.
1967: Reunification of Jerusalem

What a retard :D :D :D
@Norwegian as a gesture of peace lovin' I'll allow you to visit your home from now on.

Im that much generous.

I think we should appreciate Israelis for this gesture.
Thats so messed up bro.

They close the tap on us then after 50 years we appreciate them for giving us a glass of water.

We're spoiled. We're played with

We're stupid
@Norwegian as a gesture of peace lovin' I'll allow you to visit your home from now on.

Im that much generous.

Thats so messed up bro.

They close the tap on us then after 50 years we appreciate them for giving us a glass of water.

We're spoiled. We're played with

We're stupid
AH! haman haman for a country like israel its a big thing from their standards. I think from their POV who even dont hesitate burying children alive, i think thats a big thing.
Unprecedented: Gov’t to allow Muslims from West Bank, Gaza to observe Ramadan on Temple Mount

As part of policy to improve Palestinians' quality of life, hundreds permitted to visit families in territories, overseas, and attend Friday prayers at Al-Aksa Mosque.


Muslims pray at Temple Mount. (photo credit:REUTERS)

In an unprecedented move, the Defense Ministry announced on Tuesday that it will permit hundreds of Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip to visit family members, and enter Jerusalem to observe Friday prayers on the Temple Mount during the month of Ramadan.

The decision was made based on the recommendation of IDF Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot as part of the policy to improve the quality of life for the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the ministry said.

In a statement issued one day before the holiday commences – and after weeks of security preparations by the IDF and government officers – the Defense Ministry’s Spokesman’s Unit announced a series of historic steps to ease restrictive traveling policies for Ramadan.

“For the first time, the arrival of worshipers will be allowed via bus directly from the city centers to the Temple Mount,” said Major-General Yoav Mordechai. “The IDF will allow the entry of all Palestinians, men and women without a special permit, with the exception of men between the ages of 30 to 40.

“The departure of 500 residents from Judea and Samaria abroad via Ben Gurion Airport has been confirmed, and 500 families from the Gaza Strip have been approved to visit residents of Judea and Samaria,” he added.

Moreover, Mordechai announced extended hours of operation for border crossings.

“For the first time, 200 families from Gaza have been approved to visit residents in the West Bank during Ramadan and the Eid-al-Fitr holiday,” the statement said, adding that 800 Palestinians from Gaza have been approved to attend Friday prayers on the Temple Mount.

“In addition, the entry of 300 Palestinians living abroad to visit relatives living in the Gaza Strip has been approved,” the statement continued.
Unprecedented: Gov’t to allow Muslims from West Bank, Gaza to observe Ramadan on Temple Mount - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post

So once again we have these "evil" and "bad" Zionists trying to ease travel restrictions for Palestinians during the Holy Month of Ramadan. This unprecedented move is frustrating enough for the far-right religious element of the Jewish society which itself is barred from entering the Mount (holiest site in Judaism) due to fear of excessive violence by the Palestinians!
Now all we have to do is just wait and see how these peaceful Palestinians respond to easing of travel restrictions on the Mount. I wouldn't be surprised if more calls for violent Jihad and martyrdom against the Jews are issued from Al-Aqsa Mosque during Friday Sermons in this summer heat. Hawkish Muslim clerics would then deem such appeasing moves by the Israeli government as a sign of "weakness" and historic opportunity to "liberate" stolen land. This would thus result in confrontation with the IDF, more violence and deaths of Palestinians, which obviously would be blamed again on Israel by the international community! So no matter what Israeli government does, good or bad for the Palestinians, its always at fault. LOL! :D :D :D

@Derolo @Archdemon @Natan @500 @MarkovChain @Solomon2 @F-15I @Cohen1984 @LeveragedBuyout @TankMan @Akheilos @Zarvan @ResurgentIran @The SiLent crY @Akheilos @Umair Nawaz @scythian500 @raptor22 @Bamxa @mohsen @Hussein @haman10 @Albatross @libertad @rahi2357 @Malik Alashter @Tridibans @Kiarash
You do realize what Unprecedented means?

For the first time,
And that is how Palestinians were treated and why no one felt no pity for Israel! Thanks for showcasing that :tup:

So no matter what Israeli government does, good or bad for the Palestinians, its always at fault. LOL! :D :D :D
Heck despite how we appear to the world about our minorities even Sikh festivals become breaking news in Pakistan! And INDIAN sikhs are allowed openly and WELCOMED without WEEKS/ MONTHS of security planning and restrictions like this:

“The IDF will allow the entry of all Palestinians, men and women without a special permit, with the exception of men between the ages of 30 to 40.

NOR making it sound like the biggest gesture to india, isnt it? :pop:
Unprecedented? Before the Intifada Gazans could freely travel all over Israel and Israelis went in Gaza for shopping.
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