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"Universe Brought me To Pakistan" Female Solo Bike Traveller Converts to Islam


Mar 30, 2010
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Through kindness,& humbled grace of the people I met along my pilgrimage, inspired my heart to seek further. Living in a Muslim country for 10 + years and traveling extensively through these regions, I observed one thing; Peace. A kind of peace that one can only dream of having in their hearts. .

Unfortunately Islam is one of the most misinterpreted and criticized religions world wide. And like all religions, there are many interpretations. But, the core of it, the true meaning of Islam, is PEACE, LOVE & ONENESS. It’s not a religion, but a way of life. The life of humanity, humility and Love. .

For me, I was already technically a “Muslim”. My Shahada was basically a re-dedication of my life to the path of Oneness, connection and Peace through the devotion of God.



Think about all those surveys that rank Pakistan as happy and people wonder why. It's the peace in our hearts that faith brings. She saw that, we should recognise it too.

So many of us on this forum live comfortable lives, we're blessed with health, wealth, family, security yet at times in our lives we have been stressed. No doubt the stress comes from wanting MORE. There is nothing wrong with wanting more, but we need to recalibrate, re-assess, look at all that we do have and realise we have no reason to stress. Instead we should replace that stress with thankfulness, charity, pray for thanks, prayer for continued and increasing success. Submit to him, realise he is the giver and the taker, and just do your best. The results will take care of themselves.
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