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United Arab Emirates is taking an interest in the F-35


Sep 12, 2010
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ABU DHABI — The United Arab Emirates has expressed interest in
acquiring the Joint Strike Fighter.
Industry sources said the UAE leadership has been quietly discussing the
prospect of acquiring the F-35 fighter-jet from the United States. They said
JSF was raised by UAE officials and military officers in several forums over
the last year.

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
“The UAE wants to be part of JSF, and eventually share in technology and
co-production,” a source said.
The sources said UAE Air Force officers were briefed on the F-35 program
during IDEX-2013, which took place in Abu Dhabi in February. They said the UAE proposed becoming a regional hub for maintenance and marketing of JSF to Gulf Cooperation Council states.
“The UAE feels it’s ready for a fifth-generation fighter, which could
serve as the basis for its new aerospace sector,” the source said. “The
other planes available are considered poor alternatives.”
So far, the United States has not rejected the prospect of a UAE
procurement of the F-35. But the sources said that in recent discussions
U.S. officials and military officers stressed that existing orders could keep Abu Dhabi from acquiring JSF until at least 2020.
Over the last five years, JSF has encountered repeated delays in testing
and production. So far, Israel has been the only country outside of the
United States to order the F-35, the price of which has not been set.

United Arab Emirates is taking an interest in the F-35 | World Tribune
This is great news! The F35 needs more valued buyers.
Mean Rafale has lost out here as well for unknown reasons. or may be french demands were unrealistic as ever.
Mean Rafale has lost out here as well for unknown reasons. or may be french demands were unrealistic as ever.

If I need to Rank the present fifth gen fighters which is scheduled to enter operational service by 2025. Then I would Rank them as follows:-

1. F-22


3. F-35

4. J-20
F22 was the primary objective of UAEAF......but unfortunately its not for sale and there is no other "Operational" 5th Gen fighter of similar capabilities so best option is F35 JSF,

NOTE(after the denial of sale): As a kind gesture F22 were deployed in UAE under the joint command of UAEAF & USAF

I see excellent cooperation btwn NATO and UAE.....would love to see it as an active NATO member:smitten:

On what the UAE could contribute to the allaince as a member of the Istanbul Initiative, the official said the country is an active member in that initiative, both at the level of political dialogue as well as practical cooperation. The UAE has closely worked with the Nato for the establishment of stability and security in several regions from Bosnia, to Afghanistan, to Libya, and that its forces cooperated, with great efficiency, with Nato forces on the ground and in the air.
Better for Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan and Oman to join in any new 5th Or 6th Generation program. And Oman should increase there Airforce fleet from just few jets to 150 of them in total.
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