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Unirule.org just got banned

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Looks to be pretty harsh. The timing is pretty interesting though. Was it because he was due to receive that Milton Friedman Prize in the US? Payback for the US's protection for Chen Guangcheng maybe? Seems to follow the same hallmarks of China blocking the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation website after the Nobel prize fiasco.
Obviously all the intellectuals knows whats going on by banning Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook and Twitter tho.....

Im thinking the internet is in the "Wild West" days at the moment. Its still very much in its infancy over what power and content it can wield. Control over content and the monitoring of people is happening now in all countries whether you know it or not.Im hoping more legislation will be introduced from Europe regarding the safekeeping of personal information and the restrictions of corporations and governments.
China seems to be very paranoid over what its people knows though. Its paranoia to the extreme, but I guess if you look at the best run structures then you have to look at the military. There is no way China would be where it is at the moment within such a short period of time unless it has instituted a regime of control of the population that is very militaristic in structure.
The question is for me though, where does this leave the general populaces opinion on their ability to think independently and their outlook on the other countries in the world?
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